Jane Ji


Чарли - тучный и замкнутый профессор, который преподает онлайн-курсы письма в колледже, но держит свою веб-камеру выключенной, боясь показать свою внешность студентам. За Чарли ухаживает его медсестра и единственная подруга Лиз, которая настоятельно рекомендует ему посетить больницу, поскольку у него серьезный риск застойной сердечной недостаточности. Его также посещает Томас, миссионер церкви «Новая жизнь», который пытается проповедовать ему Евангелие. Чарли также пытался восстановить связь со своей разлученной дочерью-подростком Элли, которую он не видел восемь лет. По сценарию Сэмюэля Д. Хантера основанному на его же одноимённой пьесе.
The Chicken
On an unseasonably hot day in November, Hiro, a Japanese immigrant in New York City, decides to butcher a live chicken for dinner. While showing his visiting cousin Kei around, the pair encounter a medical emergency on the street. After they mishandle the situation and end up causing more harm than good, Hiro cannot bring himself to kill the chicken. Throughout, Kei observes his cousin’s new lifestyle as Hiro and his pregnant wife prepare for their move to Chinatown. As the day wears on, Hiro and Kei’s actions highlight how their lives are complicit in the structural violence that surrounds them.
The Chicken
Production Design
On an unseasonably hot day in November, Hiro, a Japanese immigrant in New York City, decides to butcher a live chicken for dinner. While showing his visiting cousin Kei around, the pair encounter a medical emergency on the street. After they mishandle the situation and end up causing more harm than good, Hiro cannot bring himself to kill the chicken. Throughout, Kei observes his cousin’s new lifestyle as Hiro and his pregnant wife prepare for their move to Chinatown. As the day wears on, Hiro and Kei’s actions highlight how their lives are complicit in the structural violence that surrounds them.
Дик Джонсон мёртв
Art Direction
Режиссер Кирстен Джонсон решает превратить последние дни своего отца в захватывающую комедийную постановку, чтобы помочь ему и себе самой справиться с грядущей потерей.
As They Slept
Makeup Artist
Eleanor and Margaret are childhood friends. After one semester spent apart at universities, they get together for an evening in the city, testing their friendship.
As They Slept
Production Designer
Eleanor and Margaret are childhood friends. After one semester spent apart at universities, they get together for an evening in the city, testing their friendship.
Production Design
Adah and Aaron are recovering addicts who are struggling to stay sober. After meeting in their psychoanalyst’s waiting room, they fall in love, relapse on poppers, and become the biggest assholes in New York City.
Assistant Camera
David, a sensitive 12-year-old boy, is teased and alienated by his brutish older brothers and father, until he gets a bit of vindication.