Folko Boermans


I Want to Give My Brain to Richard Faull
Brently Ford had a life-changing moment 30 years ago when he was given a brain to hold at the Richard Faull's Centre of Brain Research. From then on he made it his mission to make sure his brain is donated to Sir Richard Faull when he passes away. There is only one slight snag; he lives on his own on Waiheke Island.
The Quest for Bannockburn
Neil Oliver and Tony Pollard set out to solve one of the biggest puzzles in battlefield archaeology. 700 years ago, Robert the Bruce's overwhelming victory over the English at the Battle of Bannockburn helped seal Scotland's future as an independent kingdom, although the actual location remains a mystery. With the help of leading battlefield archaeologists, stuntmen, computer-generated graphics and some digging, Neil and Tony go in search of both the real and imagined Battle of Bannockburn.
The Quest for Bannockburn
Neil Oliver and Tony Pollard set out to solve one of the biggest puzzles in battlefield archaeology. 700 years ago, Robert the Bruce's overwhelming victory over the English at the Battle of Bannockburn helped seal Scotland's future as an independent kingdom, although the actual location remains a mystery. With the help of leading battlefield archaeologists, stuntmen, computer-generated graphics and some digging, Neil and Tony go in search of both the real and imagined Battle of Bannockburn.
Параллельные миры, параллельные жизни
Известный физик Хью Эверетт разработал теорию множественности миров — многомировую интерпретацию квантовой механики. Первое время научное сообщество не воспринимало всерьёз эту теорию, настолько невероятной и фантастической она казалась. Позже стало понятно, что это настоящий прорыв в физике. Сын Эверетта, Марк, известный музыкант, отправляется в путешествие, чтобы узнать большее о жизни и работе своего покойного отца.