Samuel S. Hinds

Samuel S. Hinds

Рождение : 1875-04-04, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 1948-10-13


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Samuel Southey Hinds (April 4, 1875 – October 13, 1948) was an American actor and former lawyer. He was often cast as kindly authoritarian figures and appeared in over 200 films until his death. Hinds was born in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Joseph E. Hinds and Mary A. Beetham Hinds. He was a graduate of Phillips Andover Academy and Harvard Law School and worked for over 32 years as a lawyer before becoming a professional actor. After he lost most of his money in the financial crisis of 1929, Hinds retired as a lawyer and joined the Pasadena Community Playhouse. He started acting in Broadway shows at age 54. Hinds is perhaps best remembered for playing Peter Bailey, the father of James Stewart and founder of the Bailey Building and Loan, in It's a Wonderful Life (1946) and for his part as Paul Sycamore in You Can't Take It With You (1938), both films directed by Frank Capra. Hinds was also known for his roles in the Abbott & Costello films such as Buck Privates (1941), Ride 'Em Cowboy (1942) and Pardon My Sarong (1942). He also portrayed Lew Ayres' father in the Dr. Kildare film series during the early 1940s. Hinds mostly played supporting roles, often kind and dignified authority figures; often lawyers, doctors, mayors, judges or the father of the main figure. Hinds' first film was If I Had a Million (1932); his second film was The Road Is Open Again (1933) where he portrayed President Woodrow Wilson. His earlier career was reflected in the role of Judge Thatcher, tortured by the mad Dr. Richard Vollin (Bela Lugosi) in The Raven (1935). Hinds acted in a total of 214 films. His last film was The Bribe, released in 1949, after his death. Hinds died of pneumonia in Pasadena, California, on October 13, 1948 at age 73. He was married to Dorothy Cruickshack, they had two children.


Samuel S. Hinds


Going Hollywood: The '30s
(archive footage)
Robert Preston hosts this documentary that shows what people of the 1930s were watching as they were battling the Depression as well as eventually getting ready for another World War.
Hollywood: The Selznick Years
'Manhattan Melodrama' (archive footage) (uncredited)
Henry Fonda hosts this retrospective on the career and films of iconic filmmaker David O. Selznick, who epitomized the era of the auteur producer in the 30s and 40s.
The Bribe
Dr. Warren
United States Federal agent Rigby travels to the Central American island Carlotta to investigate a stolen aircraft engines smuggling racket.
The Boy with Green Hair
Dr. R.T. Knudson
Peter, an orphaned boy, is adopted by Gramp Frye after his parents are killed in Europe while doing war relief work. The boy feels safe with his new caretaker, but when he is taunted for being an orphan, he gets demoralized. The next day Peter wakes up with green hair. Embarrassed and further ridiculed, Peter seeks solace in a nearby forest. To his surprise, he finds other orphans in the woods, who encourage him to spread news of the injustices of war.
The Return of October
Judge Northridge
A wholesome girl believes her new racehorse, October, is the reincarnation of her favorite uncle, Willie.
Perilous Waters
Dana Ferris
Because of his virulent crusade against gambling, Dana Ferris has been targeted for extermination by the Mob, and Willie Hunter is the hit man who's been hired to do the job.
Звонить Нортсайд 777
Judge Charles Moulton (uncredited)
Сюжет фильма основан на реальных событиях, имевших место в Чикаго в 1932 году. Джозеф Мазек был обвинен в убийстве полицейского и получил пожизненный срок.
Time Out Of Mind
Dr. Weber
The son of a wealthy Maine family shocks his relatives by announcing he wants to pursue a career in music.
Неудачник и я
Sheriff Drum
Желая начать новую жизнь после возвращения с войны, городской пижон Боб покупает фермерское угодье с большими планами на развитие-взращивание кур и последующей продажей яиц. Правда, своими планами он не поделился со своей новоиспеченной супругой, городской штучкой Бэтти. У молодых разные взгляды на ферму, которая на самом деле требует больших усилий, чтобы превратиться в место, пригодное для жилья и ведения бизнеса. Боб и Бэтти знакомятся со своими соседями, среди которых Бэтти ждет настоящее испытание для терпения: гламурная соседка Харриет Путнэм определенно имеет виды на Боба.
Эта замечательная жизнь
Pa Bailey
Джордж Бейли, владелец кредитной компании в выдуманном американском городке Бедфорд Фоллс, честный, отзывчивый, любящий муж и отец, подавлен свалившимися на него невзгодами и подумывает о самоубийстве. Очевидно, что человек, отказывающийся от самого большого дара Бога - жизни - нуждается в помощи ангела-хранителя. И Небеса отправляют ему на выручку Кларенса, единственного свободного на тот момент Ангела Второго Класса, приятного, доброго, но неопытного, еще даже не заслужившего крылья. Если он сделает свою работу хорошо и сможет отговорить Джорджа от смертного греха, он получит крылья. А времени у него почти не осталось... Кларенс находит единственно правильное решение - показать Джорджу мир, в котором тот не существует.
White Tie and Tails
Mr. Bradford
When his employer goes to Florida, a butler masquerades as a millionaire and winds up marrying an heiress.
Danger Woman
Dean Albert Sears
A woman plots to steal secrets from her Atomic-expert husband.
Inside Job
Judge Kincaid
A pair of married ex-convicts trying to go straight get jobs at a department store. A gangster who knows about their past threatens to expose it unless they agree to help him rob the department store.
The Runaround
Norman Hampton
Two private eyes compete to find an heiress and bring her back, unmarried, to New York.
Strange Conquest
Dr. Graves
Two doctors try to find the cure for a fatal disease, while battling each other for the affection of a beautiful woman doctor.
Blonde Alibi
Prof. Slater
Soon after a young woman breaks off her engagement to a doctor, the doctor is found murdered. Suspicion falls on his ex-fiancé and a pilot with a checkered past.
Little Miss Big
Wilfred Elliott
A wealthy eccentric women escapes from a mental institution and finds refuge with a financially strapped barber and his two daughters
Улица греха
Charles Pringle
Крис Кросс, застенчивый, наивный господин, утомившийся от собственного благополучия, спасает красивую девушку Китти от неуравновешенного приятеля. Герой увлекается Китти и позволяет ей считать себя состоятельным и успешным художником, не подозревая, что у новой знакомой и ее жениха имеются свои планы относительно него.
Week-End at the Waldorf
Mr. Jessup
Anything can happen during a weekend at New York's Waldorf-Astoria: a glamorous movie star meets a world-weary war correspondent and mistakes him for a jewel thief; a soldier learns that without an operation he'll die and so looks for one last romance with a beautiful but ambitious stenographer; a cub reporter tries to get the goods on a shady man's dealing with a foreign potentate.
Men in Her Diary
Judge Bergen
Singer/Dancer Peggy Ryan neither sings nor dances in this comedy in which she plays a secretary, whose life has no romance because she devotes all of her time to her attractive older sister. But she does keep a diary that contains some fact and many fictional entries. One such is read by the wife of her boss who promptly sues for a divorce. Virginia Grey stars in a musical produced by Hall and sings (possibly dubbed) "Makin' a Million" and "Keep Your Chin Up." No spoiler to add that Ryan gets a boyfriend and Hall and Allbritton are reunited before this one runs it course.
