Aldie Harra


Ipar adalah Maut
Costume Designer
Nisa has a younger sister named Rani. They both live together in one house. As time went by, Nisa realized that there was a change in her husband's behavior. However, Nisa denied that thought and tried to think positively. The unexpected happened next. It turns out that Rani and Aris have a relationship behind the household with Nisa. What happened next?
Costume Designer
Lela, a mortician, finds something odd about the body of her mother who died suddenly. Trapped in sacred tension and a tense horror journey, Lela discovers another oddity in the body of the corpse she was bathing.
Costume Designer
An oddity that caused unrest at an Islamic boarding school occurred since one of the female students returned. What's really going on?
Romeo Ingkar Janji
Costume Designer
Plot Unknown
The Haunted Place
Costume Designer
Raina was inherited a hotel in Semarang by her father. He and his younger brother eventually managed the hotel. However, there was one unnumbered room that his father asked him not to disturb. But now, what was in the room was starting to disturb the visitors.
172 Days
Costume Designer
Zira was united with Amer for 172 very memorable days. Fate separated, Amer left too soon, leaving many sweet memories for Zira.
Bangku Kosong: Ujian Terakhir
Costume Designer
Dozens of students died gruesomely during the last school exams. It started with one of the students being possessed and harming the others. The devil's power threatens their lives.
Catatan si Boy
Costume Designer
Boy, a perfect university student: strikingly handsome, fabulously wealthy, irresistibly charming, and blessed with a tender heart. It’s no wonder that many female students desire to be Boy’s girlfriend.
Costume Designer
It starts with Rana and his best friend Janu who are climbing a mountain in bad weather. In the middle of a dense forest, they got separated and lost. Janu is lucky to be back home at last. But not with Rana. An extensive search was carried out. Rana not found. A week has passed. Rana's extended family decided to hold a tahlilan. Rana is considered unlikely to have survived and will surely die there. Dini can't accept that. As a mother, Dini doesn't want to just give up and still believes that her daughter Rana is still alive. Sure enough. After the tahlilan, Rana came home in the pouring rain.
Dear Jo: Almost is Never Enough
Costume Designer
Maura and Al are husband and wife. They loved each other, unfortunately Maura was unlucky because she could not have children. Ella, who is Maura's best friend, is finally trusted by this couple to 'borrow' her uterus. During the pregnancy of Maura and Al's child, Maura had an accident and died. Al finally decides to take Ella and Zoey (Ella's children from her ex-husband, Scott) to Seattle, with the excuse that he can pay more attention to Ella's condition, who is pregnant with her child. What will happen next to Ella, Al, Zoey and the fetus that Ella is carrying?
Ganjil Genap
Costume Designer
Recovering from a broken heart is never easy. Gala, has been dating Bara for eight years, and wants to marry him soon. Suddenly Bara broke off their relationship. Gala is devastated and is struggling to heal her broken heart. Fortunately, she meets Aiman and he accompanies Gala and help her recover. Gala begins to fall in love, but slowly realizes that Aiman is the same as Bara. Aiman is not the cure for her broken heart. Will she heal her broken heart? Or will her heart breaks even more?
Hati Suhita
Costume Designer
Alina Suhita who is firm, mature & never gives up. Fortitude guides her to face the household storms that occurred even from the first night. Her inner and outer struggle was tested to embrace the love of Gus Birru, her husband.
Virgo and the Sparklings
Costume Designer
Riani, a teenager who is forced to reveal her hidden powers when several mysterious cases occur and turn the city into chaos.
Costume Designer
Costume Designer
Bahri, a young man who lives in Mekarsari Village. One day, Bahri realized that something was wrong in Mekarsari Village. Out of curiosity, he also found out what was really going on in the village where he lived.
Costume Designer
Young marriage never crossed Arga's mind, Arga don't know what his parents were thinking of, until he was able to marry himself to the son of his father's best friend. Or as a will that must be fulfilled when Arga is eighteen years old.
Ayo Putus
Costume Designer
Selatan has the principle of getting a girl and then breaking up after three days of dating. But that principle wavered when he targeted Alma. Can Selatan break up with Alma?
Sacred 2
Costume Designer
A group of young people from Jakarta left for Cirebon with different destinations. Arla, Jojo, and Maura want to do research on their final assignment, which is assisted by a documentary filmmaker named Umay. Meanwhile, Ajil and Keanu are horror YouTubers who create content to maintain their existence. Their journey becomes wild and uncontrollable after meeting Ute, an indigo who has a secret agenda.
Costume Designer
Подражающий супергерой изо всех сил пытается помочь своей деревне дать отпор злой корпорации, стоящей за смертью его отца.
Tainted Soul
Costume Designer
Rakka has the ability to communicate with the dead. He uses his abilities to stop an evil spirit filled with vengeance against his schoolmates and helps a beautiful ghost to restore his memories.
