Steve Kasan

Steve Kasan

Рождение : 1985-02-07,


Steve Kasan is a character actor from Toronto.


Steve Kasan


Saturday Fuego Diablo
In 1981 Montreal, four Salvadoran siblings, new to Canada, seek distance from the uprisings occurring in their home country by hitting a night club, but it does not go as planned.
Public Access Limited
Box-Shaped Puppet (voice)
An alien duo arrive on earth and begin to enslave humans, using a local Public Access Children's show as a front. Things get out of hand when a human is forcibly turned into one of them and joins a resistance to overthrow the aliens.
The Scientist
After Earth is attacked by a threat unlike any other, a Scientist searches for Humanity's last hope for survival.
Cult Hero
Luther Saley
Manager-summoning control freak Kallie Jones attempts to rescue her husband from a "wellness center" with the help of a washed-up expert Cult Buster.
They're Always Watching You
Emmett Connery
They're always watching you. Humanity has only resided on Earth for a fraction of the planet's incredibly long history, and many believe that a species known as the Krepid vastly predate humankind - and are still with us today. The Krepid need to consume us to survive, but most believe they also enjoy the hunt. Join us as we explore the terrifying, secret world of the Krepid.
Close To The Edge
The Scientist
A man visits a small town hoping to investigate the creation of a machine that is said to visualize your consciousness. Upon arrival, he finds the machine has created controversy among the townsfolk.
The Chamber of Terror
Nash Caruthers is on a deadly collision course with the people that tore his world apart... along with something unexpected. Something far more sinister.
The Price of Fitting In
Charlie Cunningham begs her mom, Amber, to let her switch from her small private school to a public high school, wanting to prove to her (and to herself) that she's changed since being kicked out of school last year. Growing up without any luxuries, Amber works overtime as a doctor in order to give Charlie the finer things in life. It's also her way of making up for her divorce two years ago, and she worries that Charlie blames herself for the separation. Amber is concerned Charlie will return to her old ways, falling into the wrong crowd and getting mixed up in drugs and alcohol, but she reluctantly agrees. The new school starts off well; Charlie receives good grades and praise from her teachers and joins the robotics team - until she falls in with the wrong crowd, starts abusing synthetic weed, and becomes a shell of her former self.
The Reaper
A band goes to their cabin in the woods to work on their new album, but something isn't quite right
The Phantom Machine
A trail of fear leads a lone Traveller into the ruins of a neo-apocalyptic valley. Discovering a decimated population, the few survivors warn of a monster beyond flesh, a scourge known only as The Phantom Machine.
Cup of Cheer
Sheriff Rudolph
In a comedic shakeup of every cheesy Christmas movie, a big city journalist goes to a small town for the holidays and finds herself in an unlikely romance with the owner of a struggling hot cocoa shop.
Konga TNT
After becoming injected with a formula derived from an alien ship, a lab gorilla escapes from his containment and befriends two young boys. The alien formula causes the gorilla to grow to gargantuan size and rampage throughout the city and the boys must find a way to save their simian friend before the army takes him down.
The Past Tense
James Moore is on the verge of a breakthrough, time travel. But time travel doesn't come cheap, and the bank won't help - so James turns to loan shark Rooney Wagner for help. Now, Rooney wants his money and there's none to give.
We Are The Missing
Loved One
One morning, when Riley (Chantel Little) should be at classes, her mother Angie (Maissa Houri) hears a cellphone ringing from her bedroom, soon to discover Riley left her phone behind. She answers what is Riley's best friend Mackenzie's (Willow Mcgregor) third attempt to reach someone. After Angie asks if Riley is with her, she realizes Mackenzie was about to ask the same thing. Shortly after, Angie checks the main closet and finds Riley's shoes are still there. Did she leave in the middle of the night or vanish into thin air? Riley's circles paint a picture of the events surrounding her disappearance while exploring leads in what becomes a harrowing mystery of twists, turns, and answers that poses the question: Was it better to not know what really happened after finding out the truth?
