Christian O'Reilly


Sean - Burger Bar
Larry and Sophie are in love. They bribe Tom to book them into a hotel for an afternoon's tryst and look forward to getting to know each other, like countless couples before them. But Larry and Sophie aren't any couple; they both have intellectual disabilities. Larry has Down's, Sophie has epilepsy and Tom is their carer. In a world that conspires to keep them apart, will love triumph?
Larry and Sophie are in love. They bribe Tom to book them into a hotel for an afternoon's tryst and look forward to getting to know each other, like countless couples before them. But Larry and Sophie aren't any couple; they both have intellectual disabilities. Larry has Down's, Sophie has epilepsy and Tom is their carer. In a world that conspires to keep them apart, will love triumph?
Larry and Sophie are in love. They bribe Tom to book them into a hotel for an afternoon's tryst and look forward to getting to know each other, like countless couples before them. But Larry and Sophie aren't any couple; they both have intellectual disabilities. Larry has Down's, Sophie has epilepsy and Tom is their carer. In a world that conspires to keep them apart, will love triumph?
...А в душе я танцую
Майклу 24 года, и почти всю свою жизнь он провел в доме для инвалидов, куда попал с церебральным параличом. Он знакомится с новым пациентом клиники — Рори О’Ши, которого приковала к инвалидной коляске мышечная атрофия. Как и Майкл, он практически не может передвигаться, но это не мешает Рори по-своему наслаждаться жизнью. Его смелость и безразличие к ударам судьбы становятся отличным примером для Майкла.