Необыкновенное дело дядюшки Гарри
Dr. Adams
Гарри Квинси, главный дизайнер фабрики одежды из небольшого городка, живет с эгоистичными сестрами — гламурной и мнительной Летти и ворчливой вдовой Хестер. Его отношения с новой коллегой Деборой Браун возможно ждет счастливый финал, но им мешает растущее противостояние одной из сестер. Станет ли Гарри прибегать к отчаянным мерам?
Леди в поезде
Mr. Wiggam, Waring Lawyer
Никки, любительница тайн и криминальных романов, выглянув в окно поезда, становится свидетельницей убийства. Однако, прибывшая по её вызову полиция не находит никаких признаков случившегося. Решительная девушка совместно с популярным автором детективных романов Уэйном Морганом начинает свое собственное расследование. И хотя мисс Коллинз несравнимо моложе мисс Марпл, её острый ум заставляет вспомнить лучшие дела героини романов Агаты Кристи.
Secret Agent X-9
American, Chinese and Australian agents join forces to stop the Nazis from obtaining the formula for synthetic fuel.
Escape in the Desert
Escaped Nazi POWs hold the denizens of a California resort hostage.
Swing Out, Sister
Rufus Mariman
Universal cowboy star Rod Cameron plays Geoffrey, conductor of a high-toned symphony orchestra. Secretly harboring the desire to become a swingin' jazz trumpeter, Geoffrey takes a job at a "hot" Broadway nightclub. Here he meets and falls in love with café songstress Donna (Frances Raeburn), who has led her family to believe that she's studying for a classical-music career. Meanwhile, a comedy-relief romance develops between Geoffrey's snooty valet Chumley (Arthur Treacher) and Donna's best pal Pat (Jacqueline De Wit). For those not interested in the plot (what there is of it), Swing Out, Sister includes specialty numbers by organist Selika Pettiford and the Lou Diamond Quintet.
I'll Remember April
Garrett Garfield
The daughter of a formerly wealthy man tries to get a job singing on a radio show, but gets involved in a feud and murder.
Frisco Sal
Sal comes to the Barbary Coast from New England to find out who murdered her brother. She gets a job signing in Dude's saloon, falls in love with Dude, then wonders if he might be involved in the murder.
The Singing Sheriff
In this comic western, a Broadway star leaves his musical revue to go West and help out his troubled friend. While there, the performer finds himself forced into becoming the town sheriff. Mayhem ensues, but somehow, the crooner manages to round up a band of killers.
South of Dixie
Colonel Andrew J. Morgan
To save their music publishing firm from bankruptcy, Bill "Brains' Watson creates a colorful life-story about his partner, Danny Lee, representing him as a descendant of Louisiana's famous Josh Lee family and rightful poet laureate of Dixieland.
Jungle Woman
Paula, the ape woman, has survived the ending of CAPTIVE WILD WOMAN and is running around a creepy old sanitarium run by the kindly Dr. Fletcher, reverting to her true gorilla form every once in a while to kill somebody.
Father Paul
Старая королева «народа Кобры» похищает собственную внучку, чтобы та вернулась на родной остров посреди Индийского океана и отняла бразды правления королевством у своей сестры-двойняшки, жестокой и кровожадной верховной жрицы.
The Great Alaskan Mystery
Herman Brock
The obsessive scientist Dr. Miller is working on a matter-transmitter invention called the Paratron; a conspiratorial team of spies and no-goods pursue him to Alaska, trying to steal the device.
Ladies Courageous
Brig. Gen. Wade
Loretta Young stars in this drama about female pilots during WWII.
Chip Off the Old Block
Dean Manning
The son of a strict Navy officer falls for the daughter of a musical-comedy star.
Judge (voice) (uncredited)
Нью-Йорк. Август 1943 года. После ссоры с женой, Скотт Хендерсон — красивый и успешный тридцатидвухлетний инженер, знакомится в баре с таинственной незнакомкой, и предлагает сходить на бродвейское шоу, билеты на которое он приобрел для себя и супруги. Женщина соглашается, но с условием, что, ни она, ни он не назовут своего имени. Этой же ночью он застает в своей квартире полицейских, которые обнаружили его жену задушенную его галстуком. Скотта обвиняют в убийстве собственной жены. Он невиновен, но кто это сможет доказать? Его алиби может подтвердить только одна свидетельница, таинственная «леди — призрак», которую никто из других свидетелей не видел. День казни все ближе; спасти босса — найти эту женщину — берется влюбленная в него секретарша....
Sing a Jingle
J.P. Crane
In Sing a Jingle, Allan Jones plays popular radio crooner Roy King, who goes to work in a war plant after being declared 4F. He falls in love with Muriel Crane (June Vincent), the boss' daughter, who is at first unaware of the fact that King is the heartthrob of millions (he's gotten the job under an assumed name).
Сын Дракулы
Judge Simmons
Путешествуя по американскому югу, венгерский граф Алукард находит себе невесту. Вскоре выясняется, что его пассия сильно увлечена оккультизмом, и граф, будучи вампиром, решает удовлетворить её любопытство в этом вопросе.
Top Man
Mr. Fairchild
In this WW II musical, a young man suddenly finds himself in charge of his family when his father is called to war. To help the flagging spirits of local factory workers, the plucky lad, his siblings and his schoolmates put on a lively little show. With a little work, he even convinces Count Basie to come with his band.
Larceny with Music
A former bootlegger is now the prosperous owner of a popular nightclub. A hustling promoter manages to pass off a young singer as the heir to a fortune and gets her booked at the club.
Fired Wife
Judge Towne
A Broadway producer's Girl Friday must make sure that her recent marriage is kept secret. If it gets out, she will lose her job. Unfortunately, her new hubby is tired of hiding the truth and creates all kinds of problems when he decides to spill the beans.
We've Never Been Licked
Colonel Jason Craig
Young Brad Craig enters the military school with a chip on his shoulder which upperclassmen quickly knock off. Once adjusted, Craig falls in love with a professor's beautiful daughter, only to find she is in love with his roommate.
То, что она не отдаст
Dr. Crane
Декабрь 1943 года. США вступает в воздушное противостояние с Германией, открыв второй фронт с союзниками. Американские летчики готовят свои боевые машины к полету через Атлантику в оккупированную фашистами Европу. Популярная певица Пени Крэйг знакомится в пункте переливания крови красного креста с Биллом Морли летчиком дальней авиации США, который, ради шутки выдает себя за врача. Они влюбляются друг в друга с первого взгляда, но война есть война и её любимый должен лететьна фронт. Пени решает внести свой вклад в борьбу с нацистами, она надевает рабочий комбинезон и как многие её сверстницы идет работать на авиазавод, чтобы помочь стране в тяжелые дни. В перерывах между работой она поёт своим друзьямпрекрасные песни, которые подхватывает вся Америка.
Mister Big
Jeremy Taswell
Students at the Davis School of the Theatre are assigned "Antigone" as their class play, but they conspire to do a swing musical instead.
Good Morning, Judge
J.P. Gordon
A songwriter is sued for libel, and when he gets to court he discovers that his girlfriend is the plaintiff's attorney.
Follow the Band
Pop Turnbull
A farmer from Vermont travels to New York and becomes a successful singer in a nightclub.
He's My Guy
The former members of a vaudeville team meet up again in a defense plant during WW II.
