Lighting Technician
Бывшая подружка невесты Элоиза, освобожденная от своих обязанностей после того, как ее бесцеремонно бросил шафер, все же решает присутствовать на свадьбе и оказывается за столом с пятью незнакомцами. По мере развития сюжета, Элоизе начинают нравится ее соседи по столу, и она понимает, что настоящая дружба может сложиться при совершенно разных обстоятельствах.
В системе космического корабля, перевозящего колонистов на далёкую планету, происходит сбой. В результате главный герой выходит из гиперсна на 90 лет раньше положенного срока. Оставшись с перспективой стареть и умирать в одиночестве, он будит прекрасную женщину, которой такой расклад, само собой, придется не по душе...
What’s the matter with Kathy (Jordan Trovillion, Highland Park)? She’s your typical 17 year-old girl in search of something more in her life. It seems the only place she is going to find it is at Horse Camp. Her father Luke (Dean Cain, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman) recognizes that she’s got it in her blood, a sensibility in her being - she understands horses just as much as they understand her. But at Horse Camp there is much more to learn, not only about horses, but about people and the many challenges of friendship.
A group of young, hot new actors and crew move production to a new studio in a remote area of a Midwest town. Little did they know, but the killer has a score to settle when everyone on set is stranded in the remote studio with a van that has run out of gas and no cell phone service. No one is immune, not even the tree hugger, land developer or news crew covering a nearby construction project infringing on the habitat of an endangered bird species.
A group of young, hot new actors and crew move production to a new studio in a remote area of a Midwest town. Little did they know, but the killer has a score to settle when everyone on set is stranded in the remote studio with a van that has run out of gas and no cell phone service. No one is immune, not even the tree hugger, land developer or news crew covering a nearby construction project infringing on the habitat of an endangered bird species.