Elizabeth Jane Cassidy


Мистер Холмс
Waitress (uncredited)
Действие развернется в 1947 году, а речь в фильме пойдет об отошедшем от дел Шерлоке Холмсе, живущем в сонной деревушке в Сассексе вместе с горничной миссис Манро и сыном, который занимается сыском в качестве хобби. Несмотря на уединенный образ жизни, знаменитому сыщику с Бейкер-стрит по-прежнему не дает покоя тайна так и нераскрытого 50 лет назад дела.
Having fallen in love eight years ago, a young couple finds their engagement on the rocks. As they desperately cling to the foundations of their relationship, one man knows exactly how to start the fire to burn it down.
Having fallen in love eight years ago, a young couple finds their engagement on the rocks. As they desperately cling to the foundations of their relationship, one man knows exactly how to start the fire to burn it down.
Having fallen in love eight years ago, a young couple finds their engagement on the rocks. As they desperately cling to the foundations of their relationship, one man knows exactly how to start the fire to burn it down.