Keith Larsen

Keith Larsen

Рождение : 1924-06-17,

Смерть : 2006-12-13


Keith Larsen


Whitewater Sam
A mountain man known as White-Water Sam survives the Rocky Mountains with no one for company besides his Siberian Husky.
Whitewater Sam
A mountain man known as White-Water Sam survives the Rocky Mountains with no one for company besides his Siberian Husky.
Whitewater Sam
A mountain man known as White-Water Sam survives the Rocky Mountains with no one for company besides his Siberian Husky.
Whitewater Sam
A mountain man known as White-Water Sam survives the Rocky Mountains with no one for company besides his Siberian Husky.
Young and Free
Chad Rainey, a young boy from Ohio looses his mother to Cholera. On his way west on a wagon train he elopes into the wilderness where he meets and fall in love with an Indian girl.
The Trap on Cougar Mountain
A mountain boy takes it upon himself to protect wild animals from hunters and trappers.
Night of the Witches
Reverend Ezra Jackson
A lecherous thief posing as a preacher is wandering in northern coastal Mexico. After stealing a car and evading police, he stumbles on a small coven of mysterious witches living in a seaside mansion. The preacher attempts to extort money from the witches, not knowing how dangerous they really are.
Night of the Witches
A lecherous thief posing as a preacher is wandering in northern coastal Mexico. After stealing a car and evading police, he stumbles on a small coven of mysterious witches living in a seaside mansion. The preacher attempts to extort money from the witches, not knowing how dangerous they really are.
Night of the Witches
A lecherous thief posing as a preacher is wandering in northern coastal Mexico. After stealing a car and evading police, he stumbles on a small coven of mysterious witches living in a seaside mansion. The preacher attempts to extort money from the witches, not knowing how dangerous they really are.
The Walking Major
Captain White
U.S. Army Captain Clark Allen gains attention by walking back and forth, the length of Japan, gambling with U.S. servicemen in order to raise funds to rebuild an orphanage. Suspicious of Allen's motives, a Japanese newsman, Hiroshi Kitabayashi, traces the American's background until he discovers the motive behind Allen's long walk.
The Walking Major
U.S. Army Captain Clark Allen gains attention by walking back and forth, the length of Japan, gambling with U.S. servicemen in order to raise funds to rebuild an orphanage. Suspicious of Allen's motives, a Japanese newsman, Hiroshi Kitabayashi, traces the American's background until he discovers the motive behind Allen's long walk.
Mission Batangas
Dennis Weaver is a mercenary pilot in the Pacific during WW2. He agrees to help Vera Miles steal the Phillipine treasury of gold away from the conquering Japanese forces.
Mission Batangas
Colonel Turner
Dennis Weaver is a mercenary pilot in the Pacific during WW2. He agrees to help Vera Miles steal the Phillipine treasury of gold away from the conquering Japanese forces.
The Omegans
When an artist discovers his wife is having an affair with their jungle guide, he lures them into posing for him in a radioactive jungle river.
Emil Garrat
Thieves hijack an aircraft loaded with diamonds, and then must face deadly Amazonian headhunters when the plane crashes in the jungles of Caxambu, Brazil.
Women of the Prehistoric Planet
Cmdr. Scott
A space ship crash lands on the third planet of a distant solar system, killing all hands except for a young boy named Tang. The rescue ship arrives some 20 years later. One of the crew, a girl named Linda meets Tang and falls in love with him. They are attacked by the native humanoids of the planet and many of them are killed off. Also, the crew encounters many strange beasts on this strange, but somewhat familiar world.
Fury River
Major Robert Rogers
Rogers Rangers fight the French & Indians in Canada while searching for a waterway which will lead to this ocean.
Mission of Danger
Major Robert Rogers
After his Rangers are caught during a raid, a major must infiltrate the French army to save his men.
Frontier Rangers
Major Robert Rogers
A pastiche of three episodes from the 1958 TV series Northwest Passage, stitched together as a feature and released theatrically in Europe.
Apache Warrior
An Apache brave vows revenge when he feels betrayed by the U.S. Army.
Badlands of Montana
Rick Valentine
