Kyle R. Adcock


Новые Деньги
First Assistant Camera
Фильм рассказывает историю молодой работницы зоомагазина Дебби, которая со своим дружком Стивом похищает своего отца, грозящегося вычеркнуть ее имя из завещания.
Бэтмен против Супермена: На заре справедливости
Additional First Assistant Camera
Опасаясь, что действия богоподобного супергероя так и останутся бесконтрольными, грозный и могущественный страж Готэм Сити бросает вызов самому почитаемому в наши дни спасителю Метрополиса, в то время как весь остальной мир решает, какой герой ему по-настоящему нужен. И пока Бэтмен и Супермен пребывают в состоянии войны друг с другом, возникает новая угроза, которая ставит человечество под самую большую опасность, с которой оно когда-либо сталкивалось.
13th Sign
Assistant Editor
Twelve individuals who think they are competing for a million dollars on a New Reality TV Show are drugged, beaten, trapped and chained in a chamber room far below the earth buried under the ashes of a slaughterhouse that burned to the ground in the 1930s. When the chamber doors open, the twelve contestants are soon faced with their worst fears when they realize that they have not just been kidnapped but that they are being used in the Devils Ritual held by his Fallen Angels, the Guardians Waylon Reavis and Jeff Hatrix who brutally torture and dismember their victims one by one, using their bodies to create an altar for the Devil to open the gates and unleash hell on earth by the date 12-21-2012.
13th Sign
Camera Operator
Twelve individuals who think they are competing for a million dollars on a New Reality TV Show are drugged, beaten, trapped and chained in a chamber room far below the earth buried under the ashes of a slaughterhouse that burned to the ground in the 1930s. When the chamber doors open, the twelve contestants are soon faced with their worst fears when they realize that they have not just been kidnapped but that they are being used in the Devils Ritual held by his Fallen Angels, the Guardians Waylon Reavis and Jeff Hatrix who brutally torture and dismember their victims one by one, using their bodies to create an altar for the Devil to open the gates and unleash hell on earth by the date 12-21-2012.