Armando Pizzuti

Armando Pizzuti


Armando Pizzuti


Легендарный гонщик, гениальный конструктор и основатель культового бренда Энцо Феррари пережил много невероятных поворотов судьбы, взлётов и падений. Чтобы круто поменять свою жизнь, он принимает участие в грандиозной гонке на выносливость Mille Miglia...
Il migliore dei mondi
A middle-aged man dissatisfied with the present state of things finds himself in a parallel universe where all technology is stuck in the 1990s.
Haunted by memories of her broken marriage and a fight with her daughter, a woman joins an intense self-help retreat when her vacation goes awry.
Game of Love
Follows Vivien and Roy as their love story continues and leads them to Roy’s childhood home in Sicily to prepare for the sale of the family estate. During the visit, a mysterious woman arrives and befriends Vivien, much to Roy’s displeasure. Tensions build and lines are crossed as secrets from Roy’s past force the couple to face aspects of their relationship they did not know existed.
Тайна свадебной фаты
Emmа trаvels to Itаly to teаch аnd reseаrch а wedding veil sаid to bring its owner love. She meets Pаolo, the son of а lаce-mаking fаmily in the аreа, while she is there.
Where Life Begins
An ultra-orthodox Jewish family from Aix-les-Bains comes to a farm in southern Italy for a brief stay every year to carry out a sacred mission: harvesting citrons. Here Elio, the farm owner, meets Esther, the rabbi’s daughter, who is tired of the constraints imposed by her religion. Through this relationship, Esther will understand the importance of freedom and find her path, and, in the same way, Elio will find the peace he had lost for a long time.
Иначе мы рассердимся
Мафиози мелкого итальянского городка решает выгнать небольшой местный цирк с насиженного места, чтобы начать там застройку. Но на свою беду он переходит дорогу двум братьям, когда решает попутно украсть дюна-багги их покойного отца, с которым связаны милые их сердцам воспоминания.
Il vegetale
Casting Assistant
Fabio struggles with a cumbersome father and a capricious and spoiled little sister who consider him a good for nothing, a “vegetable” in fact. The unfortunate recent graduate looks for a job reacts to the contempt of his family and demanding employers, when an unexpected event remixes roles…
Where the Shadows Fall
Casting Assistant
Nurse Anna and her assistant Hans work in an old folks’ home that was once the orphanage where they were imprisoned as children, and they still seem trapped in time and space.
The Night Before the Exams Today
Filippo Santilli
Reunites the same cast, reprising their characters from the 2006 original film, but transplants them from the 1980s to the Italy of 2006. This leap allows the filmmaker to compare and contrast youth culture across generations, from the era of the call box to the era of cell phones, text messages and onli
Ночь накануне экзаменов
Filippo Santilli
Когда до экзамена осталась всего лишь ночь, ее можно потратить на чтение конспектов. А можно и повеселиться - как в последний раз...