Until Tomorrow
Costume Designer
Haka and Sarah have to face trials before their wedding, because Sarah was diagnosed with stage three cancer.
Jailangkung: Sandekala
Costume Designer
The supernatural terror centers on a small family consisting of Adrian and his wife Sandra, along with their two children, Niki and Kinan, who are on vacation out of town.
Ghost Writer 2
Costume Designer
The success of her second novel made Naya famous. Unfortunately she is more labeled as a psychic than a writer. This makes Naya resentful and reluctant to deal with the haunted world again. However, everything changed when her future husband Vino suddenly died.
Costume Designer
Потеряв родителей, практически слепая девушка-подросток Амбар вместе с младшим братом приезжает жить к друзьям в дом престарелых. Накануне окончания Рамадана почти все постояльцы разъехались праздновать со своими семьями, и брат с сестрой оказываются в небольшой тёплой компании. Доставая залетевший в сарай фрисби, ребята обнаруживают там подвал, а в подвале — странную безголовую скульптуру. Этой же ночью Амбар слышит и видит призраков далёкого прошлого, а на утро скульптура из подвала оказывается в общей гостиной.
Madu Murni
Costume Designer
Mustaqim, a former Koran teacher, works as a debt collector in the hope of earning more. However, Murni, his wife, did not want to accept the gift of money from her husband because she did not agree with men related to the afterlife. At the suggestion of his colleague Rojak, Mustaqim remarried to Yati.
Missing Home
Costume Designer
A married couple stages their divorce in order to encourage their estranged adult children to return to their hometown.
Gara-Gara Warisan
Costume Designer
Three brothers who never get along are forced to compete for the inheritance in the form of a guest house owned by Dahlan, their father. Adam, the eldest son who blames his father's harsh attitude for his life's failures. Laras, the middle child who is independent and idealistic. And Dicky, his father's favorite youngest child who was pampered since childhood and grew up as a naughty young man. Who will be the heirs of choice?
Dear Nathan: Thank You Salma
Costume Designer
Nathan and Salma enter the world of social activism. Salma chose to express himself digitally while Nathan chose to take to the streets. This difference sparked a big fight when Nathan was involved in a big riot at a demonstration. Their romance ended. Nathan tries to fight for Salma to continue his relationship. Unfortunately, Nathan's time is torn apart after Rebecca asks him to help Zanna, who is sexually assaulted. Nathan is in a difficult position, because he has to protect Zanna's privacy and keep this matter a secret from everyone including Salma. The problem is compounded when Salma is close to Afkar, a musician who has long idolized Salma. Nathan never stopped fighting for justice for Zanna, but at the same time he was also not willing to lose Salma.
Makeup Artist
Muslim teacher Rintik is desperate to go to Sumba to teach. He falls in love with Sumba and a young man, Arsa, even though many of them have different beliefs from Rintik himself. Can they unite in differences?
Идеальная пара
Costume Designer
Блогер, которая пишет о моде, встречает на Бали талантливого обувщика. Между ними летают искры, и девушка начинает сомневаться насчет будущего со своим женихом.
Devil on Top
Costume Designer
Having a boss like Sarah makes Angga and his co-workers, Richard, Boni, and Rudi, feel like they are working under the supervision of a demon in hell. How not, Sarah's assertiveness often feels like bullying, or at least very intimidating. One day, Angga finds a piece of paper containing data on employees of Facade, a digital marketing company where they work. Worried about the possibility that the marked employees will be fired, Angga and his co-workers plan to oust Sarah from her position before the dismissal occurs.
Wedding Proposal
Costume Designer
Bisma, a single photographer who is constantly being asked to marry by her parents, finally meets a perfectionist wedding organizer named Sissy. However, the struggle to get it is not always easy. Together with Ito, Bisma tries to win over Sissy's heart so that marriage can be achieved.
Лайла и Маджнун
Costume Designer
В Азербайджане индонезийская ученая Лейла влюбляется в Самира, поклонника ее работ, но ее брак по договоренности встает у них на пути.
Tarung Sarung
Costume Designer
Wealthy and spoiled, a young man finds something to fight for when he falls in love with an environmental activist protesting his family's business.
Asih 2
Costume Designer
After adopting Ana, Sylvia realizes that she did not only bring Ana home, but also Asih, the ghost who has been Ana's foster mother.
Di Bawah Umur
Costume Designer
The story of coming of age. No restrictions. Exploring without limits. A new student, Lana comes to the most favorite high schools in Jakarta. Her innocent and fresh beauty catches the eyes of the young guys there, especially the school’s bad boy, Aryo.
