Verners Biters


Sound Mixer
Liz and her daughter Amy move to Hamelin where a dark secret in Liz's past is uncovered by the restless spirit of the Pied Piper, who seeks out those who have gotten away with a crime, and punishes them by taking away their children.
Three relationships deconstructed. The Red Couple choose to pretend to be harmonious for the last three days of living together. The Green Couple's three days are full of uncertainty and nervousness, waiting for the other to reveal themselves intimately. The Yellow Couple, two colleagues, will lose themselves in the workplace romance genre trying not to fall in love.
Идеальное убийство
Sound Mixer
Дэвид и Роберт едут после вечеринки на автомобиле и случайно сбивают свою новую знакомую. Сестра погибшей Ванесса начинает собственное расследование, которое приводит к цепочке загадочных смертей. Всё больше указывает на то, что всё произошедшее кем-то тщательно спланировано.
It is 1991 in Latvia and nineteen-year-old aspiring cinematographer Jazis’s whole world is thrown into chaos as he is dragged into the people’s peaceful protests against the Soviet Army’s attempted takeover of power in his country.
Sound Recordist
Девушка-подросток занимается гимнастикой, всячески пытается угодить матери и достичь высот в спорте. Однажды она находит брошенное, как она думала, птичье яйцо и решает не дать ему погибнуть. Находка достигает невероятных размеров, и вскоре из яйца вылупляется неведомая зверушка. Теперь всему семейству придется несладко.
I Am Not to Be Feared
Sound Engineer
Dagnis suffered in a serious accident that took place almost 30 years ago. He's had to learn to live with his disability and also his insomnia and loneliness, as he feels people are afraid of him. Now Dagnis has other worries: he's got a video camera in his hands for the first time of his life, and he has to make a film. He walks around the village of Vaidava, films and comments on everything he sees and hears. We have the opportunity to look at the life of a small Latvian village through Dagnis’s eyes. What does Dagnis think about the environment around him, the society and its ability to accept others?
Sound Director
Dinārs is a Latvian schlager singer popular with the ladies and known for his big cat mane. The eponymous film follows his path over a turbulent season of work.
The Last Meal
A bureaucrat who has just declared himself as a new political force has disappeared… in a canteen; police are investigating. Combining the absurd and black humour, a harsh and ironic reflection on civil servants, cops, and contemporary art.
Метель душ
Sound Recordist
Шестнадцатилетний Артурс вступает в ряды стрелков и вместе с друзьями сражается за свободу — даже тогда, когда никто не знает, на какой стороне её искать.
Собаки не носят штанов
Sound Recordist
Мужчина становится вдовцом. Долгое время после этого он не может найти связь с окружающими, пока однажды он не знакомится с доминатрикс.
Sound Editor
A year has passed since the turbulent events of the 1905 revolution. The secret police has almost eradicated the network of social democratic fighters. Only one group continues fighting and a bold assault on a factory cash desk is being planned. A low ranking fighter Grey is assigned to lead the operation. Meanwhile, Grey starts an affair with a young poetess Violet and gets to know the flamboy-ant crowd of decadent artists and writers. Inspired by Violet Grey takes a look at revolution from a different perspective. Meanwhile Violet gradually gets involved in the dangerous world of revolutionary fighters. November 1906 in Riga is still remembered as a month of crazy bohemia and violent terror.
Добро пожаловать в Мерси
Sound Mixer
В эпицентре этой истории оказывается молодая мать-одиночка. Главная героиня "Добро пожаловать в Мерси" стала замечать на своем теле странные образования, которые очень сильно похожи на стигматами. Она уже отчаялась избавиться от болезни с помощью медицины. Женщина обращается за помощью к чистым людям - священнику и его помощнице, монахине. Наша героиня просит их объяснить ей что на самом деле видимо, а что остается невидимым, и умоляет исцелить от страшного недуга, но похоже уже слишком поздно. Ужасное зло поглотило ее полностью, и теперь только чудо может помочь несчастной.
Sound Mixer
Фильм повествует о яркой, но короткой и таинственно оборвавшейся жизни казахского самородка Амре Кашаубаеве. Именно Кашаубаев впервые представил европейской публике вокально-исполнительское искусство казахов и национальный инструмент домбру на Всемирном музыкальном конкурсе в рамках ЭКСПО-1925 в Париже. Там 36-летний певец, как артист делегации СССР, произвел фурор и завоевал серебряную медаль.
Sound Designer
A psychological thriller about a middle-aged intellectual who, in an attempt to restore his reputation in his wife’s eyes, accidentally commits a murder. As time passes, he begins to see a link between the deceased, his wife’s pregnancy and the mysterious blackmailer who is forcing him to act against his will.
Brainstorm: Between Shores
Sound Director
Brainstorm is the best-known Latvian band in Europe. They started out 25 years ago, when most of them were in the same class at school. That was the time when people in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia joined hands to create the Baltic Way, and the fall of the Berlin Wall became a symbol of the hunger for freedom. The young men listened to U2, the Scorpions and Roxette and dreamed of becoming famous. Now Brainstorm is famous in Russia as well. The musicians are Latvians who live in Latvia, but they reap profits in Russia. Brainstorm has experienced the most interesting and intense period of modern European history. This period has also been a dramatic time for the band itself.
Sound Director
A comical story about two brothers living in a countryside trying to solve their problems in their own way. Kris and Otto find themselves in the middle of caricature reality of countryside lifestyle; whether it’s family support, ego bragging, gasoline marketing, or playing music anywhere you go.
The Case in Potassium Park
Sound Designer
Ģirts and his friend plan an excursion to a mystical place, the abandoned Potassium Park. In order to get the family car, Ģirts lies and says he is going fishing, so his parents compel him to take his younger brother along. Ģirts’ friend backs out, and he is forced to go fishing after all. Bitter about the failed plan, Ģirts is mean, but his brother’s joy over the first fish caught is a self-revelation of his pervasive injustice towards his younger brother. As a gift, Ģirts shows him the secret entrance to Potassium Park. The brothers head off on an exciting foray through the abandoned and mysterious structures, until they accidentally uncover a box of explosives that tests their newly-developed camaraderie.
Человек в оранжевом жилете
Sound Director
После увольнения бастующих рабочих торгового порта, его владелец собирается в отпуск в Италию со своей молодой женой. За день до поездки в их роскошном доме неожиданно появляется один из уволенных, молодой человек в оранжевом жилете портового работника. Его намерения хладнокровных убийств супружеской пары позже оказываются лишь частью его впечатляющего плана мести.
Castratus the Boar
Sound Director
Small town resident Valters breeds his pigs and sings in the local church choir. His childhood secret however, prevents him from integrating in the community. After the death of his father he tries to establish contact with Aija. This is not the beginning of an ordinary young couple’s love story.