Gerardo Taracena

Gerardo Taracena

Рождение : 1970-01-01, Mexico City, Mexico


Gerardo Taracena (born 1970) is a Mexican film and theatre actor and dancer. He is known for his roles in Apocalypto, Man on Fire, The Mexican and Sin Nombre as well as the Netflix series Narcos: Mexico. He was born in Mexico City.


Gerardo Taracena
Gerardo Taracena


From Inside
Juan Infante
Carmen Altamirano was buried alive at 2 years old by her parents. 30 years later, she will have to dig up her past.
Звук свободы
El Alacrán
История Тима Балларда (Джим Кэвизел), бывшего агента правительства США, который уволился с работы, чтобы посвятить свою жизнь спасению детей от сексуального рабства.
A young boy on a family trip to Mexico discovers a young chupacabra hiding in his grandfather's shed. The youngster and his cousins embark on an adventure to save the mythical creature.
Don Jaime
A man who loses his wife and goes to seclude himself in a cabin in the woods, where strange things happen.
The Marquez-Castillo Siblings
Líder Rebeldes
A group of four siblings compete for the heritage of their father.
El Día de la Unión
Rescatista 1
At the Frontera
Eduardo Manrique
When an ATF agent out of Houston is tasked to team up with the Mexico City District Attorney on a human trafficking case, he uncovers family ties with a serpentine real-estate developer. Now he must work with a criminal defense attorney to stop the reign of tyranny.
Tratante de blancas
The story of a woman who is kidnapped along with other women and sold for sexual exploitation. Government authorities are involved in this business, and they are capable of anything to continue generating profits.
Las amantes del narco II
Don Chava
Saúl Montemayor is suffering loss in drug shipments because he has a snitch in his criminal organization, so he will put a plan in place so that this does not continue to happen and he will use three of his lovers to be able to eliminate whoever gets in the way of his plans.
Leonora, a 16 year old teenager with a dangerous gift, when she draws a person, either by divination or by the action of the same drawing this person dies. Grandma knows and doesn't want to expose the world to such evil power. Leonora lives locked at the top of a huge apartment building believing that she's a Princess and the world is full of monsters and other dangers so she thinks one day her Prince savior will come.
Waiting For Gordo
An out of luck journalist, a shady lawyer and a mysterious bachelor await for the arrival of "El Godo", an elusive acquaintance with contacts in the squalid and ruthless world of Mexican politics.
La hora de Salvador Romero
Snail House
Sofia leaves the city to a provincial town. There she meets Nico and the inhabitants of Casa Caracol, an alternative hostel in the middle of the jungle. Nodding party nights and brotherhood, Sofia falls in love with Nico and joins the "magical" village life.
El vecindario 3
The adventures of Juan and the situations that he will find in the neighborhood where he lives to try to rescue him from the bad guys who want to turn it into a drug sales place.
La Niña De La Mina
Arter a tourist disappears inside a mine in Guanajuato, Mat Medina a young expert in mine engineering is hired to make a security diagnostic in the mines of a big company.
Какая ошибка у ребенка?
Мару, после того как она забеременела от пьяной ночной стойки с незрелым молодым безработным холостяком, полна решимости следовать традиции и вступать в брак с ним в любом случае.
The Load
Late sixteenth century. A Tameme Indian man and a noble Spanish woman flee through the forests of the New World in search of freedom. Their frantic journey softens the tension between them and dissolves their longstanding differences and creates intimate bonds that threaten their very survival.
Number Eighty
Chano is deported back to Mexico after living most of his life as an ilegal immigrant in the USA. Now, away from his wife and kids, he lives alone and depressed in the country where he is supposed to belong. While rebuilding an old motorcycle with Don Memo, a retired motorcycle racer, with whom he is forced to work, he will discover where his real home is.
Boys on Film 14: Worlds Collide
Juan / Raúl's Father (segment "A World For Raúl")
Worlds collide in more ways than one in this stunning collection. Confidence is violated, classes clash and desire is concealed, yet love still triumphs regardless of the consequences.Boys On Film 14: Worlds Collide features nine new, powerful, and dramatic short films: Lee Haven Jones's "Want It" starring Jamie Cutler and Alan Turkington; Sophy Holland and Alicya Eyo's "Brace" starring Jake Graf and Harry Rundle; Mauro Mueller's "A World For Raúl" starring Alexandré Barceló and Adrián Alonso; Dennis Shinners's "Barrio Boy" starring Dennis Garcia and Dan Leonard; Darwin Serink's "Aban + Khorshid" starring Mojean Aria and Bobby Naderi; Jan-Dirk Bouw's "I ♥ Hooligans"; Christopher Bradley's "The Violation" starring Slade Pearce, Elaine Hendrix, and Shayne Topp; Rafael Aidar's "The Package" starring Jefferson Brito and Victor Monteiro; and Søren Green's "An Afternoon" starring Ulrik Windfeldt-Schmidt and Jacob Ottensten.
