Andreas Feix


We Hunt Giants
Visual Effects
In a world where cavemen and dinosaurs share the world, a tribe is plagued by a man-eating giant T-Rex that hunts them all. Rougu, the son of the village chief, has had his woman and the whole village captured by the witch doctors tribe in the same area. They believe that the only way to calm the beast is to sacrifice her beautiful flesh. Rougu and his father realizes that the only way to save his woman and their village is to do what no man has ever done before... Hunt the Giant.
We Hunt Giants
In a world where cavemen and dinosaurs share the world, a tribe is plagued by a man-eating giant T-Rex that hunts them all. Rougu, the son of the village chief, has had his woman and the whole village captured by the witch doctors tribe in the same area. They believe that the only way to calm the beast is to sacrifice her beautiful flesh. Rougu and his father realizes that the only way to save his woman and their village is to do what no man has ever done before... Hunt the Giant.
Oil, gold and fire are the treasures inside the proud giant mountains. For the little mountain it's impossible to keep up with that. He's just in possession of this tiny, strange and useless SOME THING.
An animated short, winner of Annie award
An animated short, winner of Annie award
Бела Кисс: Пролог
CG Artist
Béla Kiss был одним из самых жестоких серийных убийц, который убивал молодых женщин в начале первой мировой войны. Обескровленные и заспиртованные тела он хранил в металлических бочках. По слухам, его еще видели десятилетиями позже, в различных частях мира. Он никогда так и не был найден и пойман, местонахождение этого человека неизвестно, даже сегодня. Почти столетие спустя, пятеро грабителей банка, спасаясь от полиции, в поисках убежища, прячутся в отдаленном отеле. На их беду в этом отеле проживает, творит и скрывает свои страшные дела некий человек. Герои проникают в тайну, узнают о существующем пути в прошлое, которым и пользуется таинственный обитатель отеля — человек по имени Бела Кисс…
Four young girls head out into the Canadian woods for some outdoors fun. They wind up running into 2 brutal and sadistically inhuman rednecks. A blood-soaked fight for survival ensues.