Julien Sicart


Red Island
Sound Recordist
Madagascar, at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s. On an air base of the French army, the soldiers live the last carefree years of colonialism. Influenced by his readings of Fantômette, Thomas, a child who is not yet 10 years old, gradually forges a look at the world around him.
Not My Type
Sound Mixer
Marcia, a classy Parisian young singer, is recording an album with her idol Daredjane, a rock icon from the 70's. When Daredjane accidentally dies, Marcia needs to get approval from Daredjane's right-holder, Anthony, a suburban market vendor in his thirties, to release their album. But Anthony never liked his distant relative, let alone her music. Their two worlds clash between good and bad taste, sophistication and rudeness, sincerity and lies. Unless love gets in the way...
Arthur Rambo
Who is this Karim D. ? The new young writer whom the media can't get enough of? Or his alias, Arthur Rambo, the author of old hate-fuellled messages which are dredged up, one day, from social media websites?
Third Grade
After being constantly bullied at school by her classmate Kevin, 8-year-old Claire discovers that the boy who is giving her hard time is also suffering and might need her help…
Маленькая мама
Восьмилетняя Нелли вместе с родителями приезжает в загородный дом, и в лесу встречает свою ровесницу. Ее зовут Марион — так же, как маму главной героини.
Портрет девушки в огне
Sound Engineer
Бретань, 1770. Художница Марианна приезжает в имение на побережье Франции, чтобы написать портрет дочери его владелицы — Элоизы. Картина нужна, чтобы отправить потенциальному жениху Элоизы в Милан. В знак протеста против замужества девушка отказалась позировать, и гостью представляют как компаньонку для прогулок. Проводя всё больше времени вместе, девушки начинают чувствовать взаимное притяжение…
Sound Recordist
Сибил — опытная и успешная женщина-психотерапевт, желающая отказаться от практики, чтобы воплотить давнее желание написать книгу. В тот момент, когда ей будет так нужно вдохновение, рядом окажется юная актриса Марго, ищущая помощи и поддержки. Сибил, очарованная новой пациенткой, будет всё глубже погружаться в чужую историю, не замечая, как её собственная жизнь перевернётся с ног на голову.
Это любовь
Sound Engineer
С тех пор как ушла жена, Марио вынужден сам вести хозяйство и заботиться о двух дочерях-подростках, что довольно непросто: младшая обижена на отца, так как считает его виновным в уходе матери, а старшая мечтает о независимости. Тем временем Марио ждет, когда его жена вернется домой.
Sound Engineer
In the midst of a divorce, Miriam Besson decides to ask for exclusive custody of her son, in order to protect him from a father that she is accusing of violence. The judge-in-charge of the file grants a shared custody to the father whom it considers abused. Taken as a hostage between his parents, Julien Besson will do everything to prevent the worst from happening.
Life Beyond Me
It's been four years since Sylvie's son Felipe was abducted by his father Pablo after their divorce. Having been let down by the French officials who had succeeded in tracking both them down, only to let them escape again, Sylvie has now decided to take matters into her own hands.
Sound Engineer
Однажды вечером, закончив прием пациентов, Женни решает не открывать дверь позднему посетителю ее хирургического кабинета. На следующий день полиция информирует ее о том, что неподалеку было найдено тело неизвестной девушки. Испытывая тайные угрызения совести, Женни пытается самостоятельно установить личность незнакомки…
В постели с Викторией
Виктория пытается начать новую жизнь — взять себя в руки, разобраться с любовниками, больше спать и лучше питаться. Только вот бывший, обратившийся к ней за помощью, не помогает навести порядок. А другой возлюбленный, возомнивший себя популярным писателем, посвящает всю сеть в подробности ее интимной жизни.
Sound Designer
This story takes place in a far distant time, a time of violence. All throughout Europe, a war was spreading. In a city there lived two sisters...
Ministre ou rien
This is the unlikely story of 21 ministers and prime ministers who have crossed or are crossing the french Fifth Republic today. Twenty-one politicians who, from one day to the next, find themselves at the head of a ministry by the grace of a President of the Republic and his Prime Minister. The formation of the government, conflicts of attribution, reshuffles, rumours of appointments, evictions, casting errors: it is all the capricious backstage of the games of power examined here under the angle of confidence and which sheds light on the prestigious but unknown function of minister. An original and instructive political saga on the reality of those who hold or have held this prestigious position.
Comment j'ai détesté les maths
What is striking when you talk with mathematicians is that sparkle in their eyes, and their sudden joyful voice trying to share with you a concept, a theory. They continuously use words such as invention, beauty, freedom. You then ask yourself : how such a rich language, this quasi-philosophical proposition about the world becomes rejected by a majority, 'the only discipline where one prides itself to be bad at it'!
Le streghe, femmes entre elles
Boom Operator
Another adaptation from Cesare Pavese’s Dialogues with Leucò (following "From the Clouds to the Resistance", "These Encounters of Theirs" and "Artemis' Knee".
Mah Sa-Sah
Mabrouk Again!
Marie wakes up one morning in Beirut in a panic, convinced that she has lost her daughter’s wedding photograph. A photograph, however, that never existed… Ten years ago, her daughter’s marriage ceremony had to be cut short on account of a bombing raid. There was no time for a wedding photograph. Now, with the aid of a photographer and a chicken, Hoda and her husband decide to reconstruct the wedding ceremony once more, so that Hoda’s mother will at last have the photograph she deserves…
Anatomy of a Fall
Sound Engineer
A woman is suspected of her husband's murder, and their blind son faces a moral dilemma as the sole witness.