While Jim Barlow is hiding from the cops, his wife Ann goes to a mission The minister, Reverend John Matthews, gives her the address of a good Samaritan, Dr. LeRoy Clifford . When her child is hit by an automobile, she takes him to Clifford, who proceeds to operate right at his house. Meanwhile, one of Barlow's former associates, known as the Weasel tracks him down and convinces him to come on a job. The home they break into is Clifford's, while he is in the middle of working on Barlow's little boy. Barlow helps the doctor by holding a spotlight so he can complete the operation. The Library of Congress holds a 35 mm shortened version.
Jacqueline Floriot is driven from her home by her husband Louis, a deputy attorney of Paris, because of his unjust suspicions regarding her relations with another man. Floriot forbids Jacqueline to see her baby boy, who is dangerously ill, and when informed that the boy believes her dead, she attempts suicide.
После смерти отца-священника маленькую осиротевшую Поллианну забирает к себе ее черствая тетка Полли. У Поллианны великодушное сердце, и она завоевывает расположение горожан добрыми делами. К сожалению девочке не удается тронуть свою тетю, все еще переживающую разрыв с местным врачом. Положение меняется только после того, как Поллианна, пытаясь спасти ребенка, попадает под машину. Тогда тетя Полли осознает, как много значит для нее племянница, и, проглотив гордость, обращается к бывшему возлюбленному доктору Тому Чилтону. Благодаря его стараниям Поллианна выздоравливает, а тетя Полли и Чилтон счастливо воссоединяются.
A young woman, confronted by four options for proceeding in her life, is granted the ability to see what results would come from her choice of of the options. After she sees her future along three of the roads, she makes her choice.