Сёстры Аделаида, Каролина и Жулия приходят вместе с матерью Анитой пересказывать те события, которые стали одним из самых скандальных преступлений когда-либо совершенных в Португалии.
During a night out, Sílvia sees Daniel, a young upper class adult, vomit in the street after leaving a nightclub. Sílvia calls immediately Carolina, her friend, to tell what she saw. A communications sequence is triggered, through an ex-girlfriend of Daniel, a homosexual couple that known him, and even people who only knew him by sight. At every call, the record is being distorted, and when it comes to Filipe ears, a good friend of Daniel's, it had become a huge rumor.
Miguel, a young writer studying cinema, releases his first best-seller at the age of 21. Maria, Psychology student, raised in a wealthy family. She is struggling for fame; Miguel is a humble human being. Their love story is compromised by their different goals in life. Miguel gives up on everything, and disappears for three years looking for the real meaning of life.