It Ain't Hay
Colonel Brainard
Abbot and Costello must find a replacement for a woman's horse they accidentally killed after feeding it some candy. They head for the racetrack, find a look-a-like and take it. They do not realize that the nag is "Tea Biscuit," a champion racehorse.
Keep 'Em Slugging
A gang of tough street kids decide to go straight and get jobs in order to free draft-age men for the war effort. However, because of their past tangles with the law, they can't find anybody who'll hire them. Finally one of them gets a job at the department store where his sister works, but runs afoul of a store executive who is in league with a ring of hijackers.
To the People of the United States
Harrison - Member of the Local Draft Board (uncredited)
World War II public education film about sexually transmitted diseases focused on syphilis.
Morgan Prentiss (President, Prentiss Steel)
Charles 'Pittsburgh' Markham rides roughshod over his friends, his lovers, and his ideals in his trek toward financial success in the Pittsburgh steel industry, only to find himself deserted and lonely at the top. When his crash comes, he finds that fate has dealt him a second chance.
Pardon My Sarong
Chief Kolua
A pair of bus drivers accidentally steal their own bus. With the company issuing a warrant for their arrest, they tag along with a playboy on a boat trip that finds them on a tropical island, where a jewel thief has sinister plans for them.
Lady in a Jam
Dr. Brewster
A psychiatrist's patient, a nutty heiress, travels west to find gold in her grandfather's abandoned mine. The psychiatrist, unable to talk her out of it, decides to follow her out there.
Judge Stillman
Конец девятнадцатого века, эпоха «золотой лихорадки», охватившей Аляску. На Клондайке правят лихие людишки: ловкие мошенники, алчные дельцы и сорви-головы всех мастей, адела чаще всего решаются с помощью кулаков и безотказного шестизарядного помощника по имени Кольт. Джон Уэйн исполняет роль капитана Роя Гленнистера — честного бизнесмена, у которого силой пытаются отсудить прииск. За вероломной аферой стоит коррумпированный чиновник Александр Макнамара, сговорившийся с местным судьей. Вместе со своей любовницей, очаровательной певицей Черри Малотт, Рой изо всех сил пытается противостоять козням негодяя законным путем, однако, восстановить справедливость можно лишь взяв в руки оружие.
Grand Central Murder
Roger Furness
Conniving Broadway starlet Mida King has plenty of enemies, so when she's found murdered at Grand Central Station, Inspector Gunther calls together a slew of suspects for questioning. Mida's shady ex-flame, Turk, seems the most likely culprit, but when smart-mouthed private eye Rocky Custer -- also a suspect himself -- begins to piece together the crime, a few clues that Gunther has overlooked come to light.
Kid Glove Killer
Mayor Daniels
Van Heflin stars as the head of a city crime lab who tries to solve the murder of the town mayor by scientifically analyzing evidence.
The Strange Case of Doctor Rx
Dudley Crispin
Private eye Jerry Church is hired by a criminal defense lawyer after five mobsters he has gotten acquitted are apparently strangled by a serial killer.
Frisco Lil
Lil becomes a dealer in a gambling casino in order to get the information she needs to clear her father of a murder charge. She also falls in love with lawyer Brewster.
Ride 'Em Cowboy
Sam Shaw
Two peanut vendors at a rodeo show get in trouble with their boss and hide out on a railroad train heading west. They get jobs as cowboys on a dude ranch, despite the fact that neither of them knows anything about cowboys, horses, or anything else.
Jail House Blues
Mr. Thomas Daniels
A prisoner about to be pardoned puts it off until he can put on one last variety show for his fellow inmates.
Don Winslow of the Navy
The CINCUS [Ch. 1]
A movie serial in 12 Chapters: US naval officer Don Winslow is given command of Tangita Island, near Pearl Harbor, where a ring of saboteurs is trying to destroy ships carrying supplies to the troops stationed in the islands and sabotage the war effort under orders from an unknown leader.
Ад раскрылся
Showboat Captain (uncredited)
Олсен и Джонсон, пара сценических комиков, пытаются превратить свою пьесу в фильм и объединить влюбленную пару, одновременно разбивая четвертую стену на каждом шагу.
Road Agent
Banker Sam Leavitt
Summarily accused of murder, drifters Duke (Foran), Pancho (Carrillo) and Andy (Devine) are tossed into the hoosegow, only to be released when their alibi checks out. Far from offended by his ill treatment, Duke agrees to take the job of sheriff, retaining Pancho and Andy as his deputies. The gruesome threesome then sets about to solve a series of mysterious Wells Fargo robberies
Mob Town
Luther Bryson
Wayward youths get out of trouble thanks to a policeman.
Badlands Of Dakota
Wilbur Grayson
Up-and-coming Universal leading man Robert Stack made his western-movie debut in Badlands of Dakota. Set in the Dakotas during the days of the Great Gold Boom, the story finds brothers Jim and Bob Holliday (Stack and Broderick Crawford) dukeing it out over the affections of pretty Anne Grayson (Ann Rutherford). While all this is going on, Wild Bill Hickok (Richard Dix) does his best to neutralize the local criminal element-and to fend off the romantic overtures of boisterous Calamity Jane (Frances Farmer).
Unfinished Business
With Irene Dunne, Robert Montgomery, Preston Foster, and Eugene Pallette. This sublime film exemplifies La Cava’s gift for creating comedies that contain a profound depth of feeling. Starting with a cruel joke – a couple of callow men make a bet that one of them can seduce the woman sharing their train compartment – the film charts the relationship that develops between Irene Dunne, a small-town girl in the big city, and Robert Montgomery, the brother of the man who has heartlessly seduced and abandoned her. Their love affair is all the more affecting for taking place against a backdrop of heartbreak and alcoholism, all conveyed under the guise of comedy. UNFINISHED BUSINESS is truly one of the most remarkable Hollywood films of the 1940s.
Dr. Kildare's Wedding Day
Dr. Stephen Kildare
A variety of predicaments arise to distract Dr. Kildare from his wedding to Nurse Mary Lamont.
Blossoms in the Dust
Mr. George Kahley
Edna marries Texan Sam Gladney, operator of a wheat mill. They have a son, who is killed when very young. Edna discovers by chance how the law treats children who are without parents and decides to do something about it. She opens a home for foundlings and orphans and begins to place children in good homes, despite the opposition of "conservative" citizens, who would condemn illegitimate children for being born out of wedlock. Eventually Edna leads a fight in the Texas legislature to remove the stigma of illegitimacy from birth records in that state, while continuing to be an advocate for homeless children.
The Shepherd of the Hills
Andy Beeler
Young Matt Matthews, an Ozark Mountains moonshiner, hates the father he has never seen, who apparently deserted Matt's mother and left her to die. His obsession contributes to the hatred rampant in the mountains. However, the arrival of a stranger, Daniel Howitt, begins to positively affect the mountain people, who learn to shed their hatred under his gentle influence.
Tight Shoes
Horace Grover, 'the Brain'
A crook with big feet buys shoes that are too tight from a salesman, then decides to use the store as a front for illegal gambling.
Adventure in Washington
Se. Henry Owen
A troubled youth is offered the opportunity to serve as a Senate page in Washington, DC.
The Lady from Cheyenne
Governor Howard
Fictionalized story of the 1869 adoption of women's suffrage in Wyoming Territory. In the new-founded railroad town of Laraville, Boss Jim Cork hopes to manipulate the sale of town lots to give him control, but Quaker schoolmarm Annie Morgan bags one of the key lots. Cork's lawyer Steve Lewis tries romancing Annie to get the lot back, finding her so overpoweringly liberated she leaves him dizzy. Still, Steve attains his nefarious object...almost...then has cause to deeply regret having aroused the sleeping giant of feminism!
