An emotional coming-of-age drama centered around Andou Jun, a gay student who is not out. He accepts a confession from his fujoshi classmate Miura Sae and they start dating. However, Jun is also seeing Makoto, but fails to tell Sae about his male lover.
An emotional coming-of-age drama centered around Andou Jun, a gay student who is not out. He accepts a confession from his fujoshi classmate Miura Sae and they start dating. However, Jun is also seeing Makoto, but fails to tell Sae about his male lover.
Shiori has just moved to a new apartment. One evening, she hears a mysterious voice that claims to be "from the future" asking her to trail Susumu Hirano, who lives next door. Shiori in an attempt to solver the mystery began to investigating more and more about Hirano until she gets attracted to him.
Hironobu goes through his boring days aimlessly. He finds a camera at a recycle shop which is owned by his grandfather. The camera is able to take the longest panoramic photo. Hironobu's life soon changes.
Hironobu goes through his boring days aimlessly. He finds a camera at a recycle shop which is owned by his grandfather. The camera is able to take the longest panoramic photo. Hironobu's life soon changes.
Молодая сотрудница рекламного агентства Маки не умеет толком готовить и общаться с мужчинами. Однажды в её жизни появляется сильный и напористый парень по имени Нагиса. Он — учитель рисования и прекрасный повар. Маки и Нагиса начинают жить вместе и девушка понимает, что впервые в жизни влюблена. Но вот досада: её новый сосед по квартире — веган и гей.