Captain Nemo (José Ferrer) is found in suspended animation under the sea and revived by modern-day Navy men in order to battle a fiendish mad scientist (Burgess Meredith).
Космонавт и лётчик-испытатель полковник Стив Остин получает тяжелейшие травмы во время катастрофы экспериментального ракетоплана. Он лишается глаза, одной руки и обеих ног. Служба стратегических операций готова заплатить шесть миллионов долларов за специальные бионические протезы, которые должны сделать его быстрее, сильнее и лучше обычного человека. За это он должен стать тайным агентом ССО. Новое задание Стива Остина — не допустить кражи золотого запаса США…
Trapped in a cave, five men cut the arm off of another companion in order to ward off starvation. After they are saved, their victim seeks revenge on them one by one.
A disturbed boy kills his father with his farm tractor and his arm is mangled in the process. He's taken to a mental hospital where he's outfitted with a hook to replace his lost hand and, years later, he's eventually released from the asylum. He returns home to find his mother has remarried, which sets him off on a murderous rampage.
A disturbed boy kills his father with his farm tractor and his arm is mangled in the process. He's taken to a mental hospital where he's outfitted with a hook to replace his lost hand and, years later, he's eventually released from the asylum. He returns home to find his mother has remarried, which sets him off on a murderous rampage.
Roger Pitman is a petty thief who makes a deal with the police to use bait money to trap other criminals. But when he gets the cash, Roger can't resist the temptation and steals part of it. He runs off to Miami Beach, but now lives in fear of the crooks that he set up as well as the police.