Man-Made Monster
Dr. John Lawrence
Mad scientist turns a man into an electrically-controlled monster to do his bidding.
Felix Darren
Красавица Рэй Смит и обаятельный Уолтер Саксел встречаются, влюбляются и планируют пожениться. К сожалению, их планы не осуществляются, Рэй опаздывает на церемонию. Спустя несколько лет они снова встречаются в Нью-Йорке, только теперь Уолтер женат. Рэй снова поддается его очарованию и становится его любовницей. Но смогут ли такие отношения принести ей счастье?
Maj. Gen. Emerson
Два приятеля, Смитти и Херби промышляют нелегальной уличной торговлей галстуками. Увидев полицейского, они решают спрятаться от него в кинотеатре, не подозревая, что там теперь находится призывной участок, и после серии недоразумений с изумлением узнают, что они теперь в армии. Смитти и Херби пытаются сбежать с участка, но натыкаются на "знакомого" полицейского. Им ничего не остается, как вернуться назад, чтобы отправиться в армию. Вместе с ними в армию отправляются сын миллионера Рэндольф Паркер и его шофер Боб Мартин. Рэндольф надеется избежать призыва, используя положение своего влиятельного отца, но начальник призывной комиссии решает иначе...
Know For Sure
Dr. Perkins
A 1941 film encouraging people to seek treatment if they had, or might have had, syphilis.
Trail of the Vigilantes
George Preston
A reporter goes undercover to break up an outlaw gang.
Семь грешников
Бижу - красивая певица кабаре в Южных Морях, где базируется Военно-морской флот США. Девушка вынуждена кочевать из одного салона в другой с острова на остров, доставляя немало хлопот местным «красоткам», привлекая к себе внимание всех мужчин и разбивая их сердца. Но однажды она влюбляется в морского офицера Дэна Брента. Их роман прекрасен и Дэн предлагает Бижу руку и сердце. Руководящие чины, зная дискредитирующее прошлое Бижу, пробуют отговорить Дэна от брака, дабы спасти его многообещающую карьеру...
I'm Nobody's Sweetheart Now
George P. Morgan
In this low-budget musical, two sets of politically ambitious parents attempt to pair up their youngsters who unfortunately despise each other and only pretend to like each other to please their parents. On the nights they are to go out, they sneak out with their respective true loves. It all works well until the unwilling couple find themselves falling in love for real. songs include: "I'm Nobody's Sweetheart Now", and "Got Romance".
Весенний вальс
Von Zimmel
Симпатичная девушка крестьянка Илонка Толнэй из горной деревушки направляется на ярмарку в ближайший городок, где птица цыгана вытаскивает ей записку-предсказание с обещанием счастливой судьбоносной встречи и скорой свадьбы. Девушка, волею судьбы, попадает в Вену, в дом пекаря, который поставляет выпечку императору. Однажды она встречает армейского барабанщика Гарри Мартена, тайно мечтающего стать композитором и дирижером. К сожалению, военный устав запрещает молодому капралу создавать свою собственную музыку. На помощь загрустившему таланту приходит предприимчивая и наивная Илонка. Девушка отправляет листы с нотами вместе с ежедневной порцией печенья во дворец. С этого момента начинают сбываться волшебное предсказание цыгана…
Dr. Kildare Goes Home
Dr. Stephen Kildare
A young doctor gives up big-city success to help his father set up a small-town clinic.
The Boys from Syracuse
The action takes place in Ephesus in ancient Asia Minor, and the concerns The efforts of two boys from Syracuse, Anthipholus and his servant Dromio, to find their long-lost twins who, for reason of plot confusion, are also named Anthipholus and Dromio. Complications arise when the wife of the Ephesians, Adriana and her servant Luce, mistake the two strangers for their husband, though the couples eventually get sorted out after Adriana's sister Luciana and the Syracuse Antipholus admit their love
Ski Patrol
Captain Per Vallgren
In 1939, a group of Finnish soldiers defend the border from Russian invaders.
Dr. Kildare's Strange Case
Dr. Stephen Kildare
Kildare tries brain surgery, advised by Dr. Gillespie, and faces a rival for nurse Lamont.
It's a Date
Sidney Simpson
An aspiring actress is offered the lead in a major new play, but discovers that her mother, a more seasoned performer, expects the same part. The situation is further complicated when they both become involved with the same man.
A beautiful young woman organizes an expedition to Africa to search for a sacred skull that is worshiped by the locals.
Charlie McCarthy, Detective
Court Aldrich
Scotty Hamilton is a reporter who works for a crooked editor. Bill Banning is another reporter who is about to expose the editor's ties to the mob. When the editor is killed, both reporter Banning and mobster Tony Garcia are suspected.
Дестри снова в седле
Judge Slade
Опытная проститутка, испытавшая в этой жизни абсолютно все, перебывала в объятиях сотни мужчин, но не утратила нежного, ранимого сердца, которое, как и много лет назад, открыто любви и верности, которое готово раскрыться навстречу искреннему чувству. Даже если это будет стоить жизни. И вот в маленьком, захолустном американском городишке появляется странноватый парень по имени Том Дестри. Он вежлив, вроде умен, довольно красив. И он один встает против всего города, чтобы навести порядок и установить торжество закона.
The Secret of Dr. Kildare
Dr. Stephen Kildare
Intern Kildare heals a millionaire's daughter and tricks Dr. Gillespie into taking a vacation.
One Hour To Live
Commissioner Cromwell
Gangsters and police cross each other, including murder, in an attempt to cover up crimes.
Первый бал
Mr. Parker
После окончания школы-интерната сирота Конни попадает в дом своих богатых, но очень неприветливых родственников. Так начинается история современной американской «Золушки», которая, как и положено, закончится счастливым концом и встречей героини с настоящим принцем.
Hero for a Day
"Dutch" Bronson
When a night watchman is mistaken for a wealthy college alumnus, his family and friends help him go along with the pretense.
Diabolical French capitalist Paul Reynard is forced to leave Irene, his bride of one year, when he is arrested for the crimes of forgery and embezzlement and sentenced to a penal colony off the coast of South America.
Hawaiian Nights
Bandleader Tim Hartley's father objects strongly to his son's occupation choice and packs him off to Hawaii to manage the family hotel holdings. This proves to be a wrong move as Hawaiia has more bands than it does pineapples.
Tropic Fury
J.P. Waterford
An investigator checks into the rumors of harsh working conditions on an Amazon rubber plantation.
The Under-Pup
Dr. McKay
A young city girl from a poor family is invited to spend the summer at a camp for girls from wealthy families. At first made fun of and ridiculed because of her background, she determines to show the snooty rich girls she's just as good as they are.
Clem Bartholomew
Set in a tiny midwestern town, this sentimental drama centers on the rivalry between two life-long acquaintances whose early friendship falls apart when they woo the same woman.
Edward P. Nash
A former prizefighter tries to help his son pay off his gambling debts.
