A seventy-five-minute documentary featuring outtakes from "Chronicle of a Summer" (1961), along with new interviews with co-director Edgar Morin and some of the film’s participants.
Documentary about Brazilian filmmaker Glauber Rocha, one of the most important names in the Cinema Novo, with interviews with some of his friends and colleagues.
Документальный фильм о Клаусе Барби, известном также как «лионский мясник», начальнике гестапо в Лионе. О его жизни до и после войны. Фильм последовательно раскрывает следующие темы:
- детство и юность Клауса Барби;
- служба в лионском отделении гестапо: работа над "окончательным решением еврейского вопроса", борьба с французским Сопротивлением в т.ч. убийство Жана Мулена;
- работа на Корпус контрразведки США в послевоенной Германии;
- бегство в Южную Америку по "крысиной тропе";
- жизнь в Боливии и Перу и сотрудничество с правыми режимами и с ЦРУ;
- экстрадиция и суд над Барби во Франции (защитник на суде - Жак Вержес)
Set in the early 1900s, this film charts the rule of a Latin American dictator as he moves from being a charming despot to a tyrannical ruler before he is finally ousted, only to die in obscurity in Paris. Early in his regime, the resources and agricultural products his country sells command high prices, and he is a reasonably confident, even gentle, ruler who likes to take long vacations with his daughter in Paris. After World War I, with falling prices and a number of coup attempts behind him, his rule becomes quite cruel.
On January 4, 1971, an extensive dialogue takes place between the president of Chile Salvador Allende and the French intellectual Regis Debray, a discussion about the Chilean process towards the installation of a socialist government. Filmed by a team from Chilefilms, a state-owned company dedicated to the production of audiovisual works, it is a unique testimony to Allende's thinking in the first year of his government.
Paris, summer of 1960. Anthropologist and filmmaker Jean Rouch, along with sociologist and film critic Edgar Morin, both assisted by Marceline and Nadine, roam the crowded streets asking ordinary people how they deal with the misfortunes of life. Are you happy? But their real purpose is to find out if people can speak sincerely in front of a camera and how they react when they are later invited to analyze the meaning of their answers.