Foley Mixer
Сын хозяина владельца компании такси обладает необычной способностью - с детства он умеет говорить с автомобилями. Повзрослев, он наследует компанию отца, но коррумпированные чиновники вводят в действие новый закон, запрещающий езду на старых машинах. Тогда они с дядей переделывают самое первое такси фирмы и дают ему имя Царь-машина и вместе начинают борьбу за справедливость.
Sound Editor
Sound Designer
May 2019: Two Brazilian women traveled to Algiers during the demonstrations of Hirak, a popular movement for democracy. In the middle of the crowd, they met a young girl. The sea that separates them is the same one that can join them together.
Supervising Sound Editor
Как снять фильм в стране, теряющей свою идентичность? Этот вопрос стоит перед Фернандо, разорившимся 30-летним белым режиссером из Бразилии.
Between 1920 and 1953, the government of São Paulo sponsored the construction of a massive nationalist monument created by the famous Brazilian sculptor Victor Brecheret in honor of the bandeirantes, 16th and 17th-century fortune hunters and enslavers of indigenous people. To this day, the statue’s granite faces hear echoes from the official discourse behind the monument.
Sound Designer
Once upon a time, the Venezuelan village of Congo Mirador was prosperous, alive with fisherman and poets. Now it is decaying and disintegrating—a small but prophetic reflection of Venezuela itself.
Sound Designer
A first slice of a loaf of bread arrives in the big city trying to get fame and overcome the fact that it was left on the packaging. Between fermented egos artists and audience disputes, the insecure Osmar emerges as an unexpected celebrity in the television world.
Sound Designer
When numerous schools in São Paulo were slated to be closed in 2015 as a result of the worsening socio-political crisis, students occupied more than a thousand public buildings in an unprecedented act of self-empowerment. Filmmaker Eliza Capai shows the development of the many-voiced protests, using news excerpts, self-conducted interviews and recordings made with activists’ own cell phone cameras. From the first demonstrations in 2013 and continuing all the way to the election of the extreme right-wing presidential Jair Bolsonaro in 2018, Capai’s highly political work becomes more and more relevant with each passing day.
Sound Designer
A gritty observation of precarious romance, debauchery, and heartbreak between addicts living in a São Paulo hotel.
Sound Effects Editor
Всемирно известный футболист Диамантино теряет квалификацию и с позором заканчивает свою спортивную карьеру. В поисках новых жизненных целей бывшая звезда отправляется в безумную одиссею, в ходе которой ему придётся противостоять неофашизму, миграционному кризису, генным модификациям и искать источник гениальности.
Sound Editor
Province of São Paulo, 1870. An enslaved man flees through a dense forest in search of a supposed quilombo. On his heels are two "capitães-do-mato" with orders to capture him at all costs. But the forest, in its depths, harbors mysteries and ghosts capable of surrounding them in a trap.
Sound Editor
Где-то в далекой-далекой галактике власть в Конфедерации Планет захватывает жестокий диктатор Гьяна Гольбе, что угрожает разрушить хрупкий мир во Вселенной. Изгнанные из Конфедерации Планет, семеро инвасов, смешные и наивные инопланетяне, пытаются спастись бегством и терпят крушение на Земле, прямо рядом со школой, где учится озорник Густавиньйо и его друзья! Собравшись все вместе, ребята помогают инвасам починить их корабль и вместе с ними отправляются в захватывающее комическое приключение, чтобы вернуть мир в галактику!
Sound Editor
One day, Eduardo arrives at his house and discovers that Julia, his wife, tried to commit suicide. She left her husband and two children without saying goodbye. After some time, she comes back home. He tries everything to set her straight, but the impossibility of knowing her fully grieves him. The shadow of the suicide and the inevitable ghost of a new chance hover over their heads. Eduardo insists on understanding his wife, but an increasing jealousy and an unexpected discovery of her past torture him. He does not realize that, most of the time, the search for control easily becomes an obsession.
In 2008, a young man broke into his ex-girlfriend's apartment, holding her and her friend hostage at gunpoint for five days. The so-called "crime of passion" was covered live and rabidly followed like a perverse telenovela. This film's pointed analysis of the Brazilian police and media's sensationalization of violence against women sadly explains the country's elevated rate of femicide.