Creepypasta: Deathnet
What do you get when you mix an ancient curse with mom's spaghetti recipe? Creepypasta! The latest thriller from acclaimed director Dustin Ferguson, Creepypasta takes viewers on wild, terrorizing ride through Spaghetti Town, where the locals are hungry, and the pasta is...deliciously deadly.
What will you do when they come to replace you?
Blood Rites of the Vampyr
The Detective
A suburban Gothic inspired by German expressionism, the works of Jean Rollin, and the Original 'Vamp' herself Theda Bara!
Forgotten Trash
A film graduate stumbles across an alien in the woods who convinces him to help with an intergalactic television show. In it the alien travels from planet to planet torturing and killing its inhabitants.
Necropolis: Legion
Shop Owner
The tale of satanic vampire sorceress Eva, whose sexually-charged midnight rituals are interrupted when God-fearing local villagers burst into her lair and murder her. A century later, motorcycle-riding writer Lisa moves into the same cabin where Eva was executed, with the intent to write a book about the supposedly haunted spot's history. Soon, Lisa is having vivid, perverse dreams and slowly, surely, Eva begins taking over the young woman, using her body as a vessel to commit even more atrocities in the name of resurrecting an ancient monster from the underworld.
Она никогда не умирала
Лейси - бессмертная девушка, которая периодически видит в видениях таинственного человека в черной шляпе, убивающего мужчину на улице. Впрочем, и в реальной жизни всё весьма странно, ведь чтобы жить девушке приходится поедать спинной мозг других людей, что фактически делает её каннибалом. Однако Лейси старается употреблять в пищу лишь тех, кто, по её мнению, не заслуживает жизни – различных преступников. Между тем опытный детектив из отдела по расследованию убийств Чарли Годфри озадачивается делами 12 пропавших без вести людей. А когда в полицию начинают поступать сообщения о расчлененных телах с пропавшими пальцами, Чарли начинает понимать, что это всё связано. В ближайшее время судьба столкнёт двух героев, позволив им объединить свои усилия в борьбе с городской преступностью…
Creature from Cannibal Creek
A group of cold-blooded cannibals keep people in cages until they're ready to be butchered. One of the captives escapes, but dies in the surrounding forest. Nature soon takes a hand, reviving the former captive and turning him into a marauding beast.
Меняющий жизнь
Detective Freddie Ransone
Дрю - оборотень, который вынужден поглощать тела людей, принимая их облик, чтобы не погибнуть мучительной смертью. Но в большом городе незаметно находить новых жертв не так то и просто. Однажды он влюбляется в женщину, мужа которой поглотил, и оказывается перед нелёгким выбором: обречь её на вечные муки потери любимого человека или признаться в своей ужасающей сущности.
Skin Deep
A pastry shop owner tears herself apart to catch the eye of a customer. Skin Deep is an absurdist parable about impossible beauty standards.
A Fistful of Molars
Bound man
Six-year-old Sarah is an entrepreneur in a lucrative industry — she pulls teeth for The Tooth Fairy.
When a heist goes sideways, Cole goes back home and prepares to defend himself from the inevitable.
Cameron a womanizing executive gets more than he bargained for when he hires Karla as his personal assistant prior to his upcoming wedding.
The High Cost of Dying
Mr. Bryce
Beatrice's mental breakdown forces her to rediscover her immortal soul.
Johnny Ghoulash Escapes from Creightonville
In a world where reality and make-believe often collide, a late night horror host is flung headlong into the very film he is presenting. Now, he must bring the events in the film to their logical conclusion, or be trapped forever in celluloid. Unfortunately, this film never had a logical conclusion.
Jim's Room
In 2018, a video was uploaded to the dark web by the name of Jim's Room, depicting the torture of a missing homeless man.
Dandelion Green
Weeks before ageing out of the foster care system, 17-year old Kay falls into an electric friendship with Olivia, transforming the way they see themselves, and their future.
The Abominations of Frankenstein
Doctor Gwynn
The infamous mad scientist and his enigmatic assistant are loose in modern day Ontario, committing horrific acts in order to create a brand-new patchwork nightmare.