Новая киноверсия легендарного сериала 60-ых годов "Ставка больше, чем жизнь". Ганс Клосс возвращается, чтобы выяснить одну самых больших тайн Второй мировой войны. Новые приключения агента J-23 разыгрываются как во время войны, так и несколько десятилетий после её окончания. Кёнигсберг, 1945 год. Ганс Клосс нападает на след сокровища, похищенного нацистами. В интриге замешан, конечно, старый знакомый Клосса Герман Брюннер...
Adam (Michał Kowalski) – a yacht designer is a workaholic neglecting his family. Now he has to face one of the most important decisions in his life. Does the affection from his childhood, a reminiscence of taking part in the Sea Fishermen Pilgrimage will give him strength to fight for make an order along his private matters? Film is based on a short story by Wojciech Paweł Kowalewski "Usual Sunday" and refers to Third Commandment - as a part of film cycle produced within the project „Dekalog89+”. Bartosz Paduch is one of the ten young directors which has taken the challenge of making new film on the Decalogue Commandment's impact for young generations, due to the project made on 20th anniversary of launching the famous "Decalogue" by Krzysztof Kieślowski.