Suzanne Clauser


Письмо из Сайгона
Пэкстон Эндрюс, романтичная красавица с идеалистическими взглядами на жизнь, училась в университете на факультете журналистики. Когда студент, в которого она была влюблена, погиб на вьетнамской войне, Пэкстон решила стать военным корреспондентом. Командировка во Вьетнам навсегда изменила ее судьбу. Колонка Пэкстон «Письмо из Сайгона», в которой она описывала трагедии и реалии войны, увиденные собственными глазами, пользовалась в Америке огромной популярностью. Но за этот успех ей пришлось заплатить сполна: война вновь вмешалась в ее жизнь. Ее избранник - сержант армии США Тони - пропал без вести в тот день, на который была назначена их свадьба.
Christmas Snow
A shop owner who is being evicted at Christmas rescues her Scrooge-like landlord from an accident.
Calamity Jane
The story of Martha Jane Canary aka Calamity Jane.
The Pride of Jesse Hallam
Jesse Hallum sells the family farm to see that his daughter receives the medical care she needs at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital. The big city challenges him, though, especially when his illiteracy is exposed.
Home to Stay
A teenage girl sets off on an odyssey from her Illinois farming community with her free-spirited but frail grandfather to thwart her uncle's plans to put him in a home for the aged.
A Girl Named Sooner
A young girl in the hills of Indiana, who had been abandoned by her family and raised by a bootlegging old woman, is taken by the authorities and made the ward of a childless couple.
A Girl Named Sooner
A young girl in the hills of Indiana, who had been abandoned by her family and raised by a bootlegging old woman, is taken by the authorities and made the ward of a childless couple.
The Family Nobody Wanted
A minister and his wife take in poor and troubled children that nobody else wants, and soon they find themselves with a family of more than a dozen kids.
Pioneer Woman
A homesteading family in 1867 Wyoming faces a crisis when the husband is killed and the wife must decide whether to remain or take her son and daughter back East.