Lilli Lacher

Lilli Lacher


Lilli Lacher


Ivo works as a palliative home-care nurse. Every day, she visits families, couples and single people. They live in small flats and large houses. They all have different lives and deaths. They all have different ways of dealing with the time that remains. At home, Ivo’s teenage daughter has long since become independent. From morning to night, Ivo drives around in her old Skoda which she has made into her personal living space. Here, she eats her meals, works, sings, swears and dreams. One of her patients, Solveigh, has become a close friend. Ivo has also formed a relationship with Solveigh’s husband, Franz. Day after day, the two work together to care for Solveigh. And they sleep with each other. Solveigh’s strength is diminishing and she soon has to rely on support for the simplest tasks. She wants the final decision to be her own: she wants Ivo to help her die.
The Three Exclamation Marks
Kim Jülich
Friends Franzi, Marieave and Kim planned to spend the summer rehearsing for a Peter Pan play, but when strange things start to happen at the theatre they take on the role of investigators.
Поцелуй для шеф-повара
Когда в путеводителе для гурманов из-за одинакового названия было перепутано местоположение ресторана высокого класса с кафе, оба владельца пребывают в шоке. Бывший звездный шеф-повар Руфус боится, что он потеряет всю свою клиентуру и престижный статус, в то время как Тони, владелица обычного кафе для работяг, боится, что потеряет своих клиентов, поскольку их может отпугнуть наплыв высокомерных гурманов. Чтобы вернуть к себе интерес шикарной публики, Руфус предлагает Тони участвовать в конкурсе на лучшего повара.
Wendy Der Film