‘Theatre is my life,’ Yıldız Kenter admits in her biography written by Dikmen Gürün. This is the story of a star, who has dedicated her whole life to her theatre company, students, the stage. Recounting the prizes received as well as the prices paid for pursuing your passion, Sweetie is a testimony to the transforming cultural landscape of the country as it tells Kenter Theatre’s story and thus how a private theatre has managed to survive. Including interviews by family members, students, fellow actors, as well as rare archival images and footage, Sweetie is an homage to the ‘North Star of Turkish theatre.’ The documentary was written by Zeynep Miraç, scored by Murat Evgin, and features Dikmen Gürün as advisor.
Селим выиграл в лотерею вид на жительство в США и ему срочно нужны деньги на обустройство за океаном. Его дядя Насухи неожиданно возвращается домой после многолетней жизни за границей (58 лет в СССР) и полон сентиментальной привязанности к родным местам. А русская девушка Ольга, пытающаяся отыскать в Стамбуле своего отца, узнает, что тот уехал в Сидней. Все три персонажа связаны общей проблемой – поиском средств для лучшей жизни. Но стоят ли грандиозные планы семейной оливковой плантации, которую ныне собирается продать Селим?.
Suna is a woman noted for her beauty and personality. She lost her husband two years ago. Ayla is a close friend of Suna’s. Troubled by her romantic relationships, Ayla’s last relationship ends in an unpleasant way, as well. The two travel to Bodrum to take a break.
Gül is a beautiful girl who lives with her mother by making carpets in Isparta. When her mother dies, she becomes derelict and decides to go to Istanbul. She is envied for her beauty and is attacked wherever she goes.