Art Direction
Art Direction
Alicia is a 42-year-old-woman whose grief has caused her estrangement from society. Her world is turned upside down when 14-year-old Chief, a young boy who looks after people’s cars, stumbles into her house, bleeding.
Production Design
Фильм основан на романе Флоренции Этчевеш «Корнелия», в котором пойдет о учителе из престижной школы в Буэнос-Айресе совершает поездку с пятью ее учениками, но возвращается только с четырьмя, потому что один из них таинственно исчезает.
Art Direction
Архитектор и его коллеги скрывают обстоятельства пропажи человека.
Art Direction
Leo is the wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time. After taping a murder and keeping the evidence he runs away to stay alive and, in order to survive, he has to cover up himself. Under a new identity he will become an orthodox Hasidic Jew. A french ruthless killer, Duges and his associates López and Harken will hunt Leo. Their nonstop chase has only one exhilarating speed: all- out. Time is running out and his enemies are getting closer. Now Leo a ragtag bunch of misfits will face the biggest challenge of their lives.
Art Direction
Seven years after their first infatuated encounter, Abril and Manuel meet again. Despite the fact that they are both married, it is soon apparent that their attraction has only grown.
Art Direction
Charly was abandoned right after birth in a convent. He is not aware of who the couple who are about to arrive and dine at the inn, actually are. Karla is about to show up with a dead man and one hundred dollars in the trunk of her car.
Art Direction
В центре повествования — путешествие американского студента, отправившегося за вдохновением в Уругвай. Он хочет написать биографию известного латиноамериканского поэта, а для этого — вынужден общаться с родственниками умершего уже гения.
Art Direction
Джулия Сарате обыкновенная студентка, простого аргентинского колледжа. Встречалась с парнем. А тот встречался с другим парнем. Кто кого не поделил, понять сложно, но это и не важно. В итоге женская тюрьма, отделение для женщин с детьми. Поскольку Джулия по ходу дела оказалась беременна.
Making of documentary
Art Direction
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.
Art Direction
The life of two women and their families in a small provincial town of Salta, Argentina.
Production Design
Living with his parents, 17-year-old Juan hangs out with several intellectuals who would like to photograph the human soul. The girlfriend of the group's financier is Ana, and Juan is attracted to her, despite the knowledge that she spent two years at a clinic because she was "crazy." Juan sees Ana when he can and trains as a door-to-door salesman, but when the German photographer on the soul project gives him a viewfinder, it changes his life, putting him on the path to his later success as a Hollywood director.
Art Direction
Ирен – молодая американка, проживающая в Чили времен диктаторства Пиночета, работает редактором в журнале. Однажды к ней на работу устраивается фотограф Франциско, который через короткое время становится ее любовником. Завоевав доверие Ирен, Франциско сообщает ей, что является членом тайной политической группировки, которая борется с политическим режимом их страны. Это признание заставляет Ирен по-другому взглянуть на жизнь и осознать весь ужас событий, происходящих в Чили.
Costume Design
A biopic based on the life of one of the pioneer argentine rock stars 'Tanguito'. The movie tells the story of his rise and fall from grace, encompassed in violent times of a military regime.
Set Decoration
In a city in South America an outbreak of bubonic plague occurs. While people try to flee and the military close the city, an idealistic doctor decides to stay and help the sick. In the ever-changing circumstances, he puts up a brave fight, being helped by others but also involving them without being able to control the situation.
Production Design
When a marriage separates, a teenage girl chooses to move in with her father.
Art Direction
When a marriage separates, a teenage girl chooses to move in with her father.