Mexican Gangster
Tells the story of the most prominent bank robber in the history of Mexico, his crimes, his different personalities, his career as a charro with a mariachi band, his getaways and the strange relationship he had with the one who finally came to stop him. Based on the true story of Alfredo Ríos Galeana.
Ramona is 84, and she has announced that she is ready to die. While her family is making the preparations, however, she changes her mind.
Die Legende der Maske
A Shred Of Mist
After the dead of his mother, Daniel is put under the care of his aunt Elizabeth, a foreign woman with a severe character, who subjects the child to multiple abuses and psychological torture.
Familia Gang
A senior official of the Mexican political system decides to fake the capture and death of The Coyote, public enemy number one in Mexico, to make this happen, he cuts a deal with his family, who require a dead body to pose as a double. Topillero is responsible of executing the plan. But on this journey he is reunited with his wife and son, whom he abandoned years ago.
Los hijos de Don Gregorio
Volando bajo
Chuyín Venegas and Cornelio Barraza were the biggest stars of popular music and cinema of the 80's. "The Goldfinches of Rosarito" had no equal as musical superstars, but after ten years of success, they parted ways. Now held in a mansion in Paris, Chuyín is launching a new album and international tour. But the ghosts of the past and the loneliness will make him change his solo plans and return to the seaside village where he and Cornelius met as children, to live the last musical adventureof "The Goldfinches of Rosarito".
Этот фильм - о встречах мужчин и женщин. Они происходят из разных слоев мексиканского мегаполиса Мексико-Сити. Проститутка, школьница, моряк, коммерсант, обеспеченная женщина. И цели этих встреч тоже разные: интерес, любовь, сексуальное желание.
Richness of Internal Space
Locked up and isolated, constantly exposed and threatened to be killed, for the first time in his life Lazaro understood that he was a free man.
Potosi, a rural town in Latin America, is the crossfire of the ravaging that has devastated the north of the country. An accident along a deserted road connects three stories, an 82 year old goat herder that has not shot his gun in 40 years, a woman who is a victim of domestic violence and a humble peasant living on guard to protect his family from the country’s war against organized crime.
The Walls Talk
El Ojaiz
A tragic and epic love that transcends time and generations unites Maria and Javier forever. During important periods in Mexico (The War of Independence, the Revolution and current times) these souls play out their destiny facing political squabbles, social pressures, family hatred and historical battles, seeking to make a relationship flower which seems fated to die.
Недетские игры
Молодая супружеская пара, Бет и Фрэнсис, находясь в отпуске, отправляются на красивый, но очень отдаленный остров. Бет беременна, и молодожены хотят насладиться последним своим совместным отдыхом перед рождением ребенка. По прибытию они замечают, что, несмотря на огромное количество местных детей, взрослые здесь практически отсутствуют. Первоначально они списывают этот факт на недавно прошедший фестиваль, но очень скоро понимают, что есть другое, более зловещее всему объяснение. И теперь они оба должны противостоять террору и принимать опасные и сложные решения, чтобы попытаться убраться с этого острова живыми.
A World for Raúl
Juan / Raúl's Father
When thirteen-year-old Raúl is asked to entertain the local landowner's son, a game of power and pride starts between the two boys.
«Весёлые» каникулы
Мел Гибсон играет мелкого преступника, похитившего большую сумму денег, после чего попавшего в мексиканскую тюрьму, где и начнётся основное действие картины. В тюрьме царят вполне демократические порядки — можно носить оружие и употреблять героин. Также есть традиция брать у новичков кровь, дабы найти донора для спасения печени местного авторитета. Десятилетний мальчик, который впоследствии окажется спасен Гибсоном, — очередной кандидат в доноры. Попутно придется вернуть отобранные при аресте деньги и отомстить кое-кому, оставшемуся на свободе.
Saving Private Pérez
