Безрадостное постапокалиптическое будущее. Отсидев несколько лет после неудачного ограбления банка, Герой извлекается из тюрьмы с целью отыскать пропавшую внучку Губернатора — местного единоличного правителя. А чтобы тот не сбежал, на него одевается начинённый взрывчаткой костюм, который сдетонирует через пять дней. Отправляясь на опасное задание, Герой даже не подозревает, что от успеха миссии зависит не только его собственная жизнь, но и много больше.
Anh Dung
Cryptocurrency exchange secretary Toshie ought to be celebrating the release of her boyfriend from jail. Instead, a freak accident compels her to swim from Japan to Hawaii with the child of an American-Vietcong war hero.
Cryptocurrency exchange secretary Toshie ought to be celebrating the release of her boyfriend from jail. Instead, a freak accident compels her to swim from Japan to Hawaii with the child of an American-Vietcong war hero.
Cult Leader Lavi
Born in a small town in Japan, a young girl named Ai is sent to a cult commune by her religious maniac mother and lives there for seven long years. After the cult is exposed by the police, Ai starts a new stage of life, going to a normal school for the first time, but she can’t find her place to fit in there. Ai drops out from the school and society, spending her life living with a rock-bottom delinquent family full of gangsters and call girls. In a strange twist of fate she finds herself back in a new and normal life, living with a middle-class family, but her troubled life continues to follow her into more deep and seedy paths.