Directed by Daniel B. Ullman in 1957. Wanting to follow in his late father's footsteps, eager reformer Steve Brewster (Rex Reason) runs for mayor of a small Montana town but is forced to flee and join a gang of notorious outlaws after he's provoked into killing two corrupt officials in self-defense. Gang leader Hammer (Emile Meyer) takes Steve in, and Steve falls for his daughter, Susan (Beverly Garland), but his loyalties are divided when he's appointed marshal of his hometown.
Last of the Badmen
Chicago detectives in the 1880s head west to find the killers of their colleague.
Desert Sands
El Zanal
The French Foreign Legion battles rebellious Arabs in North Africa.
Night Freight
Don Peters
Trucker tries to put a railroad man out of business.
Bat Masterson
Former buffalo hunter and entrepreneur Wyatt Earp arrives in the lawless cattle town of Wichita Kansas. His skill as a gun-fighter makes him a perfect candidate for Marshal, but he refuses the job until he feels morally obligated to bring law and order to this wild town.
Вождь Бешеный Конь
Flying Hawk
Когда молодой воин Лакота Сиу Бешеный Конь, которому были предсказаны великие дела, добивается своей невесты, его соперник Маленький Большой Человек идет на предательское соглашение с белыми людьми, и открывает им путь к месторождению золота в священных захоронениях Лакота. Начинается новая золотая лихорадка. Несмотря на перемирие, Лакота берутся за оружие, и Бешеный Конь становится военным вождем своего народа. Первоначальные победы индейцев приводят к неизбежным результатам. История, рассказанная с индейской точки зрения.
Dial Red O
Ralph Wyatt
The first of the five films where Bill Elliott played a detective lieutenant in the L.A Sheriff's department, Dial Red "O" (the correct title with the number 0 (zero), as on a telephone dial, shown in ") opens with war-torn veteran Ralph Wyatt getting word that his wife is divorcing him, and he flees the psychiatric ward of the veteran's hospital, wanting to talk to her. His escape touches off an all-out manhunt, led by Lieutenant Andy Flynn of the sheriff's department.
Security Risk
Ted Noland
An FBI agent on vacation in the mountains begins to suspect that a Communist spy ring may be operating in the area.
Arrow In The Dust
Lt. Steve King
Director Lesley Selander's 1954 western stars Sterling Hayden, Coleen Gray, Keith Larsen, Tom Tully, Lee Van Cleef and Jimmy Wakely.
War Paint
An Indian and his beautiful sister attempt to destroy a cavalry patrol trying to deliver a peace treaty to their chief.
Son of Belle Starr
The Kid
The son of the notorious female bandit Belle Starr wants to live an honest life, but finds himself getting drawn into his mother's old profession.
Форт Возмездие
Carey Ross
Фильм один из тех вестернов, в которых главными героями являются констебли Северо-западной конной полиции Канады. Им приходится противостоять сиу во главе с вождём Сидящим Быком. В центре истории два брата из Монтаны, противоречия между которыми не может снять даже совместная служба в красных мундирах.
Pau PukKeewis
A young Indian brave attempts to bring peace to two warring tribes.
Ens. Barney Smith / Barney Oldfield
Фильм рассказывает о захватывающих эпизодах Второй мировой войны на Тихом океане. Смертельное противостояние Японии и США началось с Перл-Харбора, когда за считанные часы американцы потеряли десятки кораблей и самолетов, сотни моряков и летчиков. Теперь настало время мести…
The Rose Bowl Story
Bronc Buttram
The newly crowned Rose Bowl Princess and a tough but tender football player find the California Rose Bowl is an area for their budding romance.
Летающие морпехи
Этот фильм посвящается морскому корпусу США, в особенности морской авиации. Фильм повествует о событиях, начавшихся летом 1942 года на гавайском острове Оахо, когда мирный плеск волн был заглушен ревом атакующих японских истребителей. Японцы захватили цепь островов до Гуадал-канала и американцам пришлось вступить с ними в схватку, несмотря на нехватку людей и вооружения. Эта история о группе американцев, вошедших в корпус пехотинцев ВМФ 247 «Дикие кошки». Представители американского флага наводнили авиабазу на спящем вулкане, что стало неотъемлемым доказательством того, что США всегда будет бороться против агрессии и агрессоров, нарушающих права свободных людей. В эскадрилью назначен майор Дэн Кирби. Ему предстоит навести порядок и дисциплину совместно с капитаном Карлом Гриффином, среди расслабившихся на палящем солнце солдат и офицеров, чтобы дать достойный отпор японским милитаристам…