Horia Popescu

Рождение : 1925-12-17,

Смерть : 2020-03-06


Together Again
Costume Design
An young agronomist insists to start using a new corn variety, but the collective farm chief is against it.
Steps in the Sky
Costume Design
Ion is the head of workers' team who install high-voltage lines in the mountains. He discovers a design error that could put many lives in jeopardy and knows that the chief designer is Valeria, his ex-girlfriend from adolescent days.
The Premiere
Costume Design
In the Free Theater (Teatrul Liber) of Bucharest, the actors and crew prepare a new show, with the play "Disguise" ("Travesti"). After the opening night, which is only partly successful, they reach the conclusion that, along the years, they came to the mistake of also disguising this true feelings, becoming hypocrites, and this has a negative effect to their stage performances too.
Through the Ashes of the Empire
Costume Design
A war story. survivors. refugees. few essential meetings. and great actors. a film inspired from Zaharia Stancu short story. about pain, search of sense in misty times, about roots of evil and price of survive, about a country as shadow and ruins of a empire. all in dark nuances, touching images. a movie like a ballad. heavy, strange, profound, harsh, cruel. with few drops of feelings as steps of rotten ladder. looks, silhouettes, way to ambiguous home. a thief and a young man. across Balkans. among ash of a fragile territory. the impressive aspect - silence. and gestures. the woman, the train. the escape. the bath. and the death of Diplomat. all - fragments of an old way to discover reality. all - words of a new world.
No Trespassing
Costume Design
The film follows the stories of a handful of characters: Andrei (Radescu), who finds himself in conflict with his peers; Colonel Maxineanu (Stanculescu), the school commander; and Adrian (Mavrodineanu), a young villager who is inspired by the bravery of the cadets. The Hungarians arrive and launch a series of attacks against the Romanians. The Axis are pushed back again and again, despite superior numbers and weaponry. At the end of the film, they launch one last attack, which seems to momentarily begin breaking through. Just at that moment, reinforcements from the Soviet and Romanian armies arrive, pushing the Hungarians back.
The Captain Martens Brothers
Costume Design
Historical movie based on the "fratii Jderi" book. The movie is in the top 20 most watched Romanian movies.
The Brothers
Costume Design
Family conflicts in the times of communist collectivization.
The film is a historic parable about the topicality of revolution. 1514. The peasants' uprising is over, Dózsa has been arrested. Werbőczy tries to get the imprisoned peasant leader deny the revolution and offers him the lives of his people in exchange.
The Castellans
Costume Design
Two cooperativists exploit a pond for fish and frogs outside their institutions circuit. Until a youth with socialist expanding ideals comes with the initiative to drain it and use the land for grains. They hatch a plan to make the pond a natural monument, so an expert is summoned, but foolish beliefs betray them.
The Mornings of a Sensible Youth
Costume Design
A young man leaves home after graduation from high school to make his way in the world and seek his independence. The story is told in flashbacks as the opening scene shows the man suffering injuries from a fall during his construction job as a welder.
Calea Victoriei sau cheia visurilor
Costume Design
Attorney Constantin Lipan (Geo Barton) is tasked to investigate the case of an oil magnate, Iordan Hagi-Iordan (George Calboreanu). This will put pressure on his superiors to drop the case. Based on "Calea Victoriei" novel by Cezar Petrescu.
Твоя вина
Costume Design
В этом фильме рассказывается история молодого человека по имени Михай Брэд, который работает на промышленном предприятии. Он достигает поворотного момента в своей жизни, когда старшие наставники обсуждают его прием в Союз молодых рабочих, коммунистическую организацию. Михай вспоминает свои первые дни работы после того, как покинул деревню, мечтая о собственном доме и достойной жизни. Он начинал как неквалифицированный рабочий и каждый месяц откладывал все свои деньги. Союз молодых рабочих пытается убедить его улучшить свои навыки и стать квалифицированным рабочим, но он отказывается, говоря, что вскоре хочет вернуться в свою деревню и стать пастухом.
Celebrul 702
Costume Design