Niza Jay Ncoyini


You're My Favourite Place
Nelisa Vena’s life has never been the same since the death of her sister Anathi. On the last day of their high school careers, she and three friends from a township in East London, South Africa, embark on a life-defining road trip by stealing a taxi and heading to the remote landmark of Hole in the Wall, where Xhosa legend has it you can talk to the dead.
The Tree
In a small section of inner-city Cape Town, Chantal, a fugitive addict loses track of her child, Jona, when she leaves him behind all alone to turn one final trick. Dawid, a frustrated cop faces up to the demons from a traumatic childhood. Samiah, a young nurse clings to a disintegrating bubble of fantasy that shields her from facing life on life’s terms. Aphiwe, an up-and-coming art director in a crumbling relationship, is confronted by his fear of connection as he looks for salvation beyond his impenetrable personal boundaries. In a city wracked by conflict, contradiction and harsh battles for survival, the four main characters each discover surprising and profound truths about their purposes as human beings through their inextricable connections to others. Fear meets hope. Anger meets love. Loss meets meaning. One night, one city, four lives changed forever and bound together by the unblinking gaze of an innocent child.
Ксолани — одинокий африканский юноша, фабричный рабочий. Он отправляется в сельские горы с людьми своей общины, чтобы приобщить группу подростков к своей культуре и корням. В этом лагере слабаков нет, там и неоперённых юнцов научат быть мужчинами. Путёвка в зрелость в этих краях — это прохождение серьёзных испытаний, начиная с обрезания и заканчивая уроками мужества.