Phill Langhorne

Phill Langhorne

Рождение : 1980-02-27, Camberley, Surrey, England, UK


Phill Langhorne is an English actor, born in Camberley, Surrey. After a successfully auditioning for Rose Bruford College in South East London he went on to graduate in 2001. Since leaving he has worked extensively in theatre, film and television but is best known for Call the Midwife (2012), Pandora (2019), Red Joan (2018), Miss Scarlet & the Duke (2020), and Plebs (2013)


Phill Langhorne


Код Красный
Uniformed Policeman
Реальная история русской разведчицы, которая предотвратила Третью мировую войну. Британские спецслужбы гонялась за ней долгие годы, её имя стало легендой, но о её подвиге мы узнали только сейчас, когда был снят гриф секретности.
Трансформеры: Последний рыцарь
News Reporter
Оптимус Прайм исчез. Люди ведут войну с Трансформерами. Ключ к нашему будущему погребен в тайнах прошлого, в скрытой истории Трансформеров на Земле… Миссия по спасению мира ложится на плечи разношерстной компании, состоящей из Кейда Йегера, Бамблби, английского лорда и профессора из Оксфорда. Пришла пора действовать! Жертвы станут героями. Герои станут злодеями. Выстоит только один мир: их или наш.
RinGtone is a comedy drama set in 1999 back when the nokia 3210 was king!
The Night Watch
Set against the turbulent backdrop of London in the 1940s, this adaptation of Sarah Waters' bestselling novel, The Night Watch, follows four young Londoners inextricably linked by their wartime experiences. In a time when the barriers of sexual morality and social convention have been broken down, Kay, Helen, Viv and Duncan enjoy a freedom never experienced before. Moving back in time through the 1940s into the maelstrom of the Blitz, the lives, loves and losses of these four central characters are unravelled. For them, the post-war victory is bittersweet, for it returns them to the margins of society, from which they hoped they had been liberated. In order to build their future they must each make peace with their past.
Mr. Dorothy
Bearded Racist
A fairytale revenge story by Gabriel Bisset-Smith.