Sidharth Meer


A young man unearths an ancient relic that lets him peek into the future. In his obsession to control what lies ahead, he risks losing all that matters most in the present.
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Вместо того, чтобы открыться своим семьям, гей и лесбиянка вступают в брак по расчету, чтобы успокоить своих родителей. Однако вскоре наступает хаос, когда подруга женщины переезжает жить к маловероятной паре.
Digital Intermediate Colorist
A jaded forest officer leads a team of trackers and locals intending to capture an unsettled tigress while battling intense obstacles and pressures, both natural and man-made.
Five Pebbles
7-year old Miri sets off to deliver lunch across a desert of Salt Pyramids. She is followed by Suba, an outcast, who keeps her distance because they are not supposed to play together. What follows is a tale of friendship where the bounds of society unravel one pebble at a time.
Bitter Chestnut
This film is an account of Singh's time in the town of Bir in Himachal Pradesh taking a look at migration and reverse migration in Bir, Barot and Baragraan through the lives of real people.
The Booth
A female frisking booth inside a crowded mall stands as a silent ally to a forbidden romance.
Sameera (35), upper middle class, successful photographer, is happily married to her husband Vikram (37), who is comatose. She seems very accustomed and normal in her circumstance. They live their lives happily like any other married couple. But all is not rosy as she slowly feels pressure from friends as well as her own desires that sometimes pull at her.
The Red Phallus
Sangai, a teenage girl living with her father in a village of inland Bhutan, is not happy with her father, who makes wooden phalluses, believed to have mysterious power, and playing a festival clown with a red mask at a local festival. She reluctantly delivers the phalluses to neighbors but she is followed by dozens of men with red masks and costumes when walking through the hill. Conflict and tension grows between the father, who has concerns about his successor, and Sangai, who has a clandestine relationship with a married man.
Рафи работает уличным фотографом в Мумбаи, делая снимки туристов на фоне городских достопримечательностей. Его бабушка переживает, что он до сих пор не женат, и, чтобы ее успокоить, Рафи просит свою новую знакомую Милони подыграть ему и исполнить роль его невесты. Вскоре то, что изначально было игрой, перерастает в серьезные чувства, на пути которых встают классовые различия.
Yours Truly
Amidst the daily din of the local trains in Calcutta, a lonely working woman in her late fifties finds herself falling in love with the voice of the railway announcer.
Bhavesh Joshi Superhero
A young man who stands for the right discovers that he's destined to do bigger things, which will transform him from a common man into a Superhero.
While Jonaki, an 80-year-old woman, searches for love in a strange world of decaying memories, her lover, now old and grey, returns to a world she is leaving behind.
Counterfeit Kunkoo
In a city overflowing with buildings and slums, Smita must find herself a house to rent. She is hard-working, honest and respectful - the ideal tenant - except for one glaring flaw. She is a middle-class Indian woman without a husband. An intimate perspective on the identity of the 'Ideal Indian Female' in urban India of today.
В ловушке
Color Designer
Пытаясь снять жильё подешевле, мужчина оказывается в плену квартиры пустой многоэтажки — без еды, воды и электричества.
Time Machine
Time Machine is a story of a young boy who makes the worlds first time machine, but is unable to hold onto his childhood or protect his family from the ravages of time. The story deals with the themes of nostalgia, first love, and of course, time travel.
Улетай один
Digital Imaging Technician
Бенарес, священный город на берегу реки Ганг, жестоко наказывает тех, кто не желает считаться с традициями. Дипак, молодой выходец из бедных слоев, без ума влюблен в девушку не из своей касты. Студентка Дэви блуждает в потемках собственной жизни, мучаясь виной после гибели первого возлюбленного. Патак, отец Дэви, под давлением продажной полиции жертвует своими моральными принципами. Подросток Джонта пытается найти свою семью… Судьбы персонажей, которых объединяет надежда на лучшее будущее и желание сократить разрыв между круговоротом современного общества и традиционными устоями, скоро пересекутся…
Говорит и показывает Бомбей
Digital Imaging Technician
Фильм состоит из 4 новелл, снятых 4 режиссерами, и сочетает в себе все традиционные элементы болливудских картин: музыку, местных звезд, танцы и актерские приемы. Это — праздничный гимн в честь 100-летия индийского кинематографа и начала нового века для кино Индии.
Ship of Theseus
Post-Production Manager
Three stories about persons forced to think about the ethics and moral issues raised by medical advances.
Ship of Theseus
Art enthusiast 1
Three stories about persons forced to think about the ethics and moral issues raised by medical advances.
Visual Effects Supervisor
Simple stories from everyday life, popular culture and folklore that explore the continuum of life and death, of love and paranoia, of trade and value, of need and invention, of hunger and enlightenment.
Right Here, Right Now
Director of Photography
A humorous look at the bizarreness of the cosmic accident, otherwise known as life.
Right Here, Right Now
Executive Producer
A humorous look at the bizarreness of the cosmic accident, otherwise known as life.