David Aranovich

David Aranovich


David Aranovich


Project Baby
Follows the best friends of a married couple who are asked to work together to look after the couple's baby while planning the baby's first birthday party.
Someone Somewhere
Someone Somewhere tells five intertwining stories of hopeful but unsuccessful people in the City of dreams - Los Angeles. What happens when you realize that everything you ever wished for is something you will never have? That maybe you are just not good enough?
Living Room Coffin
In this dark comedy, a young woman has her quiet life turned upside down when she receives an empty coffin in the mail. She then sets off on a twisting journey to find out who sent it and why.
Growing Up Smith
Officer Randall
In 1979, an Indian family moves to America with hopes of living the American Dream. While their 10-year-old boy Smith falls head-over-heels for the girl next door, his desire to become a "good old boy" propels him further away from his family's ideals than ever before.
Абсолютная власть
Ernest Walton
История о молодом агенте ФБР, которому приходится работать под прикрытием, чтобы остановить белых расистов, готовящих теракт.
Office Worker
On his way to work one day, Joel is impaled through the chest by a three-foot arrow. But it doesn’t harm him. And it won’t come out. So Joel has to learn to deal – both with his newfound protrusion, and his own painful loneliness. He tries to go to work, to date women, but no one seems ready to accept his strange flaw. Little does he know, his life is about to change forever...
Четыре рождества
Влюбленная пара, Брэд и Кейт, пытаются встретить Рождество вместе со своими родителями, но дело осложняется тем, что и его, и ее родители в разводе, поэтому им нужно за один день успеть в четыре разных места…
Напряги извилины
Russian Son
Ремейк комедийного сериала 60-х годов. Неуклюжие приёмы секретного агента Максвелла Смарта, взявшегося за обезвреживание группировки «Хаос», стремящейся к власти над миром, ставят операцию под угрозу. Во избежание провала командование прикрепляет к Смарту Агента 99...
Ben David: Broken Sky
In post-apocalyptic America a ruthless and elusive warlord named Golhardt rises up to seize vast regions of land for himself and attempts to re-write history. Now the only hope for the remnants of society is Ben David, a lonely Zen warrior who is forced to put his peaceful ways aside to battle Golhardt.
The Road to Empire
A young couple's road trip vacation turns into a perilous search for the truth when the wife grows suspicious of her duplicitous husband -- and an explosive mystery with far-reaching consequences begins to unravel...