Stefan Ronowicz


9/11: Life Under Attack
A unique and compelling account of the day that changed the modern world, captured by ordinary people who chose to pick up their cameras and film that fateful day.
Последний отчет
Серия личных, ранее не публиковавшихся интервью, поднимающих жизненно важные вопросы об авторитете, национальной идентичности, личной роли и ответственности в величайших человеческих преступлениях мировой истории.
Warsaw: A City Divided
The history of the Warsaw Ghetto (1940-43) as seen from both sides of the wall, its legacy and its memory: new light on a tragic era of division, destruction and mass murder thanks to the testimony of survivors and the discovery of a ten-minute film shot by Polish amateur filmmaker Alfons Ziółkowski in 1941.
Площадь, новый фильм Джехана Нуджаима (Control Room; Rafea: Солнечная мама), бросает взгляд на на суровые реалии, с которыми сталкиваются изо дня в день люди, работающие для построения новой демократии в Египте.
66 Months
Over a period of six years, director James Bluemel and producer Gordon Wilson followed epileptic alcoholic Nigel (37) from Oxford, England, who managed to slip through the net of the welfare system for 66 months. Self-mutilation, alcohol, and childlike delusions mean Nigel is a vulnerable man. In the words of his social worker, "Nigel has been abused financially, sexually, and emotionally for years." She's referring to the days when, while out "in the wild," a man named Robbie took Nigel under his wings. He was like a father to Nigel, while at the same time absolutely unfit for the role of caregiver, especially because he couldn't keep his hands to himself.
Enemies of the People
The Khmer Rouge slaughtered nearly two million people in the late 1970s. Yet the Killing Fields of Cambodia remain unexplained. Until now. Enter Thet Sambath, an unassuming, yet cunning, investigative journalist who spends a decade of his life gaining the trust of the men and women who perpetrated the massacres. From the foot soldiers who slit throats to Pol Pot's right-hand man, the notorious Brother Number Two, Sambath records shocking testimony never before seen or heard. Having neglected his own family for years, Sambath's work comes at a price. But his is a personal mission. He lost his parents and his siblings in the Killing Fields. Amidst his journey to discover why his family died, we come to understand for the first time the real story of Cambodia's tragedy.
Serbian Epics
Paul Pawlikowski's award-winning documentary on life behind Serbian lines in Bosnia. The film observes the roots of the extreme nationalism which has torn apart a country and provides a chilling examination of the dangerous power of ancient nationalist myths.
Dostoevsky's Travels
Dmitri Dostoevsky, Leningrad tram driver and great-grandson of Fyodor Dostoevsky, travels to western Europe following the footsteps of his great-grandfather's own journey in 1862. Dmitri hopes his efforts will help him realise his dream of owning a Mercedes.
From Moscow to Pietushki
A look at Benedict Yerofeyev, the elusive author of the Russian underground classic From Moscow to Pietushki, who has existed on the fringes of Soviet society for most of his life.