Siegfried Menzel


Тот, кто рядом с тобой
Действие происходит в 1960-е годы в ГДР. Чех Мелихар направлен старшим врачом в одну берлинскую клинику, руководимую профессором Маршнером. Многие неприязненно встречают нового врача-чеха. На международном съезде хирургов в Праге в переводчице, оказавшейся женой Мелихара, профессор узнает ту девушку, которую в годы нацизма его сын эсесовец передал в гестапо, а профессор из трусости не вступился за нее. Вернувшись из Праги, профессор обо всем рассказывает Мелихару, который обвиняет его в равнодушии к людям и решает покинуть клинику. Но Маршнер, понимая, что упреки Мелихара справедливы, уговаривает его остаться.
Young Kuttel belongs to a group of working-class children who live in Berlin at the beginning of the 1930s. In the big summer holidays in 1931, the children want to make a race with their model boats and choose as a venue for the small artificial water in the park of their neighborhood. All children in the area are invited to participate in the competition. But there is a traitor among them, who tells the company to the local police officers, who in any case look with arrogance on the "Reds"...
Young Kuttel belongs to a group of working-class children who live in Berlin at the beginning of the 1930s. In the big summer holidays in 1931, the children want to make a race with their model boats and choose as a venue for the small artificial water in the park of their neighborhood. All children in the area are invited to participate in the competition. But there is a traitor among them, who tells the company to the local police officers, who in any case look with arrogance on the "Reds"...
The Beacon
Assistant Director
On a barren and stormy island, fishing families eke out a meager existence on what they can catch during summer, and what washes ashore during winter. But little has been washing ashore of late, and their situation worsens. Elders recall how twenty years ago, when the lighthouse keeper’s beacon went dark, a cargo ship broke apart on the cliffs. It proved a bountiful accident for the fishermen. Today people on the island view the conscientious lighthouse keepers with evil hungry eyes...