Petr Němeček


Non Plus Ultras
Assistant Director
NON PLUS ULTRAS is a comedy with a social subtext. It takes a satirical look at a short stretch in the life of five "fans" of one Prague football club who belong to the hardcore supporters - ultras or hooligans. The gang members' lives revolve around football. They revere their "world-famous" English counterparts and uncritically take them as their role models. The undeclared leader of the gang is Bejcak (played by David Novotny), a charismatic young man of around 30 years old with natural authority. He is not stupid; he likes to use foreign words, but always in a slightly unsuitable context. The oldest member of the gang is the lonely forty-year-old Tycka (Vladimir Dlouhy), whom Bejcak took under the gang's wing. Tycka is much older than the others. The stuttering youth Pejsek (Karel Zima) is a fanatic lover of all things "English". He is seconded by the none-too-bright Potapec (Michal Novotny) and the agile, wiry Vocko (Matej Hadek), who is constantly devising new loutish exploits.
Идентификация Борна
Third Assistant Director
Команда итальянского рыболовецкого судна находит в водах Средиземного моря тело мужчины. У него два пулевых ранения в спине и имплантированный в бедро микрофильм, помеченный номером швейцарского банка. Когда незнакомец приходит в себя, оказывается, что он не помнит кто он, и что с ним случилось, однако он может говорить на нескольких языках и обладает другими необычными способностями.