Riccardo Angelini

Riccardo Angelini


Riccardo Angelini


Over & Out
Lea, Steffi, Toni & Maja have vowed to celebrate each others weddings together — 26 years ago, things you do at twelve. Now Maja spontaneously invites the others to Italy. A promise is a promise! The trip begins moderately and gets worse and worse. It confronts them with missed opportunities, loss and their long lasting friendship.
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Maresciallo Reparto Mobile
Адриано молодой новобранец полицейского подразделения по борьбе с массовыми беспорядками в Риме. Его напарниками и учителями станут трое опытных полицейских Негро, Мазинга и Кобра, известные своей жестокостью и нетерпимостью по отношению к нарушителям закона. Вскоре Адриано начинает понимать, что в их привычном методе работы что-то не так.
Una cella in due
Voce del verbo amore
Ugo and Francesca have been married for ten years, but mutually decide to break up in a graceful way. They start singles' life again, having to deal with their children, their jobs and social relationships alone. They even both start seeing someone else, until jealousy arises. Perhaps their love is not over yet...
Il ritorno del Monnezza
Tifoso al bar