Jean Pierre Cornu

Рождение : 1949-03-24, Biel, Switzerland


Jean-Pierre Cornu was born in 1949 in Biel, Switzerland. He is known for his work onSternberg - Shooting Star (1988), Liegen lernen (2003) and Im Nordwind (2004).


The Master Butcher
Bankdirektor Zumbrugge
After his return from World War I, there is no more work for Fidelis in his parents' butcher shop in Swabia, Germany. To make a better life for himself and Eva, the former fiancée of a friend who fell in battle, he emigrates to Argus, a town in North Dakota, in the United States. The artist Delphine, in whom Eva will find a friend, also moves there. To relieve Eva's homesickness, Fidelis founds a singing club.
24-летний тамильский беженец Мараван — талантливый повар, который работает помощником в шикарном ресторане Цюриха. Эта должность не соответствует его высокому уровню владения экзотической кухней Шри-Ланки, но всё бы ещё ничего, если бы однажды парня не уволили. К счастью, коллега Андреа распознаёт талант беженца и объединяется с ним, чтобы открыть кейтеринг-сервис под названием «Love Food», призванный составлять «любовные меню» и готовить для пар, которым нужна реанимация отношений.
Ночной поезд до Лиссабона
Раймунд Григориус, швейцарский профессор древних языков, спасает португальскую женщину от самоубийства и находит у нее книгу, написанную португальским автором Амадеу ди Праду, о сопротивлении диктаторскому режиму Антонио ди Оливейра Салазара. Полностью поглощенный книгой главный герой посвящает свою жизнь изучению португальской истории в целом, и в часности работам Амадеу ди Праду.
Rolf Huber
Hans Brenner
Cannabis - Probieren geht über Regieren
Learning to Lie
Professor Mutter
18-year-old school boy Helmut falls in love with fellow pupil Britta. He starts working for a Peace movement to get to know Britta. Britta, however, suddenly moves to San Francisco to live with her father and whilst there, finds a new boyfriend. Helmut studies, literature and politics in his home town and have a relationship with another girl from his former school, now studying medicine at the same university but they break up after having an affair with her roommate. Helmut begins a lot of short affairs with different women but still searches for his first girl.
Sternberg - Shooting Star
Sternberg lands with his parachute in the bed of a stewardess, in the car of an airport employee and finally on a freeway service area. There he meets Harry. Harry is blind and he joins Sternberg who is looking for his Hedi. Together they land in the flat of the model married couple, Alf and Evy. With his appearance he upsets the day-to-day life of the couple.
Safari - Die Reise
reporter 2
Two young Europeans - Eva, a journalist, and her cousin, Mike, a filmmaker, want to make a film about the secret cult of the Makonde in Mozambique: "Magic Africa". On the hunt after the secret cult, Eva becomes aware of the heritage of colonialism: unemployment and civil war. Mike has only one thing in mind - to sell their travel film.