Rentang Kisah
Costume Designer
From the true experiences of Gita Savitri Devi, an Indonesian student in Germany who discovered Islam in an Islamic minority country and found the closeness of family when they were far apart.
Sabar Ini Ujian
Costume Designer
Sabar relives the same day and gets the opportunity to alter his ex-girlfriend's wedding ceremony over and over until he gets the girl of his dream.
Милея: Голос Дилана
Costume Designer
Перед великим воссоединением Дилан решил написать и пересказать свою историю любви с Милеей. Это его способ ещё раз прочувствовать всё, что они вместе пережили.
Bloodlust Beauty
Costume Designer
Maryam, a woman who are looking for happiness when her love life with Roy is in the verge of destruction. The presence of Yudha are able to make Maryam calm. But, a tragedy happened. After that a horror urban legend started to spread. Besides bringing havoc, Maryam's presence brings a valuable lessons for the people around her.
Королева черной магии
Costume Designer
Ханиф, его жена Надя и трое их детей отправляются за город, чтобы посетить детский дом, где вырос мужчина. Заведующий стар, болен и находится при смерти. Он заменил Ханифу отца, поэтому мужчина хочет быть рядом с пожилым воспитателем в последние мгновения его жизни. По дороге Ханиф сбивает какое-то крупное животное. Он решает отвезти жену и детей в детский дом, а потом вернуться к месту происшествия. По приезду в приют мужчина встречает давних друзей, которые так же воспитывались здесь и приехали навестить заведующего. Компания решает остаться на ночь. Ханиф возвращается обратно, чтобы похоронить сбитое животное. Недалеко от этого места он неожиданно находит автобус, который должен был отвезти сирот из приюта на экскурсию. То, что Ханиф обнаруживает в автобусе, повергает его в шок… Там его встречает зло, которое заставит героя заплатить за прошлые проступки.
Lampor: The Flying Casket
Costume Designer
Edwin and Netta with their two children, Adam and Sekar going to Netta's hometown at Temanggung. Netta were suspected as the cause of Lampor terror at her hometown, a demon who bring a flying casket.
Pretty Boys
Costume Designer
Two best friends since childhood aspire to be famous. They run away from home and try their fortune in Jakarta. One day, when they become the paid audiences for a talk show, the audience coordinator offer them a way to their dreams.
Makeup & Hair
Waking up after giving birth, Mayang gets the news unlike what she expects from Reza, her husband: their first baby has died. Both of them are experiencing tremendous depression. Mayang can not accept it. Everyone at the hospital is sure that she is hallucinating. She contacts the police to look for a bright spot in this strange case. Dr. Vera who helped her give birth, provides evidence: the document of her baby's death with several photographs of the incident. Mayang who chooses not to give up begins to be considered crazy by some people in the hospital, including her own husband. Moreover, she feels to be followed by a spirit.
Kapal Goyang Kapten
Costume Designer
3 amateur hijackers hijacked a tourist ship that is sailing in the Maluku Sea which contains several local tourists and Gomgom, the captain. They are Daniel (Ge Pamungkas) who wants to prove to his parents that even the child of a rich people can work, Cakka (Muhadkly Acho) who needs money for her sick mother, and Bertus (Mamat Alkatiri), unemployed. Because of their stupidity they sink the ship and stranded on an empty island. Resistance from the hostages is driven by Tiara (Yuki Kato) and from other passengers: the Burhan family consisting of Father (Arief Didu), Mother (Asri Welas) and their child (Romaria Simbolon), husband and wife on their honeymoon, Darto (Yusril) and Salma (Naomi Papilaya), as well as three students, Noni (Andi Anissa), Cika (Ryma Shepherd) and Agung (Ananta Rispo).
Ghost Writer
Costume Designer
An old diary containing dark secrets found by Naya, a novelist who has out of ideas for 3 years. This book is a good material for her latest novel, but something unexpected starts to happen.
Dilan 1991
Costume Designer
Dilan's involvement in the motorbike gang imperils his relationship with Milea, whose distant relative returns from Belgium.
Проклятье первого дня
Costume Designer
Действие фильма разворачивается в первый день общепринятого на острове Ява календаря. Главный герой картины отвозит свою беременную супругу в больницу, и он очень надеется на то, что роды пройдут без каких-либо осложнений. Мужчина передаёт её в руки врачей и с чувством выполненного долга возвращается домой. Через некоторое время он возвращается и с ужасом выясняет, что здание больницы уже давно заброшено. Как такое могло произойти, он понять не может, однако теперь ему необходимо будет докопаться до истины, чтобы спасти супругу. Главному герою придётся иметь дело с тёмными силами, которые каким-то образом проникли в наш мир и похитили его беременную жену…
Milly & Mamet
Costume Designer
After two lovebirds make some sacrifices to build their nest, new opportunities to spread their wings put their union to the test.
