Louise Breckon-Richards

Louise Breckon-Richards


Louise Breckon-Richards


Time Will Tell
Rebellious teenager Kim Temple (Louisa Connolly-Burnham) has a strange affliction that makes her feel very insecure: stressful situations cause her to lose consciousness.
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Tom's Maid
Англия, 1645 год. Близится к концу кровопролитная Гражданская война. Одержав победу над войсками тирана Карла I, великие полководцы Фейрфакс и Кромвель намерены восстановить из пепла разрушенную страну и вернуть народу долгожданный мир. Но когда стихает грохот пушек, за дело берется политика, вбивая клин отчуждения между верными друзьями. Решительный лорд Кромвель хочет казнить короля, но дипломатичный Томас Фейрфакс, над которым довлеет его властная жена-монархистка, предпочитает сделку с парламентом. Не рассчитывая на помощь Фейрфакса, Кромвель решает в одиночку вершить судьбу своего государства…
Славные люди
In London, during October 1993, England is playing Holland in the preliminaries of the World Cup. The Bosnian War is at its height, and refugees from the ex-Yugoslavia are arriving. Football rivals, and political adversaries from the Balkans all precipitate conflict and amusing situations. Meanwhile, the lives of four English families are affected in different ways by encounter with the refugees.
Harpur and Iles: Protection
WDC Wendy James
Underworld boss Bernie 'Tenderness' Mellick is certainly paying a heavy price for maiming Ivor Wright in a firebombing. For Wright's men have now kidnapped his eleven-year-old son Graham. Senior Detective Chief Superintendent Colin Harpur and his brilliant, amoral superior ACC Desmond Iles must rescue the boy from the kidnappers before Tenderness takes his revenge in this adaptation of Bill James' novel Protection.
Four O'Clock Flowers
In the aftermath of a violent knife crime, two mothers must face their feelings of loss, guilt and revenge.