Aurora Nossen


It's OK to Say No
Jane is 16 when she finds out that Simen likes her too, but life isn't that easy. They soon have to stand against social pressure and what is expected of them.
It's OK to Say No
Jane is 16 when she finds out that Simen likes her too, but life isn't that easy. They soon have to stand against social pressure and what is expected of them.
It's OK to Say No
Jane is 16 when she finds out that Simen likes her too, but life isn't that easy. They soon have to stand against social pressure and what is expected of them.
After being dumped by the love of his life Nathaniel agrees to join his sister and her friends on a cabin trip in hopes of coming to better spirits. What starts out being a pleasant weekend getaway soon turns into a living nightmare.
2004 год. Основой дела, которое расследует детектив Харри Холе, становятся несколько загадочных убийств, произошедших в Осло. Опыт, полученный им на учебном курсе в ФБР, заставляет искать взаимосвязи между преступлениями. Наконец, Холе их находит: все жертвы были замужними женщинами с детьми, а вскоре после убийства на месте расправы неизменно появлялся снеговик. Обратившись к старым нераскрытым делам, Холе обнаруживает и другие случаи, в которых фигурировали пропавшие замужние матери, а из всех улик находили только снеговика. Все это дает основание полагать, что детектив вышел на след первого серийного убийцы Норвегии. Теперь Холе предстоит непростая задача — найти преступника и заставить его понести заслуженное наказание.
The Tree Feller
Anders moves from the city to a quiet small farm that belonged to his deceased parents and spends his days out in the forest, aimlessly chopping down trees. His only desire is to be out in nature, and to lose himself in the physical work. His attempt to escape is soon interrupted by the constant involvement of his pushy relatives who want to tell him what to do and how to do it. Soon it becomes clear that Anders has just traded in one claustrophobic existence for another.
Twenty-year-old Thomas Lindgren gets out of a youth rehab clinic, after being falsely accused of raping his ex-girlfriend's younger sister. He is looking forward to a new life and the summer in Oslo with his friends - But soon, he finds himself beaten, tied up and held hostage by the victims father who is desperate to find the truth.
Bare tjue
When one of the boys is about to become a father, three friends must make a decision that will change their lives forever.
Henrik Jonssons forunderlige siste dager
Henrik Johnsson is 19 and has a much too interesting life to have months again to live. He has brain cancer, so what shall he do with the little rest of his life?