Calling Dr. Kildare
Dr. Stephen Kildare
Following an argument with his young protege, the curmudgeonly Dr. Gillespie dumps Jimmy Kildare in a street clinic, hoping to teach him a lesson. While working there Kildare meets pretty nurse Mary Lamont, and ends up treating a hoodlum with a gunshot wound. He purposely fails to write a report on it, and soon finds himself in a heap of trouble. Who else would come to his rescue but good old Dr. Gillespie?
Within the Law
Mr. Gilder
A wrongly convicted woman studies law and seeks her revenge.
Pirates of the Skies
Cafe waitress Barbara Whitney refuses to acknowledge her marriage to Air Policeman Nick Conlon until he upgrades his career. He does so by infiltrating a hi-jacking gang, posing as passengers, that robs airplanes carrying valuable items and money, and parachuting their escape from the scene of the crime.
Newsboys' Home
Howard Price Dutton
A beautiful girl inherits a newspaper that sponsors a charity home for boys.
Secrets of a Nurse
Judge Corrigan
This Universal programmer was based on a Collier's Magazine story by journalist Quentin Reynolds. This story in turn was ostensibly based on a true incident, in which a gangster "returned from the dead" to save an innocent young man from the electric chair. The nurse of the film's title is Katharine McDonald, who falls in love with her prizefighter-patient Lee Burke as he recovers from a beating received in a fixed prizefight. Katharine must fend off the advances of criminal attorney John Dodge, another patient who also loves her and becomes jealous of Lee. But when Lee is framed for the murder of his disgruntled manager, Slice, by a henchman of the fight-fix leader, Joe Largo, Dodge takes on his defense and works with Katherine to discover the real killer. Convicted and sentenced to death, Burke is about to walk the "last mile", as Katharine encourages mortally wounded Largo to a deathbed confession.
Little Tough Guys in Society
A society matron invites the gang to her estate as playmates for her spoiled brat son.
The Storm
Capt. Kenny
A passenger ship unexpectedly runs into a typhoon.
Young Dr. Kildare
Dr. Stephen Kildare
A medical school graduate takes an internship at a big city hospital, only to be subjected to a rigorous (and sometimes embarrassing) testing of his knowledge by the hospital's top dog, Dr. Leonard Gillespie.
Swing That Cheer
Coach McGann
Undeniably talented on the gridiron, Bob Potter is equally undeniably an arrogant pain in the posterior. So swell-headed does Potter become that he can never admit to himself that his blocking-back teammate Larry Royal is equally responsible for Bob's success. To teach his pal a lesson, Larry feigns an injury and pulls out of the Big Game, forcing Bob to have a go at it alone.
Personal Secretary
Alan Lemke
Two rival newspaper columnists battle over whether or not a woman murdered her playboy husband.
С собой не унесешь
Paul Sycamore
Тони — сын одного из самых богатых воротил бизнеса в Нью-Йорке влюблен в Алису — простую девушку секретаря и молодые хотят обвенчаться. Однако эксцентричное поведение родственников и друзей будущей невесты наводит родителей жениха на мысль, что у них с головами не все в порядке. Их дом — это клуб по интересам «городских сумасшедших». Мать Алисы — Пенни пишет пьесы, потому что пишущую машинку когда-то доставили в их дом по ошибке. Ее бездарная сестра Эсси грезит балетом и берет уроки танца у сумасшедшего русского по имени Потап Коленков, который не прочь отобедать за чужой счет. Папа с друзьями Алисы тратит все свое время, создавая фейерверки и запуская их прямо в доме. Но больше всех отличается эксцентричным поведением дедушка, который отказывается платить налоги по убеждениям. Весь этот балаган шумит, поёт, танцует и прыгает одновременно, под аккомпанемент губной гармоники дедушки и ксилофона мужа Эсси, мешая делать большой бизнес корпорации Энтони П. Кирби — отца Тони.
The Road to Reno
Sylvia's Attorney
An opera singer travels to Reno to divorce her rancher husband.
The Rage of Paris
Mr. William Duncan Sr.
Nicole has no job and is several weeks behind with her rent. Her solution to her problems is to try and snare a rich husband. Enlisting the help of her friend Gloria and the maitre'd at a ritzy New York City hotel, the trio plot to have Gloria catch the eye of Bill Duncan, a millionaire staying at the hotel. The plan works and the two quickly become engaged. Nicole's plan may be thwarted by Bill's friend, Jim Trevor, who's met Nicole before and sees through her plot.
Wives Under Suspicion
David Marrow
A merciless district attorney prosecutes a case that mirrors his own life.
The Devil's Party
Judge Henry Harrison
Adults who grew up as slum kids meet later in life, but murder disrupts their reunion.
General Ross
Джим Лэйн - летчик-испытатель, который жить не может без полетов. Его можно назвать счастливчиком: у него есть верный друг, механик Ганнер, и любимая девушка Энн, согласившаяся стать его женой. Однако испытания ожидают Джима не только в небе, но и на земле.
Forbidden Valley
Jeff Hazzard
In this youth-oriented western, a young man's father is wrongfully accused of murder. Unfortunately, his pa can't prove it and so flees into the rugged mountains. He brings his boy with him. In those lonely hills lives a sad, but wealthy young woman. Love blossoms between the son and the girl as the son struggles to clear his father's name and bring the real villains to justice.
Double Danger
Police Commissioner David Theron
A crime novelist devises a scheme to catch the thief who has stolen the valuable "Konjer Diamonds". Director Lew Landers' 1938 B-film stars Preston Foster, Whitney Bourne, Cecil Kellaway, Donald Meek, Samuel S. Hinds, Arthur Lake, Paul Guilfoyle and June Johnson.
The Jury's Secret
Brandon Williams
A reporter covering a murder trial guesses that the murderer of a ruthless businessman is her ex-fiancé and persuades him to confess and clear the innocent man on trial.
You're a Sweetheart
Oh, Oh, Oklahoma Actor (uncredited)
A Broadway producer is in a quandary when he discovers that the opening of his newest big production coincides with that of a major charity event. He despairs that the show will close after opening night until an ingenious writer suggests that he simply give the production snob-appeal by making the tickets nearly impossible to get by fabricating a story that they were all purchased by a flamboyant Texas oil baron who is totally besotted by the show's star.
Prescription for Romance
Major Goddard
In this romance, a detective teams up with a count and travels to Budapest in search of an embezzler. While there, the two get involved with a female physician in whose house the criminal is concealed (the doctor doesn't know this). Soon the detective and the doctor are involved.
Тёмно-синий и золотой
Richard Gates Sr.
Три молодых человека становятся курсантами Военно-морской академии в Аннаполисе. Дик Гейтс — сын богатых родителей, мечтающий о флоте. Роджер Эш — бывшая звезда футбольной команды, оставившая свой предыдущий университет. Третий из них — матрос с сухогруза Кросс по прозвищу «Грузовик». Парни становятся соседями по комнате, а позднее и друзьями, но каждого из них впереди ждут свои победы и поражения.
A Girl with Ideas
Rodding Carter
A rich banker's zany daughter gains control of a large newspaper.
Дверь на сцену
Henry Sims
История взлетов и падений группы молодых амбициозных актрис.
Всё или ничего
Jonathan Clark
Эксцентричный миллионер, меценат Аксель Кларк хотел доказать, что все люди, в основном, честные и хорошие. После смерти, согласно его воле, адвокаты разбрасывают в разных местах города 25 кошельков, в каждом из которых $ 100, и визитная карточка с телефонным номером и адресом адвокатов. Нашлось четыре порядочных человека, которые возвращают кошельки и неожиданно оказываются затянутыми, в своего рода, лотерею. Завещание гласило — первый человек, который сможет честным путем удвоить выданную сумму в размере $ 5 000 в течение одного месяца, унаследуют все имущество Кларка. В противном случае, все имущество пойдет жадному брату Кларка, который полон решимости сорвать этот план.
