Production Design
An unemployed man trying to steal from a convenience store, and the store clerk catches him in the act. the thief runs away with the store-clerk right after him. All the while, the store clerk is in trouble with a low-rank yakuza. Along the chase for the thief, they catch the eye of the Yakuza who's been looking for the convenience store clerk.
Art Direction
The hot-blooded manga of love and excitement is revived in the Heisei era!
Art Direction
The story is about Rapeman and his Uncle who are a tag-team of sorts and created a company together where their motto is "Righting Wrongs Through Penetration". People want revenge Rapeman style, they go to the Uncle, and if it's rape worthy, Rapeman does what he does best. Anyways in Rapeman 2, Rapeman Co. has realized that the hospital and the mafia are somehow related and they decide enough is enough. What follows is even more of what you wouldn't expect from a movie called Rapeman. It's full of kind and silly humor but also inserted with a some serious emotional scenes.
Art Direction
Кейсуке скромный, хорошо воспитанный учитель днем – «Карающий Ангел» творящий изнасилования ночью – вместе со своим странноватым дядей ведущий службу «Изнасилования по заказу». Их «услуги» включают и такие, как в этой истории, когда рыдающая владелица ночного клуба рассказывает о том, как ее любовник – провинциальный политик и нынешний кандидат на выборах, был ограблен собственной секретаршей и просит «Насильника» «позаботиться о ней», отплатив изнасилованием за предательство. Это делается по желанию владелицы ночного клуба, - но мы скоро узнаем, что история была лишь прикрытием, чтобы вызвать больший скандал, поскольку за спиной соперника кандидата-любовника стояли бандиты Якудза, которые и организовали кражу...
Production Design
Shoko and Mutsuki get married to satisfy their worried parents, but she is well past the age at which a 'good' Japanese woman should marry, and he is in love with a young male college student. The film is less a realistic exploration of gay life than a fairy tale of three young Japanese trying to construct an alternative to the sexual and familial roles given to them by a society turning increasingly emotionally barren.L.