Fraternity Boy
Элизабет провожает Джона на войну. После ее окончания Элизабет получает телеграмму о том, что Джон был убит в сражении. Она находит утешение в Ларри и выходит за него замуж. Но Джон возвращается спустя 20 лет, у него новое имя и приёмная дочь…
Ranch hand Cam
In this western, a cowpoke gets in an argument; a scuffle ensues leaving the cowboy to believe that he killed his opponent. He is so wracked with guilt that he travels to the ranch of the dead man's sister, gives himself a new name and begins helping her. Rustlers come; he stops them. Trouble ensues after she learns his true identity. A scuffle ensues. She wings him with a gun; he disarms her. Later she hears the real murderer bragging about his crime during a fight with the hero.
Martin Sterling
Sunset returns to find the Carson-Sterling feud still going. Sterling has been killed and it's not long before Andrew Carson is murdered. To end the feud Sunset challenges Martin Sterling to a shootout. Unknown to Sunset, Martin's sister Melinda has waylaid her brother and now appears for the shootout disguised in her brother's clothes.