Guy Ducker


Guy was born in suburban London in 1972, where he attended a local comprehensive. After reading English including Medieval studies at Exeter University he went into the film industry as a runner. After a year and a half he realised that running was a good way of getting nowhere fast. He made the 12 minute short film "The Typewriter" on a total budget of £12, which was enough to earn him a place at film school in Bristol. At Bristol he met Dan Rack, who has worked on all of his subsequent films as Cameraman. The Bristol course was general, but intensive. Here Guy wrote and directed some projects and edited others. He left film school with a basic knowledge of Avid editing, which proved enough to launch him straight into being a First Assistant Editor on a feature film, such knowledge being scarce at the time. Since then he worked in that capacity and occasionally as Post-Production Supervisor on more than a dozen features, ranging from BAFTA winning art movies like "The Warrior" to Hollywood studio productions such as "Calendar Girls" giving him insight into the workings of a broad range of different styles of filmmaking. Meanwhile Guy was making contacts and raising money to make further short films. These shorts included "Delusion" and, most recently, "Telling Mark" which has screened at international film festivals and been sold to HBO. His time spent in feature film cutting rooms paid off on these projects, allowing him to shoot with economy and confidence material that actually cuts together. This time also gave him access to established Producers and Directors who were generous with their help and advice, and sometimes even cash. In between short film projects Guy devoted his time to the infinitely cheaper art of script-writing. Four spec feature scripts, "Breakdown", "The Book of Dreams", "The Bridge" and "Panoptes", and a prize winning short script have led to work writing on commission.


Dark Corners
Jack Strachan, a shady ex-sports star in hiding out in Norway, is stalked by a mysterious woman he cannot identify who closely resembles his murdered wife, Veronique. Convinced of her evil intent and determined to unmask her, he forces himself to re-live the harrowing events that culminate in Veronique's brutal murder at the hands of violent associate, Karim, and confront the demons that first drove him underground.
A pair of anarchic nuns go on a road trip with a coachload of kids.
Tonight the World
Tonight the World draws from a cross-section of dream diaries kept by Martin’s grandmother, Susi Stiassni, who fled the imminent Nazi occupation of Czechoslavakia in 1938. Through five chapters, the film links as many dreams sited in Susi’s childhood home, Villa Stiassni, a modernist mansion built by Susi’s parents, who were prominent Jewish textile manufacturers in the industrial hub of Brno. Conjured in Susi’s imagination from her middle-age onwards, in the context of psychoanalysis, the dream diaries as a whole span 40 years and 40,000 dreams, but Martin’s selection focuses tightly on dreams about intruders within the Villa, recreating a narrative of threat and escape that parallels Susi’s lived experience. Retracing the legacy of her grandmother’s emotional history, Martin considers the unconscious underpinnings of intergenerational trauma, loss and resilience.
Танго Один
На что способен человек, когда под прицелом оказывается самое дорогое, его семья? Мистер Донован совсем не ангел, он ведёт нечистый бизнес, общается с опасными людьми, за каждым его шагом наблюдает полиция. Но все проблемы начинаются, когда его нерадивая жена решает изменить ему с бухгалтером. Они с любовником крадут у Донована все деньги и счастливо уезжают в закат, оставляя мужа разгребать оставленный ими бардак.
We Still Steal the Old Way
The explosive follow-up to We Still Kill The Old Way (2014). Regarded as the best in the business, The Archer Gang is an aging criminal outfit who carry out a daring robbery, but are caught mid-heist. They are sentenced to do time in Britain's toughest prison. Once inside, they encounter their old nemesis Slick Vic Farrow (Billy Murray) who is intent on murdering the gang. The old-school criminals need to use all their wits to stage a daring escape, while dodging Slick Vic, and setting in motion a chain of events which leads to an explosive prison riot.
Мона получает свою первую работу гувернантки для двух детей-сирот, проживающих в старом заброшенном доме в деревне. Фанатичное стремление перевоспитания этих почти одичавших детей переходит в навязчивую идею и не позволяет женщине заметить, что у подопечных на неё имеются другие планы...
Они вернулись
После долгого отсутствия в маленький аргентинский городок неожиданно возвращаются трое исчезнувших детей. Но это не приносит счастья жителям этого городка, наоборот в ранее спокойном городке начинают происходить страшные и странные вещи. Волна насилия и убийств накрывает город. В чем же дело, и как избежать новых жертв? Жителям городка предстоит пережить сложное и кошмарное время...
Children of the Night
Limbo centers around a secluded colony of child-vampires between the ages of 4 and 120, who were all the victims of shameless adult vampires. They are led by a formidable and deeply religious ex-nurse whose destiny in life is to find these ‘lost souls’ and raise them in her colony. Through religious teachings and rituals adapted from Catholicism, and the occasional visit to local towns for blood, she prepares the children for what God had in mind for them… creation of a new race of men through ‘natural cloning’, which amounts to being bitten by her children. However, they are neither the only colony of their kind, nor are they as secluded from the outside world as they think.
Связанные кровью
Assistant Editor
Эссекс, 1995. Небольшая группа мужчин господствует в местной преступной среде. Тони Такер, Патрик Тейт и Крейг Ролф известны, как самые страшные преступники всего юга Англии, поставщики наркотиков и рецидивисты. Но в мире, где верность постоянно испытывается, а большая удача — под угрозой, ваш самый близкий друг может быстро стать вашим злейшим врагом.
В деревушке на юге Испании разворачиваются драматические и мрачные отношения. Глава семьи выходит из тюрьмы, но для того, чтобы вернуться к нормальной жизни и преодолеть разрыв с людьми и 12-летним сыном, ему придется многим пожертвовать…
В твоё отсутствие
Тринадцатилетний Пабло — тихий сирота с довольно тёмным прошлым. Его единственная приятельница — Юлия, бесстыжая пятнадцатилетняя девушка, пытающаяся дать Пабло несколько жизненных уроков. На тихой дороге недалеко от деревни Пабло встречает Пако — странного мужчину со сломанным автомобилем…
Will is shocked when he's told that his colleague Emma has died while on holiday. He's even more surprised when he sees her walking past the window of the café in which he's sitting the next day.
Will is shocked when he's told that his colleague Emma has died while on holiday. He's even more surprised when he sees her walking past the window of the café in which he's sitting the next day.
Девочки из календаря
Assistant Editor
Хелен Миррен и Джули Уолтерс в потрясающей кинокомедии «Девочки из календаря»! Двенадцать простых членов женского клуба собирают средства на новую благотворительную акцию. Чтобы компания стала эффективной, они решают придать традиционному ежегодному календарю клуба нетрадиционный вид и на обычных фотографиях с пирожками, соковарками и букетами появляются не просто женщины, а совершенно обнаженные дамы!