La vida ha llevado a Julián Pérez por caminos equivocados, pero el destino le presentará a este hombre la oportunidad de encontrar su redención cuando es enviado a la misión más peligrosa y noble de toda su vida, una misión ordenada por la única autoridad que todavía respeta, su madre, Doña Elvira. Julián debe viajar hasta el otro extremo del mundo, a un lugar llamado Irak, a traer de vuelta vivo, a su hermano menor el soldado de infantería Juan Pérez. Con la promesa hecha, Julián Pérez regresa a su natal Sinaloa donde reclutará a un comando de elite, destinado a cumplir una misión suicida: viajar a Irak y salvar al soldado Pérez.
A race against time between a man whose son requires urgent treatment and a stockbroker who suddenly lost his investors' money and ruined his own family.
Ladies Mafia
Pancho Zopilote
Бенджамин «Бенни» Гарсия, прожив 20 лет в США, депортирован в свою родную деревню на севере Мексики. Возратившись в дом, он видит картину опустошения. Все — от священника до мэра города связаны с наркоторговлей. Ему предлагают заняться тем же. Сначала он сопротивляется, но не найдя нормально оплачиваемую работу, в итоге Бенни получает «классную работу», а заодно деньги, веселье и девочек. Но вскоре Бенни понимает, что криминальная жизнь это совсем не веселье.
Chilango Chronicles
Confusion and eccentricity are all part of life in the vast human ocean of Mexico City -- including the three very different personalities portrayed in this urban fable. By the end of the day, their paths are destined to cross. "El Jairo" (Rodrigo Ostap) is a schizophrenic obsessed with UFOs; Claudia (Regina Orozco) is a woman addicted to pornography; and Juvenico (Patricio Castillo) is a retired teacher trying to come to grips with the future.
Без имени
Уроженка Гондураса Сайра воссоединяется со своим отцом, чтобы осуществить свою мечту о жизни в США. Переезд же в Мексику является первым шагом в важном путешествии, полном неожиданных событий…
Middle Eye
В фильме показана жизнь цивилизации майя до прихода испанских конкистадоров: жестокие войны с соседними племенами, человеческие жертвоприношения, загадочные мистические ритуалы. В один день рушится мир индейца по имени Лапа Ягуара. Его деревню захватывает соседнее племя, уничтожая хижины, забирая местных жителей в плен. Его ведут в город, чтобы принести в жертву богам. Перед лицом неминуемой смерти Лапа Ягуара должен побороть свои самые сильные страхи и совершить отчаянный рывок, чтобы спасти то, что ему дорого...
The Violin
In an unnamed Latin American country that closely resembles Mexico, the government fights a rural insurgency with torture, assault, rape, and murder. Soldiers descend on a town, cutting off the rebels from their cache of ammunition hidden in a field. A family of grandfather, son, and grandson are among the rebels in the hills. The grandfather, with his violin over his shoulder, tries to pass the checkpoint, ostensibly to tend his corn crop. The commanding officer lets him pass but insists on a daily music lesson.
Executive Adjutant
Состоятельные жители Мехико в панике: всего за шесть дней в городе пропали 24 человека! Бывшего агента ЦРУ Джона Кризи нанимают телохранителем девятилетней дочери промышленника Сэмюэля Рамоса, Питы Рамос. Поначалу Кризи с трудом терпит соседство не по годам развитой девочки.Но со временем они становятся друзьями. Кризи вновь почувствовал вкус к жизни, но все рушится, когда Питу похищают. Кризи клянется убить любого, кто втянут в похищение Питы. Теперь его никто не остановит…
De ida y vuelta
After working for three years in the USA, Filiberto returns to his home town in Mexico. A proud man, he is searching for the recognition that will give him a new position in life. However, he finds that things have changed. His mother is dead, and Luis, his best friend, is married to his ex-girlfriend. Filiberto gets involved in the town’s disputes over a water spring.
Without a Trace
A woman steals from her drug-dealer boyfriend and runs away. She meets a sympathetic woman on the way who helps her escape.
Reveler to Fire Gun
Мелкий гангстер Джерри Уэлбах получает в один день сразу два ультиматума. Его босс — главарь банды — требует, чтобы Джерри срочно разыскал в Мексике бесценный антикварный пистолет, прозванный «Мексиканец», или… незамедлительно вернул все долги. Его подружка Саманта тоже ставит вопрос ребром: или она или банда. Из двух зол Джерри выбирает меньшее, и отправляется в Мексику за пистолетом. Но вскоре выясняется, что заполучить «Мексиканца» мечтает не он один. Но и два профессиональных киллера…
La Ramona
Lunik 3
In 1959, in the midst of the cold war, where the two most powerful nations try to show their supremacy through the space race, the arrival of a Soviet Technological Exhibition to Mexico City will allow a Mexican agent, due to his charm and wit, to change forever the destiny of the conquest of the cosmos.