Частное детективное агентство Таунсенд, возглавляемое таинственным Чарли, открывает свои офисы по всему миру, и теперь в разных уголках земного шара команды суперпрофессиональных Ангелов под началом Босли обеспечивают покой и безопасность своим клиентам.
In the heirs, the friendship ends, as is well known - especially if the illegitimate scion of a count is to come unexpectedly to a million-fortune. In a bitter inheritance dispute, Paula Dennstein and Therese Schwarz are the lawyers of the parties to the dispute, who at eye level deliver a sophisticated exchange of blows and outdo each other in bluffing. While the idealistic career starter leaves no stone unturned to help her client to his rights, the lavish legal advocate of the noble family must prevent the family's reputation from getting under the wheels.
A comedy about relationships. A just-divorced couple, the wife's lover; a convicted criminal, his pregnant wife and his best friend; the economy minister and his secret lover; all parties are under stress in a hostage situation and surrounded by uncoordinated police troops.