A Catholic schoolgirl is convinced tonight is her last night on Earth and decides to attend a costume party with her best friend.
Romane and Clemence are between 25 and 30 years old, they are sister and they live together in a big house. They lost her mother in a car crash that caused a disability in Clemence: she cannot walk properly or talk and Romane take care of her daily. A fascinating Corsican man, Romane’s new boyfriend, will come in between them as he feels invested in the duty to help the young girl recover. Their complicity grows up to change the relationship. A film that leads to question the power of sisterhood and of female fascination.
Jeanne is traveling to Romania to celebrate her bachelorette party with her friends when she meets Nino and her family. They are worlds away from one another, yet for the two of them it is the beginning of a passionate and timeless summer.
In a world without loneliness in which everyone shares their life with their double, Lucienne is in a relationship with Paul, a former lover who has lost his twin. While she wants his love, he just wants to find his brother. Individualism and exclusive relationships are not tolerated in this world, generating more disgust from Lucienne. Her desire drives her away from her sister and probably from Paul.
The most bizarre form of dealing with having wanted more from a parent in their youth becomes one's adult painful reality.
Otto and Martha are two teenagers who barely know each other when they have to spend the day together in Otto’s family house. To entertain each other, they start acting as if they are an adult couple. In turn, they overcome their shyness and fall in love.
First Assistant Editor
Живущая в Париже американка Морин работает «персональным покупателем» у некой знаменитости Киры, в силу своей постоянной занятости, не имеющей возможности заниматься пополнением собственного гардероба. В обязанности шоп-ассистентки входит посещение дорогих бутиков и покупка стильной одежды, обуви и аксессуаров для своей именитой хозяйки. Казалось бы, такая приятная и хорошо оплачиваемая работа должна приносить удовлетворение, но в действительности всё обстоит иначе. Жизнь девушки намного сложнее, чем может показаться с первого взгляда – она обладает не только великолепным вкусом, но и способностями медиума. Морин живет в доме, в котором три месяца назад умер её любимый брат–близнец и ждет знака посланного им из потустороннего мира. Получив долгожданную весточку, она «отпустит» его и начнет «жить дальше». Но так ли уж просто осуществить это человеку, умеющему общаться с душами умерших?