Mika Nakamura


Не касаясь друг друга
В первый же день работы на новом месте Шима сталкивается в лифте с нетрезвым мужчиной. Как позже выяснилось, этот мужчина не кто иной, как его новый начальник Тогава. Несмотря на то, что Тогава выглядит весьма развязным и грубым, Шима замечает, что под этой мерзкой внешней оболочкой притаилось доброе, заботливое сердце. У каждого из них за плечами тяжелое прошлое, с которым они пытаются бороться. Тогаве удается преодолеть прежние страхи, и он признаётся в своих чувствах Шиме, но тот не спешит ответить ему взаимностью...Но почему? Что же ему мешает?
Takumi-kun Series: That, Sunny Blue Sky
It's June of their third year of high school, and Takumi has an important anniversary to attend back in his hometown. He wants to invite Gii along for the trip, but time and scheduling and possibly broken promises stand in the way.
Takumi-kun Series: Pure
Unlike the three previous films, Pure focuses on the relationship between Misu Arata and Shingyouji Kanemitsu , which begins when Shingyouji takes the test to enter Shidou Gakuen . That's when he meets Misu and falls for him. Then we come back to the present where the sempai who admires Misu appears, bringing Shingyouji problems and jealousy.
Takumi-kun Series: Details of Beauty
Another school year is starting. Upon meeting up with Gii, Takumi is worried when it turns out Gii has changed, suddenly acting cold and distant. Could their relationship be in danger for real this time?
I Give My First Love to You
As a child Takuma is diagnosed with a heart condition that requires care from a cardiologist. He soon becomes friends with his doctors young daughter Mayu while being treated at the hospital. One day Mayu overhears her father saying that Takumas condition is serious enough that he most likely wont live beyond the age of 20. Takuma isn't aware of this himself, however, so at 8-years-old he makes a promise to marry Mayu when they turn 20. Later in life, Takuma becomes aware that he wont be able to keep this promise and he begins distancing himself from Mayu in hopes of protecting her.
The Burning
Hinako Okuda
Minako is diagnosed with a brain tumor and doesn't have long to live. She wants to see her twin sister once again, but there are consequences. The twins bring out the worst in each other. Together, they are psycho-pyromaniacs and can be very destructive. There's a reason why they've been separated for 13 years, to protect themselves and those around them. Now, they'll be together again.