The Road Back
Defense Attorney
After the First World War a group of German soldiers try to readjust to civilian life. A sequel to 'All Quiet on the Western Front'.
Wings Over Honolulu
Admiral Furness
A Navy pilot gets involved in a romantic triangle while stationed in Hawaii.
Night Key
Steven Ranger
The inventor of a new top-of-the-line burglar alarm system is kidnapped by a gang in order to get him to help them commit robberies.
Top of the Town
Henry Borden
In this musical set in swingin' Manhattan, an heiress plans a ballet in the famous Moonbeam ballroom located atop a 100-story skyscraper. Unfortunately, the attending audience is quite bored until someone starts the place swinging. Musical numbers include: "Blame It on the Rhumba," "Where Are You?" "Jamboree," "Top of the Town," "I Feel That Foolish Feeling Coming On," "There's No Two Ways About It," "Fireman Save My Child"
Черный легион
Фильм рассказывает о реально существовавшем «Черном Легионе», который был ответвлением Ку-клукс-клана и действовал в Соединенных Штатах Америки в 1930-х годах. Фрэнк Тейлор, работник завода в Детройте, присоединяется к «проамериканской» группировке, выступавшей против иностранцев и иммигрантов, занимавших рабочие места и обвиняя именно их в растущей безработице. Растущие потребности его семьи, давление со стороны Легиона, в ряды которого он вступил, все более амбициозные планы по поводу работы и повышения в должности, все ведет Фрэнка на путь преступления. Сначала Легион помогает ему занять место мастера, спалив ферму и силой посадив в поезд предыдущего талантливого работника, назначенного мастером, который был из числа иммигрантов. Но когда Тейлор попытался выйти из состава Легиона, ему пригрозили расправой с семьей…
She's Dangerous
A beautiful woman suspected of being a jewel thief is actually a detective tracking down a ring of bond thieves.
The Mighty Treve
Uncle Joel Fenno
Story of a dog that is fanatically devoted to its master.
Love Letters of a Star
Artemus Todd
A woman commits suicide after being blackmailed, and her husband resolves to kill the man responsible. Blackmail, suicide, murder, a cover-up not to mention yachts and sea planes all wrapped up in an efficient 66 minutes of screen time with Henry Hunter, Polly Rowles and C. Henry Gordon in the leads, and Lewis R. Foster sitting in the director’s chair.
The Longest Night
Love with a clerk and a robbery by gangsters preoccupy a department store's new owner.
Sworn Enemy
Eli Decker
A law student poses as a fight promoter to catch a notorious gangster.
Жена его брата
Doctor Claybourne
Крис Клэйбурн молодой и веселый повеса на проверку оказывается молодым ученым из уважаемой семьи врачей. Просто перед поездкой в длительную командировку в джунгли Южной Америки, где врачи бьются над разработкой вакцины против сыпного тифа, он решил немного поразвлечься. Он питает слабость к азартным играм и в одном из бурных загулов знакомится с красивой женщиной — моделью Ритой Уилсон. Молодые люди понравились друг ругу и оставшиеся до отъезда 10 дней проводят вместе, не заметив, как их легковесный роман превратился в сильные чувства. Рита просит Криса остаться, и он готов ради нее бросить даже свою карьеру. Они совсем забыли, что Крис подписал чек на пять тысяч долларов в счет проигрыша, а денег у него нет. Но хозяин казино, гангстер по кличке «Рыбий глаз», требует возврата денег, либо он отправит Криса в тюрьму. Крис решается познакомить Риту со своей семьей, а заодно попросить у брата Тома, серьезного и степенного врача, денег для погашения кредита.
Rhythm on the Range
Robert Halloway
Cowboy Jeff Larabee returns from the east and meets Doris Halloway, a young girl, that he regards as a vagabond, till he learns that she's the owner of the farm where he works. He tries to win her heart, but without success, until she is endangered by gangsters
Border Flight
Commander Mosely
Frances Farmer's second film is a typical B-programmer from the Paramount lot of 1936--up and coming stars (John Howard, Robert Cummings, Grant Withers, Farmer) in a concerning the Coast Guard and smugglers. The chief points of interest are the truly exceptional aerial sequences and Farmer's early performance.
Fatal Lady
Guili Ruffano
On her debut as an opera star, Marion Stuart is interrogated and possibly implicated in the death of a male acquaintance. Released, although thoroughly shaken-up, Marion attempts to perform but loses her voice onstage. Humiliated, but driven to sing, she travels to South America under the assumed name of Maria Delasano, and works in an opera company under the tutelage of Feodor Glinka, who wants her to shun men and save herself for her art. Mary resists the persistent attentions of wealthy young Phil Roberts, who follows the company in hopes of marrying her. ...
Тропинка одинокой сосны
Испокон веков враждуют два семейных клана в горах Кентукки. Никто уже и не помнит, что именно не поделили Толливеры и Фэлины, но жить они продолжают по законам кровной мести. В разгар одной из стычек в городок прибывает Джек Хэйл, инженер, приехавший строить железную дорогу. Волей судьбы он спасает одного из Толливеров — Дэйва. Прошло несколько лет. Предприятие железной дороги приносит большие доходы. Но и профессиональному делу мешает неприязнь семей:на лагерь рабочих нападает клан Фэллинов, в столкновении погибает один из Толливеров. Хэйл продолжает взывать к миру и благоразумию. Дэйв решает послушать его.
Woman Trap
Senator Andrews
A gangland murder is the motivating factor of this fast-moving crime drama. George Murphy stars as reporter Kent Shevlin, whose investigation of the murder leads to a tenure as a temporary FBI agent.
The Reckless Way
The DVD for this film bears the title "The Lure of Hollywood". Marian Nixon plays a girl who doesn't want to settle for second best. She is offered chance to be a model and jumps at it. Her boyfriend is upset--he just wants to marry her and settle down to a life of domestic bliss. But she has stars in her eyes--and soon learns to use publicity to create a new movie star persona. Throughout all this, the sappy boyfriend is always waiting nearby--hoping that she'll come to her senses and give up this new life.
In Person
Dr. Aaron Sylvester
Carol Corliss, a beautiful movie star so insecure about her celebrity that she goes around in disguise, meets a rugged outdoorsman who is unaffected by her star status.
Bad Boy
An unemployed loafer who spends his time playing pool decides he's ready to look for a job so he can secure his girlfriend's parents' approval for their marriage.
John Carter, Assistant Secretary of War
Вашингтон, 1917 год. Лейтенант Уильям Гордон полон решимости отправиться на фронт во Францию, где вовсю грохочет Первая мировая война, но былое увлечение кодами и случайное знакомство с эмансипированной племянницей военного чиновника резко меняют судьбу офицера, и он оказывается в центре вражеской шпионской сети.
Dr. Socrates
Dr. McClintick
Dr. Socrates gave up his brilliant career as surgeon in a prominent hospital because his betrothed died under his knife. He is now a struggling doctor in a small town that has a gangster's hideout.
