Aarne Kuokkanen

Рождение : 1904-11-04, Jyväskylä, Finland

Смерть : 1982-03-12


Женщины Нискавуори
Makeup Designer
Хозяйка Нискавуори крепко держится за свою землю, ей она отдала свою молодость, свое счастье. Этого же требует она и от сына Арнэ и его жены Марти. Но Арнэ полюбил учительницу Илону и вместе с ней уходит искать новую жизнь.
Siren of the North
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Directed by Hannu Leminen, Onnaiset (1954) is a romantic drama set in the early 20th century. The film is built around the music of Oskar Merikanto and is an independent sequel to the film Summer Night Waltz. Pianist Lauri Alango (Leif Wager) and his wife Annina (Eeva-Kaarina Volanen) 's fortune is cracked when opera diva Delia Rosati (Maaria Eira) attracts Lauri to accompany her on tour.
Siltalan pehtoori
Makeup Artist
The new steward of Siltala ends up falling in love with the beautiful widow of the house. Their romance is endangered by misunderstandings and the fact that the estate of Siltala is swimming in debt. And the new steward isn't quite what he seems to be.
Huhtikuu tulee
Makeup Artist
Frustrated housewife Elisabet Avovirta has a spring romance with a younger man, journalist Jaakko Huhtikuu. Love sprinkles in the rays of the spring sun and eventually bubbles over the edges.
Omena putoaa…
Makeup Artist
Kulkurin tyttö
Makeup Artist
Baron Metter is threatening to evict a crofter family from their home. Lauri Vaara a student passing by, falls in love with Marja the family's daughter, and promises to help save their home. Baroness Olivia Metter falls for the young student and helps him with the rescue plan.
Sadan miekan mies
Makeup Artist
Härmästä poikia kymmenen
Makeup Artist
Based upon the popular folk song, the film tells the story of two men who want to test the new Sheriff, who has new policies to put in place.
Jossain on railo
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Sinut minä tahdon
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Песни скитальца
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Фильм рассказывает историю жизни первого финского оперного певца Абрахама Оянперя, который родился в конце 1850-х годов. На своем пути от сироты, пасшего коров в Лиминке до международной певческой звезды Абрахам никогда не забывает Катри, свою первую и единственную любовь, которая преданно ждет его в родных краях.
Kilroy sen teki
Makeup Artist
Ulla Järvinen gets a telegram about the death of her aunt and that she has inherited a manor, but the aunt is very much alive.
Maaret – tunturien tyttö
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Pimeänpirtin hävitys
Makeup Artist
Set in 19th century country side and a small town. Leni and later her daughter Hanni living in Pimeänpirtti croft are seduced by Otto von Holten, the Patron of Kankaanpää Estate.
Makeup Artist
The life story of Aleksis Kivi, author of the first Finnish novel in Finnish language and (posthumously) its most successful writer.
Viikon tyttö
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Linnaisten vihreä kamari
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
За спичками
Makeup Artist
По одноимённой повести Майю Лассила. Полная самых неожиданных и нелепых происшествий, эта кинокомедия является едкой сатирой на финскую деревенскую буржуазию, на её нравы, на тупой и бессодержательный образ жизни. … — опять в доме ни спички… — с этими словами Анна-Лиза, жена Анти Ихалайнена, разбудила своего ленивого мужа и послала его за спичками. По дороге Анти встретил своего закадычного друга Юсси Ватанена… О неожиданных приключениях, к которым привела эта встреча, с тонким юмором рассказывает фильм.
The Women of Niskavuori
Aarne marries Martta because his mother tells him it is his duty as the eldest son to marry a wealthy girl. However, the attractive school teacher Ilona arrives in the village and causes complications when Aarne falls in love with her.
Vaalan kamerat pyörivät
Description of the film making, samples of the production of two long films of Finland-Film in summer 1937. Both are Valentin Vaala's guitars from Hella Wuolijoki's plays: Juurako Hulda (1937) and Niskavuori Naisten (1938).
Irmeli wants a certain job as a secretary but finds out that she would have to be married in order to get the vacancy. She lies that she has recently married and then gets a stranger from a nearby restaurant to pose as her husband. Complications arise when they have to continue their charade.
Sininen varjo
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Valentin Vaala's first sound film. Only fragments survive.