Melanie Waelde


Голые звери
Потерянные в немецкой провинции и без особой поддержки пятеро подростков формируют свою маленькую компанию и живут по своим правилам. Катя, Саша, Бенни, Лайла и Шёллер – они ищут друг друга, они убегают друг от друга. Они целуются, они ссорятся. Они любят друг друга. Близость и боль идут рука об руку. Но после этой зимы, когда они закончат школу, их пути разойдутся.
Голые звери
Потерянные в немецкой провинции и без особой поддержки пятеро подростков формируют свою маленькую компанию и живут по своим правилам. Катя, Саша, Бенни, Лайла и Шёллер – они ищут друг друга, они убегают друг от друга. Они целуются, они ссорятся. Они любят друг друга. Близость и боль идут рука об руку. Но после этой зимы, когда они закончат школу, их пути разойдутся.
What We Were
Holger has been living separately from his wife Sigrid and their two daughters Silvia and Lara for some time. Every weekend he picks up 15-year-old Silvia at a party and brings her to the small terraced house in which he no longer lives. That evening, weeping Lara suddenly stands in the front door and tells her father that her rabbit Poldi, which Holger never wanted to buy, fell victim to a marten. Silvia insists on a proper funeral which Holger should attend and which will take place during the night for reasons of time. And so the four become a family again that night - for a brief moment.
Vivi is exhausted. Actually, she is about to become an attorney and to move in together with her boyfriend Adam, but somehow, she is stuck. She tries to flee back to her Moms couch, only to find that there is no more space for her. Vivi's father assumes that she needs some rest and sends her to an island...
Cheeky Girls 2
After Kati, Hanna and Mila first experiences with guys, it is now necessary to cultivate those relations. The jealous Mila thinks that her friend Markus, would cheat on her with Vanessa. Kati, who is actually together with Tobi, finds that Robert, whom she met during a shooting, more than just cool. Only with Hanna everything seems to work perfectly. Branko is a real gentleman and does everything for her musical career - but not entirely unselfishly, as soon turns out. Problems therefore pre-programmed with the girlfriends and their new conquests!