Mr. Pritchard
A fast-talking boxing manager and the somewhat hapless fighter he manages happen to run into a young man who was a good prizefighter in his day but is now out of the sport and has a drinking problem. They decide to train him for a big match, and in the process find themselves involved in romance, shady characters and a possible kidnapping.
The Big Broadcast of 1936
The wisp of a storyline involves two-bit radio station owner Spud Miller, who doubles as the station's sole announcer while his comic partner Smiley serves as the house crooner. On the verge of bankruptcy, Spud is receptive to the wacky notions of George and Gracie, who've just invented a television device which can pick up and transmit any signal, any time, anywhere.
Annapolis Farewell
Dr. Bryant
Commodore Fitzhugh, an old retired naval officer, lives at the Annapolis Naval Academy and, unhappy with the "modern" navy, likes to talk about his days in the "old" navy, especially about his part in the Battle of Manila Bay under Adm. Dewey during the Spanish-American War, when he commanded the USS Congress. That ship, now decommissioned and docked in Annapolis harbor, is--unknown to Fitzhugh--about to be towed out to sea to be used for target practice. When Fitzhugh finds this out, he sets out to either save his beloved vessel or "go down with his ship".
John Vincey
Умирающий отец Лео Винсея просит сына отправиться на поиски нового химического элемента, который, считается, способен даровать бессмертие. Пятьсот лет назад предок Лео по имени Джон нашёл его в заброшенном городе на Крайнем Севере. Лео снаряжает экспедицию. После многочисленных приключений путешественники находят затерянный город, расположенный подо льдом. Там они встречают жестокую и властную королеву Аишу. Она утверждает, что Лео — реинкарнация Джона, в которого когда-то была сильно влюблена. Все эти годы она ждала, что он вернётся к ней, и теперь не намерена отпускать Лео из своего города…
The Raven
Judge Thatcher
A brilliant but deranged neurosurgeon becomes obsessively fixated on a judge's daughter. With the help of an escaped criminal whose face he has surgically deformed, the mad man lures her, her father, and her fiancé to his isolated castle-like home, where he has created a torture chamber with the intent of torturing them for having 'tortured' him.
College Scandal
Mr. Cummings
Julie Fresnel is a co-ed at Redgate University and her father, Dr. Henri Fresnel, is the new French professor. Julie attraction from the make students drops a bit when two of her admirers are found murdered. When an attempt on the life of a third one is made. Seth Dunlap, an instructor at the school, decides to turn detective and find the killer. Assisted by his sister, who is in love with the third student, Dunlap begins to follow the the small trail of clues left by the killer.
Частные миры
Dr. Arnold
Работу прогрессивной женщины-психиатра и ее коллеги нарушает прибывший в их клинику консервативный супервизор, который критикует их методы работы и вообще против того, чтобы женщина работала "на мужском поле".
Strangers All
Charles Green
Domestic drama about an elderly woman and her four squabbling adult children.
West Point of the Air
Secretary of War
An army sergeant inspires his son to become an ace flyer.
Living on Velvet
Henry L. Parker
A lay-about falls for his best friend's fiancee. The two of them run away from a life of privilege to one of middle-class normalcy. When an influx of money enters their life, their differences come to light.
Shadow of Doubt
Mr. Granby
When a Hollywood producer is murdered, the most likely suspect is a man who is smitten with the victim's fiancee.
Henry B. Harrison
A bored society girl sets her sights on a dancer in a Broadway show.
Город на границе
Judge at First Trial
После окончания юридического факультета в Лос-Анджелесе смелый и амбициозный американец мексиканского происхождения Джонни Рамирес проигрывает свое первое судебное дело. Все происходит потому, что он плохо подготовлен к судебному разбирательству, однако полагает, что он стал жертвой дискриминации и в сердцах нападает на адвоката противоположной стороны. За эту безобразную сцену его лишают адвокатской практики и он уезжает в небольшой городок на южной границе, где устраивается вышибалой в местное игорное заведение.
Matthew Martin
A wilderness girl raises a deer and a mountain lion to be friends.
Behind the Evidence
J.T. Allen
Norman Foster plays a millionaire who takes a job as a reporter after he's wiped out in the Stock Market. Foster's managing editor Samuel S. Hinds considers the young upstart to be a pain in the neck. But all is forgiven-at least until next time-when Foster solves a series of puzzling robberies..
West of the Pecos
Colonel Lambeth
Richard Dix stars as Pecos Smith, a strong, silent Westerner suspected of cattle rustling.
Mills of the Gods
Fay Wray plays Jean Hastings, the wealthy and spoiled scion of a factory-owning family led by her irrepressible grandmother. Sparks fly when Jean meets Jim Devlin, the labor leader who’s spearheading a tense worker’s strike against the factory. After circumstances force Jean and Jim to spend a night together in his cabin, she begins questioning her family’s ruthless tactics. This hard-to-see Columbia film by British director Roy William Neill not only features Wray as a brunette but also includes an explosive depiction of labor strife. (Block Cinema)
A Wicked Woman
Judge (uncredited)
A woman and her children escape severe poverty and abuse. She successfully betters her family's condition while living with the secret that she killed her abusive husband in order to protect her children from him.
Потерявшаяся леди
Jim Sloane
A bitter woman who thinks she'll never love again marries, only to fall for a brash young man.
Have a Heart
Dr. Spear
Sally (Jean Parker) is engaged to be married, loves dancing and kids. But her life is ruined when an accident cripples her and her betrothed magnanimously offers to not back out of the marriage. After rejecting his offer she starts a doll shop and tries to save for an operation. From her doll shop window she watches children and talks to Jimmie (James Dunn) the ice cream man. She wants to know Jimmie better, but is terrified of rejection.
His Greatest Gamble
Dr. Owen (uncredited)
A man escapes from jail in France to free his daughter from her mother's hold.
Hat, Coat and Glove
John Walters (uncredited)
A prominent New York attorney defends his estranged wife's lover, who's been charged with the murder of a model in Greenwich Village.
The Defense Rests
Dean Adams
A sleazy lawyer's female assistant sets out to end his cheating ways.
Baby Take a Bow
Warden (Uncredited)
Eddie Ellison is an ex-con who spent time in Sing-Sing prison. Kay marries him as soon as he serves his time. Five years later, Eddie and his ex-convict buddy Larry, have both gone straight, and Eddie and Kay have a beautiful little girl named Shirley. However, Welch has kept a close eye on them for years. He believes in "once a criminal, always a criminal." Then, when Eddie's employer's wife's pearls go missing, it comes out that Eddie and Larry both spent time in prison, and they're fired. Welch suspects that Eddie and Larry have something to do with the theft of the pearls. Will Welch prove that Eddie and Larry had something to do with the theft, or will the truth prevail?
Манхэттенская мелодрама
Warden of Sing Sing (uncredited)
Эдвард Гэллахер и Джим Уэй дружили с детства. Вступив во взрослую жизнь, каждый пошёл своей дорогой. Гэллахер становится бандитом и вымогателем, а Уэйд, заняв пост окружного прокурора, мечтает о губернаторской должности. Уэйд благодаря Гэллахеру её получает, но какую цену друзья должны за это заплатить.
Men in White
Dr. Gordon
A dedicated young doctor places his patients above everyone else in his life. Unfortunately, his social register fianceé can't accept the fact that he considers an appointment in the operating room more important than attending a cocktail party. He soon drifts into an affair with a pretty nurse who shares his passion for healing.
