Antonio Leonardi


Una parigina a Roma
Set Decoration
Riccardo, a brilliant pianist studying in Rome, falls in love with Germaine, a young and pretty French tourist.
Раба греха
Set Decoration
Мара Гуалтьери, девушка легкого поведения, во время железнодорожной аварии спасает маленькую польскую девочку, родители которой погибли. Девочка напомнила Маре её умершую дочь. Мара хочет удочерить девочку, но она не может этого сделать, пока не устроится на работу. С трудом она находит работу на заводе. Случайно Мара встречает своего бывшего любовника, который был отцом её дочери. Он женат, но в семье нет детей. Он думает, что девочка - его дочь...
Set Decoration
Produced in Italy in breathtaking Technicolor, this biographical story of Puccini (played by L'avventura's Gabriele Ferzetti) spans his creative life from early student days to the height of success, including his early flop Madama Butterfly and his incomplete Turandot. Along the way he encounters three women who change his life, including a sexy, beautiful singer (Two for the Road's Nadia Gray) whom he drops for a small town girl (Sirocco's Marta Toren), and a servant girl who commits suicide over him. Well-selected excerpts from Manon, La Boheme, Madama Butterfly and Turandot are featured along with other Puccini music, including the voice of Beniamino Gigli. Sets, costumes and production values are first class, all sumptuously filmed by Claude Renoir.
È arrivato l'accordatore
Set Decoration
Achille Scorzella, a poor, unemployed and hungry devil, having been mistaken for a piano tuner, happens in the home of some new riches.
Wanda the Sinner
Set Decoration
Wrongly accused of his wife's death, a marine officer is forced to resign and sees his life fall apart.
L'inafferrabile 12
Set Decoration
Two twin brothers grew up and never met (due to the fact that the father with the couple would have had 13 children and therefore for superstition he closed one in an orphanage), the one goalkeeper of Juventus and the other employee at the state lottery.
The Flame that Never Dies
Set Decoration
Inspired to the real story of the Carabiniere Salvo D'Acquisto. We see how, to save 22 hostages from dead sentence by Nazi, he decided to sacrifice himself.
The Earth Cries Out
Set Decoration
Two Jews and their former British comrade land on opposite sides of the Palestine issue following World War II.
Set Decoration
A young student of an upper-class background who is surrounded by classmates that are of working-class backgrounds, after a novel in diary format by Enrico Bottini.
Il passatore
Set Decoration
The story of the most infamous bandit in Romagna, who robbed from the rich to give to the poor.