Sesuai Aplikasi
Costume Design
After two failed deliveries, a pair of motorcycle taxi drivers must recover the goods they lost for any hope of financially assisting their families.
Hanum & Rangga: Faith & The City
Costume Designer
Hanum had an opportunity to attend the program in the Global New York TV station which was her dream. Her husband sacrificed his dream for Hanum.
Something In Between
Wardrobe Designer
Tormented by vivid dreams, a man tries to follow his visions to find the whereabouts of a high school couple he can't stop thinking about.
Пока Дьявол не позовёт
Costume Designer
Мать Алфи умерла при загадочных обстоятельствах, а отец женился повторно на женщине на 20 лет младше и с двумя взрослыми детьми. Хоть отношения у Алфи с отцом и натянутые, когда она узнает, что тот обанкротился и умирает от какой-то непонятной болезни, женщина все-таки решает наведаться в отчий дом и разобраться в ситуации. А там её ждет нетёплый приём - сводная сестра винит Алфи в неудачах семьи, а затем начинают происходить совсем уж странные события.
Insya Allah Sah 2
Costume Designer
When Raka gets caught in a wild police chase, he agrees to help a fugitive escape—on the condition that the culprit repents for his mistakes.
Costume Designer
An antisocial teen who acts out develops an invigorating relationship with a new student who has befriended her with a benevolent ulterior motive.
Любовные стихи 2
Costume Designer
When he became a lecturer in Eidenburgh, Fahri met Hulya, Keira, and Sabrina. The three try to make Fahri forget Aisha to continue his life.
Warkop DKI Reborn: Jangkrik Boss! Part 2
Costume Designer
Dono, Kasino, and Indro's adventure continues. They have to search for the treasure to pay their debts. They travel to Malaysia, but the bags with treasure codes was switched with a woman. They ended up at a haunted uninhabited island.
Check the Store Next Door
Costume Designer
A family's harmony is disrupted when the patriarch falls ills and the youngest son inherits ownership of their humble mom-and-pop shop.
Рейд: Пуля в голове
Costume Design
Молодого человека с серьёзной травмой головы прибивает к берегу моря. Он жив, но ничего не помнит. Молодой доктор пытается его вылечить, но прошлое не заставляет себя долго ждать.
Comic 8: Casino Kings - Part 2
Costume Designer
Eight secret agents assigned to go undercover as stand up comedians in search of a comedian who becomes a liaison to the master criminal named The King, the most spectacular gambling casino owner in Asia.
LDR 2: Where Is My Romeo
Makeup & Hair
Carrie (Mentari De Marelle) now is a tour guide in her favorite city, Verona. However, the past continues to chase him. Suddenly he got a mysterious letter from Romeo, who invited him to meet in Venice during the Carnivale event.
The Final Note
Costume Designer
Although college student Sam has made a pact to graduate with his best friends, he lags behind as the only one who is struggling to finish his thesis. At the same time, the girl he loves has found a new relationship. Can Sam push forward and fight for everything he desires?
Comic 8: Casino Kings - Part 1
Costume Designer
Eight secret agents assigned to go undercover as stand up comedians in search of a comedian who becomes a liaison to the master criminal named The King, the most spectacular gambling casino owner in Asia.
Makeup & Hair
Carries (Mentari de Marelle) dream to go to Verona, Juliet's city residence, has been answered. From childhood, Carrie had fallen in love with the story of Romeo and Juliet. Carrie believes, there must be a Romeo for her.
Ассаламу алейкум, Пекин
Makeup & Hair
The day before her wedding, Asma found out that her lover was having an affair with his colleague. Asma also accepted a job offer in Beijing, where she met Zhongwen. Zhongwen's kindness and attention slowly made Asma reopen her heart.
Costume Designer
Tala lives with her mother and her uncle in Hong Kong. They're stuck and can't go back to Indonesia. Tala begins to team up with her uncle to be pickpockets on the streets. Tala stole Musa's wallet and they soon find love for each other.
Para Pemburu Gajah
Costume Designer
A Sumatran elephant calf is being hunted for smuggling. This incident caught the attention of five children who were camping nearby. Tensions rise when elephant hunters target the five children. In the dense forest, they have to self-report by car. When they arrived in the city, they secretly took the Sumatran elephant calf into the freight train. The five children had the courage to save the Sumatran elephant calf from the elephant hunters.
99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa: Part 2
Makeup & Hair
Continuing the previous film: revealing the secrets of Islam in Europe, especially Cordoba, Istanbul, and Turkey.
Comic 8
Costume Designer
Eight young people from various reasons and motives coincidentally rob a bank at the same time. They had to work together to find answers to the puzzles, and find the best solution for all.
Hello Ghost
Costume Designer
Indonesian remake of Korean film 'Hello Ghost'.