A unique exploration into romantic connection and gender dynamics, 'Aviva' tells the story of a relationship between a man and a woman, with each of the two principal characters played by both a man and a woman. It's the story of a marriage that develops and eventually dissolves, evolving into deep friendship-all told through a mix of traditional dramatic scenes and expressive dance sequences
A unique exploration into romantic connection and gender dynamics, 'Aviva' tells the story of a relationship between a man and a woman, with each of the two principal characters played by both a man and a woman. It's the story of a marriage that develops and eventually dissolves, evolving into deep friendship-all told through a mix of traditional dramatic scenes and expressive dance sequences
Modern dance is an evocative narrative tool in Georgia Parris' debut, which investigates a young woman's identity and the complex relationship she has with her mother and sister.
A love story, portraying the dilemmas and inevitable consequences of ambition. It is a film about a woman's fight for independence, a woman trying to succeed with her own art in the extremely competitive world of dance.
Продолжение драмы «Йосси и Джаггер» повествует о встрече Йосси с матерью Джаггера десять лет спустя после событий первого фильма, переносящего нас на войну, где крепкая дружба двух парней плавно переросла в любовь. Теперь Йосси работает врачом в местной больнице и пытается найти себе поистине настоящего друга и, возможно, любовь. Картина затрагивает проблемы однополых отношений и показывает, как же иногда бывает сложно таким людям слиться с обществом.