A female team of government agents, under the guise of owners of a popular worldwide franchise of aerobic centers, matches wits with a group of criminals who have kidnapped a top defense specialist and his ailing son, intending to sell him to the highest bidder.
One year after a young girl dies in a car accident, her sister begins seeing visions of her, while the family home is plagued by strange happenings.
One year after a young girl dies in a car accident, her sister begins seeing visions of her, while the family home is plagued by strange happenings.
Earl Fescue
Young T.T. comes from Chicago to spend the summer in California. He slowly becomes "California-ized," while learning about love and life in the Golden State.
Young T.T. comes from Chicago to spend the summer in California. He slowly becomes "California-ized," while learning about love and life in the Golden State.
Beach Boy
When he's stationed in Tahiti, a sailor hires a witch doctor to keep an eye on his girlfriend.
Beach Boy
Банда байкеров похищает звезду эстрады Шугар Кейн. Перед продюсером стоит нелегкая задача — найти свою подопечную.
Pajama Boy
A Martian teenager sent to prepare for an invasion falls in love with an Earth girl.
Шумная компания молодых людей, которая любит громкую музыку, задорные танцы и конечно-же сёрфинг, устраивается на прекрасном пляже, даже не подозревая, что побеспокоила стариков и старушек, живущих в местном пансионате. Кому-то это начинает очень не нравиться…
Band Member
When a star comedian dies, his comedy team decides to train a 'nobody' to play the Star in a big TV show (a Patsy). But the man chosen, bellboy Stanley Belt (Lewis), can't do anything right. The TV show is getting closer, and Stanley is getting worse.