No Greater Glory
Gereb's Father
A frail boy fights to win acceptance from the leader of a street gang.
The Crime Doctor
When he finds out that his wife is having an affair, a criminologist commits the perfect murder--and pins the crime on his wife's boyfriend so well that the man is convicted of the murder.
The 9th Guest
Dr. Murray Reid
Eight people are invited by an unsigned telegram to a penthouse apartment, where they find themselves locked in and greeted by their unknown host's voice via the radio, who explains that before the night is over each one will be die unless they manage to outwit the ninth guest, Death.
Let's Fall in Love
New York Film Executive
A carnival girl pretends to be Swedish in order to win a movie role.
Auto race champ Tim Dawson and his brother Billy are fired by boss Turnberg when they won't throw an important race to his son Carl. Pop Reeves, a competitor, finds that Turnberg had bribed his top man, Rogan, to lose, and fires him, and hires the Dawsons. His daughter Ann falls for Tim, yet it's Billy that wants her and proposes to her. She says no and declares herself to Tim. At the next big race, Rogan tries to cause Billy to smash, but he does instead, then accuses Tim of being responsible before dying. A police detective decides that Tim had done it so his brother could win, and leaves him one option, his brother must lose the upcoming Indy 500 or he'll know Tim's guilty.
Convention City
Extra-marital fun and games at a convention of the Honeywell Rubber Company in Atlantic City.
The Women in His Life
Thomas J. Worthing
An immensely successful criminal lawyer is blindsided when he learns that his new case involves his ex-wife, who left him.
Son of a Sailor
Admiral Farnsworth
A lovesick fool bumbles into espionage and finds a stolen plane.
Маленькие женщины
Mr. March
Гражданская война в США. Сестры Мэг, Джо, Бесс и Эмми живут дружно, невзирая на внешние обстоятельства. Их отец находится на фронте, и семье, ведомой их любимой мамой, необходимо как-то свести концы с концами. Существенную помощь семейству оказывают их сосед мистер Лоуренс и его внук Лори…
The murders are committed in swift succession on board a liner crossing the Atlantic in a dense fog, and many of the passengers come under suspicion before the actual killer is bought to justice with the aid of a very substantial "ghost."
Day of Reckoning
In this brutal prison drama a hen-pecked husband is sentenced to prison after getting caught with his hand in the company till. He is sent to a high-rise facility in LA. It seems the fellow was only following the instructions of his domineering, constantly nagging wife who, as soon as he is put away, takes up with a more successful businessman. This causes her new lover's ex-lover to get insanely jealous and kill the conniving wife.
Berkeley Square
The American Ambassador
A young American man is transported back to London in the time of the American Revolution and meets his ancestors.
Леди на один день
Mayor (uncredited)
Эта невероятная история произошла в начале 20-х годов XX столетия в районе Бруклин города Нью-Йорка. В канун Рождества бывшая аристократка, а ныне уличная торговка яблоками «Яблочная Энни» получает известие из Европы о приезде дочери Луизы с женихом Карлосом и отцом жениха — графом по происхождению Каунт Ромеро, помешанном на титулах и богатстве.Естественно, они и не подозревают, в каком положении находится Энни. Дочь не видела свою мать двенадцать лет, а «богатая американка», в своих письмах лгала дочурке, что она живет в достатке и роскоши. Друзья Энни, такие же, как и она, бедняки и уличные попрошайки, решили прийти на помощь. Они разыгрывают перед графом иего сыном забавный и трогательный спектакль, в котором Энни становится «леди на один день».Руководит всей постановкой симпатизирующий Энни мафиози по имени Дэйв. В его импровизированном шоу героиня мастерски сыграет роль — богатой светской дамы, а ее друзья из бедных кварталов светское общество…
Stuyvesant (uncredited)
Gertie Waxted knows how notorious gangster Jim Crelliman runs his rackets, because she's long been under the hoodlum's thumb. She's secretly helping lawyer Jackson Durant in a snoop job aimed at pinning a murder on the thug. Her life will be in peril when that secret gets out.
One Man's Journey
Dr. Babcock
Dr. Eli Watt, a widower, comes to a small town, considering himself a failure in his attempt to have a meaningful career in New York. He raises his son Jimmy as well as Letty, a baby whose mother has died in childbirth and whose father blames Watt and abandons the child. Watt dreams of returning to do research studies, but always something gets in the way: an epidemic, his children's needs, or the needs of his generally ungrateful patients. Only with the passing years does he come to find that his future isn't over and his past isn't quite the failure he believed.
This Day and Age
A modern-day tale of gangsterism and revenge. After a notorious mobster murders a Jewish tailor and is let off for the crime, a band of outraged high-school students turns into vigilante crusaders hell-bent on punishing the wrongdoers. Memorable pre-Code moment: the students torturing a gangster by dangling him over a pit filled with rats.
Chief Forecaster
A massive earthquake strikes the United States, which destroys the West Coast and unleashes a massive flood that threatens to destroy the East Coast as well.
Bed of Roses
Father Doran
A girl from the wrong side of the tracks is torn between true love and a life of sin.
The Nuisance
Mr. Beaumont
Fast-talker extraordinaire Tracy gives one of his quintessential wiseguy performances as a conniving ambulance chaser who falls in love with Evans, unaware she's a special investigator for a streetcar company he's repeatedly victimized.
Murders in the Zoo
Banquet Guest (Uncredited)
Dr. Gorman is a millionaire adventurer, traveling the world in search of dangerous game. His bored, beautiful, much younger wife entertains herself in the arms of other men. In turn, Gorman uses his animals to kill these men. When a New York City zoo suggests a fundraising gala, Gorman sees a prime opportunity to dispatch the dashing Roger and anyone else who might cross him.
Gabriel Over the White House
Dr. H.L. Eastman
A political hack becomes President during the height of the Depression and undergoes a metamorphosis into an incorruptible statesman after a near-fatal accident.
The Crime of the Century
Philip Ames
A doctor who is also a “mentalist” confesses to a murder. The only problem is that the murder he’s confessed to hasn’t happened yet – although dead bodies are now starting to turn up all over the place. A reporter sets out to solve the “mystery”.
The Road Is Open Again
Woodrow Wilson
A Songwriter falls asleep while writing a song about the NRA. He dreams that Washington, Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt appear in his room asking him why he wants to write such a song and they're reassuring him that FDR is the right way. When he starts singing his new song, he finds himself alone, but he knows that the FDR will lead the USA back on the road to prosperity.
Если бы у меня был миллион
Lawyer (uncredited)
Умирающий миллионер, окруженный толпой жадных наследников, придумывает способ употребить свои деньги с пользой: раздать случайным людям, выбранным наугад из телефонной книги. Однако не каждому из «счастливчиков», среди которых затюканный женой продавец, проститутка, мошенник, пара бывших цирковых артистов, приговорённый к смерти, клерк, легкомысленный вояка и пожилая дама, деньги пойдут впрок.
The Amateur Gentleman
Charles - Marquis of Jerningham (uncredited)
Barbanas Barty inherits some money, sets off to London, meets and falls in love with Lady Cleone Meredith, and this does not set well with Sir Mortiner Carnaby, who has eyes on the fair lady himself. Barnaby becomes friend with Viscount Devehon, buys a horse from him and enters it in the big steeplechase. Sir Mortimer takes steps to rid society of the presence of this non-gentleman.